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ABC last night: "40% of NBA players have been accused, convicted of a serious crime."

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The NBA is so thug ridden - it's ridiculous. Don't put this in the NBA thread because it doesn't have to do with the actual sport - just how the players that make it up are friggin criminals.

Anyone see this on TV last night? Highlighted was Ruben Patterson (which I could have told you back when he was with UC) - how he sexually assaulted his kids nanny and got like 15 days house arrest. Then he got a new multimillion dollar contract a few days later. Then a month later a 911 call comes in and his wife is getting choked and beaten - alegedly for several years - but the charges were dropped. It was funny how an NBA official was getting owned by the reporter, eventually he just said 'what can I do?'. LOL.

The NBA is a bunch of hip hop gansta thugs that need to be dealt with. This is why the NBA has hit the shitter the past few years. And hey don't worry - whether Kobe did it or not - he'll get off - they talked with a lawyer who has defended players in the past and how much easier it is to completely tear down the character of the accuser until they either drop the charges or goto court and lose.


40% of the 122 players (out of 400 plus in the league) he found records on. Fuzzy math at its finest...




They didn't have their records sealed. Those jurisdictions just don't release people's files without their permission. The fact remains that less than 50 guys in the league (of 400 plus) have had documented "serious" brushes with the law. Guess what, that's probably about the same rate for the entire population.

The author can spin it anyway he likes but that's the facts...


Drunky McMurder
Yeah - the others got their records sealed buddy. It's probably higher.

Or maybe, just maybe, the others don't have criminal records.

Nah, couldn't be.

Granted, the 10% or so of all players that this amounts to is quite high in itself, but it is nowhere near the number you claimed in the thread title.


You do know the guy who wote this book rates being caught with weed as a "serious" crime, right? lol
i saw that special purely by chance... it was the typical laughable skewed sensationalist journalism "reporting" style... kind of like those reports on VIOLENT VIDEOGAMES and VIOLENT MUSIC and other things that are cool to rail on at the time...
"Cloudy - this from a guy with a Kobe icon."

UFC: Ad hominem. Sign of a man who realized he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.


Cloudy - this from a guy with a Kobe icon.

Yes, my avatar is a guy who is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Is there something wrong with that?

Why not respond to my latest posts instead?


Drunky McMurder
First of all, gotta love the google ads--"I support Kobe Bryant" and "Kobe Bryant Autograph"

Second, if this guy counts marijuana possession as a serious crime, I take back my prior statement. 40% sounds far too low :p

edit: Finally, I just have to get this off my chest. I don't have to presume that Kobe is innocent. I can presume he is guilty, and I do. In presuming he's innocent, I would have to say that I believe the accuser is lying. I don't lean towards that side. The courts have to assume he's innocent. I can say he's guilty until I'm blue in the face, as long as I'm not on the jury or wearing the judge's robe, I'm allowed to do that. The presumption of innocence has nothing to do with anything besides his trial. The jury has to go in assuming he is innocent and be proven the other way, the general public doesn't.


Archaix said:
First of all, gotta love the google ads--"I support Kobe Bryant" and "Kobe Bryant Autograph"

Second, if this guy counts marijuana possession as a serious crime, I take back my prior statement. 40% sounds far too low :p
Yeah, seems like they're not getting their freak on in reality.. wtf is wrong with them?


keep your strippers out of my American football
NBA does not have any more thugs than any other sport. Actually the percentage, 50 out of 400 is about right for any profession. Sounds like spotty sensationalist journalism that is meant to get the reaction that the author of this thread expressed.

"The NBA is a bunch of hip hop gansta thugs that need to be dealt with. This is why the NBA has hit the shitter the past few years."

Of yeah? That is why the rating for the playoffs this year were the highest in 8 years? Is that why even during a recession the number of fans going to arenas was up this year? Because the NBA is going down the shitter? Please. Actually watch something that you plan on criticizing. Ruben Patterson is a jerk and a loser. There is no denying that. But for every Ruben, there are about 8 good guys in the league. If you don't like the NBA don't try to use this example of shotty journalism as an attack on it.


Dude, all you have to do is look at the league and see how many thugs there are.
Highest in 8 years - when the past 8 years were shit. Baseball and football completely dominate them. Even Shaq admitted the NBA's ratings are crap. Oh and feel free to show me these numbers you speak of - all I hear is the finals numbers were up. And it was 50 out of 122, not 400 buddy.


Tre said:

Yeah that's what pisses me off the most. The next step is to say that a sport dominated by blacks is a sport dominated by criminals. Pathetic....


Basbeall attendance and ratings are higher than those in basketball... in America at least. This is why baseball is America's past time and Basketball is nobody's past time.


It has nothing to do with color - there's been a lot of black players in the league since forever. I didn't see Jordan trying to make rap CD's or getting charged with weapon possession. Detroit Pistons bad boys were bad boys on the court - I didn't see Joe Dumars going out and beating his wife like Jason Kidd. I didn't see Charles Barkley or Patrick Ewing being charged with rape. Funny thing is - the biggest news 10 years ago was Charles Barkley saying 'He isn't a role model' and letting his loud mouth yap. That was the biggest offense. Now players are 'rolin deep in bling' or whatever the pop culture flavor of the month is - raping chicks, beating chicks, smoking dope, and packin heat. Yeah that makes you a man. And you have an idiot fan base who says 'He didn't do it!!!111!!!' without knowing a damn fact about the person.

The NBA old guard was class - the NBA now is just ass. WE need more Reggie Millers, Duncans, Robinsons, etc instead of these thug little bitches who beat up on their women and talk a lot of shit.


UFC is Bill Cosby in disguise... I too prefer the old NBA, I loved it more than baseball back then. :( Now I HATE basketball and love baseball with passion.


No - but it shows how stupid some of these idiots are. 'Hey I'm a real thug, I wear my pants low, here let me make a rap CD'. I beat my girl, argue with my teammates and coach in the media, make millions, and have a stupid blind fanbase to back me up no matter what I do because I can put a ball in a basket.

America the beautiful.
It's not 50 of 400 and it's not 50 of 122, you dolts. We don't have a truly representitive sample, because the person who wrote the book did a piss poor job. The sample is completely tainted and little, if any value can come from it.

Inclusion of marijuana would make it even more irrelevent.

All we know is that 10% or more of the nba population has commited an offense of equal or greater severity to marijuana use, from this study. You cannot extrapolate the 50/122 to the entire nba population given the conditions through which the sample was obtained. The issue is "more". We have no idea how much more.


I didn't see Jordan trying to make rap CD's

Since when is rap is a crime? lol I bet you're one of those folks who hate the NBA now cos there are few great white players. That's why the college game is soooo much better, isn't it? How come no other pro sport has idiots saying the amateurs are better? Maybe it's cos no other pro sport is dominated by blacks? Hmm...


Junior Member
No - but it shows how stupid some of these idiots are. 'Hey I'm a real thug, I wear my pants low, here let me make a rap CD'. I beat my girl, argue with my teammates and coach in the media, make millions, and have a stupid blind fanbase to back me up no matter what I do because I can put a ball in a basket.

America the beautiful.

Hahahaha. You are a comedian.


Dude, I just said there's always been blacks in the league. Don't try to play some gay ass Al Sharpton race card. My two favorite sports figures of all time are Jordan and Ali. Yeah, I have problems with CERTAIN blacks in the league who beat their wifes, whine all the time in the media, and get charged with crimes - yeah. It gives guys who actually represent the league well a bad name. Why isn't Duncan going out and beating his wife eh? Stop protecting idiots.


When theres' only a few hundred more NBAers to "check", it makes you wonder how he came about his sample. Probably included all the players he knew had records, threw in Kobe and the Trailblazers' roster from the past 5 years and ta-da! the 40% number.

But hey if it's the NBAs turn to be poked and prodded by a sensationalist yet clueless media allow me to speak for the NHL when I say "sucks, doesn't it".


Why, I'm an idiot because I hate players who abuse their power, and commit crimes and get a slap on the wrist. Well I guess I'm an idiot then.


Tre said:
There are no smileys powerful enough to convey the hilarity of these posts.

Here's one
Its a sport with shooting and Stealing what did you expect .


no really when young kids get alot of money this sort of shit is bound to happen. Next Gen of NBA players are gonna be even worse....its just the direction our culture is heading.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Cloudy said:
That's why the college game is soooo much better, isn't it?
Actually that would be because of the team parity, playing style, lack of egos, and March Madness.

You're using the race card faster than Louis Farrakhan.


fenekku-gitsune said:
Actually that would be because of the team parity, playing style, lack of egos, and March Madness.

You're using the race card faster than Louis Farrakhan.

What Parity? The big name schools get all the best recruits and are always in contention in March. Playing style? WTF do you mean by that? No egos? Everyone has an ego. That doesn't affect the quality of play at all. The player is either good and deserves to have a huge ego or he sucks and is a joke. Now tell me exactly how college ball is better than NBA ball? The only credible reason people seem to give is that they like the players better. Why? Hmm...

And why isn't NCAA football better than the NFL and so on? Hmm...


Oh come on, I like college bball no better than the pro game, but there's MANY good reasons for ppl to prefer it to the NBA that have nothing to do with what you're implying. The NCAA does have the flat-out best yearly tournament in sports for one. Even ppl like me who don't like bball appreciate the excitment of a single elimination tournament format like that.


Even ppl like me who don't like bball

I'm not really talking about folks like you though. I mean folks who follow hoops a lot and still claim that the "amateurs" are better than the "pros". Then again, maybe more casuals would enjoy watching the pros if it 'looked" more like college ball :p
Why, I'm an idiot because I hate players who abuse their power, and commit crimes and get a slap on the wrist. Well I guess I'm an idiot then.

No, you're an idiot because you try and justify a set of beliefs with a statistic, and vehemently defend this belief, despite the fact that you clearly do not know anything about statistics, how they're properly applied or how to interpret them.

It doesn't help that your other posts are filled to the brim with fucking retarded rhetoric.

"Why, I'm an idiot because I hate players who abuse their power, and commit crimes and get a slap on the wrist. Well I guess I'm an idiot then."

What the fuck is that? Were you writing that thinking, fuck, UFC_PRIDE, you really outdid yourself this time! Look at it. Look at the fucking statement. This is UFC_PRIDE trying to be clever. Don't question why people think you're an idiot. You're too stupid to recognize why you are one.


NCAA b-ball is much better than the NBA. The style of play is better - the excitement - its not one guy gunning the whole f'n game - they actually do RUN plays. I'll let the ratings and attendence speak for themselves - here in Kentucky both UL and UK draw more than any team in the NBA. Food for thought.


Watching black people gang up on someone for "racism" is hilarious. Wheres my popcorn?


The stats don't lie MC - your wrong. Just face the fact that NBA is a bunch of thugs - other sports kick its ass - and get over it. MJ is gone for good - NBA is dead.
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