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ABC News/WaPo Poll: 6 months in, record low job approval for Trump(36-58)


Approaching six months in office, Trump’s overall approval rating has dropped to 36 percent from 42 percent in April. His disapproval rating has risen five points to 58 percent. Overall, 48 percent say they “disapprove strongly” of Trump’s performance in office, a level never reached by former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and reached only in the second term of George W. Bush in Post-ABC polling.

Almost half of all Americans (48 percent) see the country’s leadership in the world as weaker since Trump was inaugurated, compared with 27 percent who say it is stronger. Despite the fact that Trump campaigned as someone skilled at making deals that would be good for the country, majorities also say they do not trust him in negotiations with foreign leaders and in particular Russian President Vladimir Putin.


The previous president closest to this level at or near six months was Gerald Ford, at 39 percent, in February 1975


More information in the linked articles.


The response:



Unconfirmed Member
Fake news! An anonymous source tells me that 40% isn't even that bad

Edit: OP found my anonymous source! :O


Trump continues to live in his own reality. "Not bad for this time". Lol not in this reality. It's just sad so many people have opted to join him in his delusions.
ABC/WaPo had Clinton +3 the day before the election. Missed by less than the number of significant digits they even report the poll in.

And she won by two. Epic fail?

I was mocking Trump, not the pollster. Judging by the barrage of comments underneath, I guess I wasn't clear enough here. Edited for more obvious mockery.
We in an election? Or we trying to say that once something is wrong it can never be right?
No, he's saying that the ABC/WaPo poll was actually pretty accurate during the election (Hillary won the popular vote, after all), contrary to what Trump wants people to believe.


The guy either makes an excuse or blames somebody else. Never takes responsibility for his own actions ever. Can't fathom how anybody can be in this guy's corner


Considering his approval rate has been around the same but with Gallup and others showing serious declines among working class, seniors, and military demographics, Trump must be consolidating his support somewhere else. Religious fundamentalists? That would explain why his team has been doing press releases with CBN recently.


The guy either makes an excuse or blames somebody else. Never takes responsibility for his own actions ever. Can't fathom how anybody can be in this guy's corner

That's the conservative dogma. Never take responsibility and be as lazy as possible while projecting the opposite.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I can't wait for the Trump tweet when he hits 30%: 1 in 4 American's loves what I'm doing for the country!
That's the conservative dogma. Never take responsibility and be as lazy as possible while projecting the opposite.

That's not just conservatives. Most politicians are quick to point the finger at someone else before themselves. Of course Trunp is notorious for almost never admitting mistakes. That's more so him though.
I'm honestly surprised that he doesnt ignore democrat/independent parts of the polls and only acknowledge his 80% approvals among republicans.


That's not just conservatives. Most politicians are quick to point the finger at someone else before themselves. Of course Trunp is notorious for almost never admitting mistakes. That's more so him though.

Orange turd prides himself in saying he is not a politician and so do his supporters. He is just an extremist conservative buffoon.


Considering his approval rate has been around the same but with Gallup and others showing serious declines among working class, seniors, and military demographics, Trump must be consolidating his support somewhere else. Religious fundamentalists? That would explain why his team has been doing press releases with CBN recently.

Yeah there was also that laying on of hands picture pushing the it's us vs them persecution narrative.


That's his base. Sadly probably won't go lower then that unless something really dire happens.

Can't get reelected with 36% though so thats good.


Trump's Approval Stands at 50 Percent in the Counties That Fueled His Win


The poll's sample was taken from 439 counties in 16 states — Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin — that either flipped from Barack Obama to Trump, or where Trump greatly outpaced Mitt Romney's performance in 2012.

But there's a significant difference in Trump's approval rating in the these two kinds of Trump counties.

In the Trump "surge counties" (for example: Carbon, Pa., where Trump won 65 percent to 31 percent, versus Romney's 53-45 percent margin) — 56 percent of residents approve of the president's job performance.

Trump beat Hillary Clinton in these "surge" areas nationwide by a combined 65 percent-to-29 percent margin in 2016.

But in the "flip counties" (for example: Luzerne, Pa., where Obama won 52 percent to 47 percent, compared to Trump's 58-39 margin), Trump's job rating stands at just 44 percent.

Trump won these "flip" areas overall in 2016, 51 percent to 43 percent.

Two reads: the electoral college will still fuck over the Democrats in 2020. But Democratic voters are coming home if the party nominates a competent candidate.


as long as this is true 2018 is still looking bad:


You got similar polls for the GOP during the Obama years and it worked because their base really, truly did hate Obama's guts and came out in midterms to vote against his message.

Will the Democratic base show up even if they hate Trump? That's the question.
it didn't work last year. we know the right will turn out to vote no matter what, if the left doesn't think there's anything worth voting for and not just against they won't show up.

Except it did work last year. Changing course vs more of the same did help Trump. Voters hold the Presidency as the party "in charge" of Washington.
it didn't work last year. we know the right will turn out to vote no matter what, if the left doesn't think there's anything worth voting for and not just against they won't show up.
The dynamic is pretty different in presidential election years. In mid-terms you can do all right running as a check on the person in office. Honestly, it seems like it could be tough for the dems to shake up their image to stand "for" something when they have no power in congress to push forward their own legislation. The only power they have is to push back against Trump and republicans.


The dynamic is pretty different in presidential election years. In mid-terms you can do all right running as a check on the person in office. Honestly, it seems like it could be tough for the dems to shake up their image to stand "for" something when they have no power in congress to push forward their own legislation. The only power they have is to push back against Trump and republicans.

they could run on single payer (and be talking about it right now), but the party seems to be fundamentally against actual leftist policies.

the republicans had no issue being "for" something when they were out of power. what hurts them now is that the thing they were for doesn't seem to be possible for their coalition.


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You got similar polls for the GOP during the Obama years and it worked because their base really, truly did hate Obama's guts and came out in midterms to vote against his message.

Will the Democratic base show up even if they hate Trump? That's the question.

Republicans are much, much better at getting people frothing-at-the-mouth angry about issues that don't affect them directly.

Hillary Clinton was unable to challenge disgust with Trump into political action, and Democrats will fail just as miserably unless they can explain why a Republican congress will make the lives of voters immediately more miserable.
And Trump just rounded up 36% to "almost 40%", the dumb fuck!

He knows the poll numbers are accurate, or close to it, and it's eating him alive inside. Just like how he now touts the economic numbers that were fake under Obama but real now. How must it feel to him that the only real thing he can cling to he inherited from the President he spent 8 years demeaning.
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