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ABC station in Detroit pulls Jimmy Kimmel show for joking about riots

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I saw that being covered on PTI. It was really not that big of a deal. I think Detroit forget that Kimmel is a comedian. (And by definition for you Kimmel haters)

Justin Bailey

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Detroit really blows. It always looks like it's about to rain because of all the smog. Hopefully Kimmel continues to make fun of them.


Drunky McMurder
Where the fuck does he get off insinuating that Detroit citizens would ever do anything violent!

Hm? One of the most violent cities in the nation? Perenial contender for most murders per capital in the USA? You don't say.

Justin Bailey

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Kimmel issued a written statement Wednesday afternoon to address the furor. “What I said about Pistons fans during halftime last night was a joke, nothing more,” Kimmel wrote. “If it offended anyone, I am sorry. “Clearly, over the past 10 years, we in L.A. have taken a commanding lead in postgame riots. If the Lakers win, I plan to overturn my own car.”



Junior Member
Justin Bailey said:
Detroit really blows. It always looks like it's about to rain because of all the smog. Hopefully Kimmel continues to make fun of them.

Agreed 100%. This is just fuel for the fire.


Nevew watched his show before. Live in Detroit all 19 years of my life. I don't want to hear some Tired (oooold) unfunny joke on the city. Be fucking original everyne aroud the country (and northern MI) shits on Detroit for some reason all the time so it's no big deal. Should he have been pulled? Doesn't matter to me(don't think he's funny). Though it is funny that while trying to be cute and clever with a 20 year old joke he alienated a top 10 market and got snatched. REAL SMART douche.


Odoul said:
Nevew watched his show before. Live in Detroit all 19 years of my life. I don't want to hear some Tired (oooold) unfunny joke on the city. Be fucking original everyne aroud the country (and northern MI) shits on Detroit for some reason all the time so it's no big deal. Should he have been pulled? Doesn't matter to me(don't think he's funny). Though it is funny that while trying to be cute and clever with a 20 year old joke he alienated a top 10 market and got snatched. REAL SMART douche.

What? You've never watched the show but it's not funny?


Many folks here are going crazy over the comments and I think they're insane. The guy is a comedian and they say shit about everyone. Good grief, the PC-ness in this country is getting fukkin ridiculous...


I didn't think the Triumph skit in Quebec was funny. It was very awkward since they had no idea what he was saying.


while he didnt say anything really horrible...it gets annoying when people constanly make reference to some shit that happened 20 years ago. its the channel's right to take him off if they want and its not like a big loss or anything.


If he would've tried this stunt on his show I wouldn't care( hell I wouldn't even know). People that tune into his show know to expect assholish sarcastic humor. Don't spew that crap during a nationally televised event where over half the damn region is trying to enjoy themselves. I know Detroit has a bad reputation, I don't need some talentless gump trying to be cute while I'm watching a game. It's like making a SARS crack during a Raptors game, a Mormon joke while the jazz are on, or a 9/11 rip with the Knicks. He can say anything he wants, but there's a time and place and that wasn't it. He made a joke. ABC ran the risk of alienating a top 10 market over a small potatoes stupid decision. Boo hoo.


Jimmy Kimmel wasn't funny on what I saw of the Mans Show. Jimmy Kimmel wasn't funny during the halftime show. Jimmy Kimmel wasn't funny on the Fox NFL show. I think I can conclude that TO ME the Jimmy Kimmel show PROBABLY isn't funny.


I grew outside of Detroit and though it was in poor taste, but I don't think it was worth pulling his show. Race relations in the city and its surrounding suburbs have gotten better, but they are still tenuous. The Pistons' run to the finals is great for the city, and having some dumbass comedian bring up ugly problems from the past is unnecessary.

"He can say anything he wants, but there's a time and place and that wasn't it"----

^^That pretty much sums it up.
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