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Abu Ghraib Prison Break: 500+ detainees & Senior Al-Qaeda members escape

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Started off as terrible rumors... sadly they are true.

There is a lot here to read, and a lot of fairly important info as well.

BAGHDAD/MOSUL, Iraq, July 22 (Reuters) - Hundreds of convicts, including senior members of al Qaeda, broke out of Iraq's Abu Ghraib jail as comrades launched a military-style assault to free them, authorities said on Monday.

The deadly raid on the high-security jail happened as Sunni Muslim militants are gaining momentum in their insurgency against the Shi'ite-led government that came to power after the U.S. invasion to oust Saddam Hussein.

Suicide bombers drove cars packed with explosives to the gates of the prison on the outskirts of Baghdad on Sunday night and blasted their way into the compound, while gunmen attacked guards with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.

Other militants took up positions near the main road, fighting off security reinforcements sent from Baghdad as several militants wearing suicide vests entered the prison on foot to help free the inmates.

Ten policemen and four militants were killed in the ensuing clashes, which continued until Monday morning, when military helicopters arrived, helping to regain control.

By that time, hundreds of inmates had succeeded in fleeing Abu Ghraib, the prison made notorious a decade ago by photographs showing abuse of prisoners by U.S. soldiers.

"The number of escaped inmates has reached 500, most of them were convicted senior members of al Qaeda and had received death sentences," Hakim Al-Zamili, a senior member of the security and defence committee in parliament, told Reuters.

"The security forces arrested some of them, but the rest are still free."

One security official told Reuters on condition of anonymity: "It's obviously a terrorist attack carried out by al Qaeda to free convicted terrorists with al Qaeda."

A simultaneous attack on another prison, in Taji, around 20 km (12 miles) north of Baghdad, followed a similar pattern, but guards managed to prevent any inmates escaping. Sixteen soldiers and six militants were killed.


Sunni insurgents, including the al Qaeda-affiliated Islamic State of Iraq, have been regaining strength in recent months and striking on an almost daily basis against Shi'ite Muslims and security forces amongst other targets.

The violence has raised fears of a return to full-blown conflict in a country where Kurds, Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims have yet to find a stable way of sharing power.

Recent attacks have targeted mosques, amateur football matches, shopping areas and cafes where people gather to socialise after breaking their daily fast for the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.

Relations between Islam's two main denominations have been put under further strain from the civil war in Syria, which has drawn in Shi'ite and Sunni fighters from Iraq and beyond to fight against each other.

In the city of Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, a suicide bomber detonated a vehicle packed with explosives behind a military convoy in the eastern Kokchali district, killing at least 22 soldiers and three passers-by, police said.

Following the attack, leaflets were found near mosques in Mosul signed by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which was formed earlier this year through a merger between Syrian and Iraqi affiliates of al Qaeda.

"After receiving information from our precious nation's sons about the arrival of a convoy of the Safavid Raafidi Army... the lions of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have confronted them," read the leaflets, using derogatory terms to refer to Shi'ites.

Four other policemen, were killed in a separate attack in western Mosul, Iraq's third-largest city and capital of the Sunni-dominated Nineveh province.

Nearly 600 people have been killed in militant attacks across Iraq so far this month, according to violence monitoring group Iraq Body Count.

That is still well below the height of bloodletting in 2006-07, when the monthly death toll sometimes exceeded 3,000. (Additional reporting by Ahmed Rasheed and Suadad al-Salhy in Baghdad; Writing by Isabel Coles; Editing by Robin Pomeroy and David Evans)

Sorry once again for basically "highlighting" the whole article, but it's a lot of info that is necessary for the article.

Bad news indeed.


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
I'm sure they will be thankful to the people that helped to rehabilitate them.


Wow... using suicide bombers as a weapon to break into jail

"Your job is to strap these explosives on you, drive as fast as you can to the wall, and detonate yourself to help us break a hole."
"Alright sir!"



Don't worry guys, I'm on it.


Must have been an enormous amount of insurgents. I mean, most prisons are built like fortresses. You'd have to blast your way in and essentially take over large parts of the prison as you worked people out of cells and covered their escape. I don't even know how they could get bomb-cars close enough to be effective, considering that most serious installations in places like this have the whole barricade-maze in front of them to protect against driving straight up to the front door.

over/under on first politician saying "this is why we should've never left!"
More like, "Lets take over Cuba because we need more room at Guantanamo"


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Seems like it would be tough to guard againast a full scale military attack with several explosive cars being rammed into the prison, mortars and the whole shebang,

Road Blocks and vehicle deterrents are usually standard protocol for a high security place like this. Even if they blew up the front gate it should be setup so that anyone that comes through that area gets shot easily.


Fuck! My brother works in Baghdad, he's here now but is going back soon. Hopefully they find or kill the majority of these scumbags.


Now watch the increasement of suicide bombings (on top of the ongoing ones) happening mostly in what is now Shia-focused areas and of course in Sunni-focused areas with Sunnis who want fuck to do with these guys.


Fuck! My brother works in Baghdad, he's here now but is going back soon. Hopefully they find or kill the majority of these scumbags.
If the govt. was even the slightest bit competent they'd have put much heavier protection in that prison but then if they knew what the fuck they were doing from the beginning they would have heavily guarded the Syrian border since years ago. Most of these guys should be shot on sight unless the nation want to have more limbs lying around in the coming months.


Why the hell isn't this being covered by news websites?
Most of the worldwide media forgot about Iraq when U.S pulled out most of its soldiers and personnel from there, at least this is how it always looked like to me. Not that it makes any difference anyway.
Mass prisoner escapes are not uncommon in Iraq or Afghanistan, and that's only mentioning the ones we hear about. 90 escaped from one prison last year alone in Iraq, and hundreds the previous year in Afghanistan; that's just two instances I've mentioned.
Road Blocks and vehicle deterrents are usually standard protocol for a high security place like this. Even if they blew up the front gate it should be setup so that anyone that comes through that area gets shot easily.

they must be lacking in every area then. not surprising since the ISF weren't trained all that well and/or lack the resources to properly guard these places.


Mass prisoner escapes are not uncommon in Iraq or Afghanistan, and that's only mentioning the ones we hear about. 90 escaped from one prison last year alone in Iraq, and hundreds the previous year in Afghanistan; that's just two instances I've mentioned.

One was even caused by UK forces smashing down the walls with tanks to retrieve an undercover soldier who'd been arrested.

Why the hell isn't this being covered by news websites?

Did any white people die?


Unconfirmed Member
so im assuming more drones are gonna be sent over there now.

the never ending war!
Fixed for accuracy.

See guys this is why we can't close Gitmo. Let's lock these scumbags up, throw away the key, and never press charges on them!


Did you come into the thread, say "uh oh", then stop and think "wait 500 is actually quite a bit... ddaaammnnn" like I did? No? Fine then.
Suicide bombers drove cars packed with explosives to the gates of the prison on the outskirts of Baghdad on Sunday night and blasted their way into the compound, while gunmen attacked guards with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades.

Holy shit.


From what I have read the operation on Taji prison was also a success.

Did Mosul's baadosh prison also fall as I saw someone on twitter say they happened as well.

I think the biggest thing about this is the ISIS have basically planned and executed a plan to near perfection in one day said to Maliki that his forces cant stop them.


What's funny is guys like Dick Cheney who say that if they had the chance, they'd do it again.

Do these guys realize they exported terrorism to Iraq? Now instead of a barking (though powerless) dictator, there's a corrupted regime and rampant terrorism. It has become a regional hotbed for terrorists.

Guys like Cheney should really be tried and deserve to spend what's left of their life in jail. And not even because of that useless war, but because of all the harm they inflicted on their own country.
From what I have read the operation on Taji prison was also a success.

Did Mosul's baadosh prison also fall as I saw someone on twitter say they happened as well.

I think the biggest thing about this is the ISIS have basically planned and executed a plan to near perfection in one day said to Maliki that his forces cant stop them.

Is it a failure on their part? Yes, but it's not easy fighting people that will blow themselves up just to kill others.


The tweets of ex-inmate of Abughraib @alzobaie shed some light on the abuse in AbuGhraib prison. Some of the torture and abuse, he describes include

Forceful plucking of nails of hands and feet.
Being forced to kiss or prostrate to pictures of Khomeini, Sadr and Baqir al Hakim.
Being forced to swear at Companions of Prophet(saws) and his wive.(ra).
Being forced to drink boiling water in summer.
Additional punishments for those who have Sunni names like AbuBakr, Umar e.t.c
Being beaten with rods, sticks to the point of breaking of bones.
Even being forced to drink the urine of guards.
Women and men were being sexually assaulted repeatedly.


We are a group of prisoners, more than 7000 prisoners in Al-Taji Prison, we hereby demand that everyone who has a heart hear us. We call for Dr. Abdulmalik Al-Saadi, Dr.Rafi Al-Rifaii, and all our religious men,the heads of our tribes,some of the parliamenet members who can help us. We also want to send this appeal to our brothers, the demonstrators everywhere in Iraq,the Iraqi,Arabic and international human rights committees.

We are in a great need of your help before it’s too late, we are your brothers in Al-Taji Prison, facing a terrible sectarian extermination campaign against the prisoners. We are facing torture, humiliation for us and our religious sacred symbols. After the prison guards insulted the religious symbols, they also started to throw our holy books in the dumpsters.

They beat us every day after taking all our clothes off in this cold weather, and assault us many times, insult us, our families, and our heads of tribes, saying ( where’s your demonstrators to save you now?).

Our suffering is increasing day after day, the guards are becoming more violent too, we just can’t stand any much longer ,there’s no way out of this bloody campaign, they search us using provocative humiliating ways, such things embarrass us and we cannot describe what are facing every day in details, it’s really shameful and disgraceful.

A Group of Prisoners in Al-Taji Prison


As I said in the Syrian Civil war thread Torture cannot be tolerated regardless of who the prisoners maybe.

Its obligatory that the Muslims free the captives that are treated in such conditions.
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