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Ace Combat 5 goes gold!

Ace Combat 5 Flies Golden Skies
We're on the verge of some serious dogfighting.

Namco announced today that Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War has officially gone gold. Production on the latest chapter in the air combat title is now complete, and the game will enter manufacturing to ship to stores later this month.

Awesome :D


Colony Wars is a MUCH stiffer challenge than Ace Combat, so you'll probably feel like you're getting a cakewalk. And there's the obvious control differences between a space combat sim and an air combat sim. Ace 5 has a lot of presentation stuff in common with it, though, good story and all that, so I'd say give it a shot.



is beloved, despite what anyone might say
My friend wants to get Ace Combat 5 in our control room to play... the trailer looked great, absolutely beautiful graphics, even though I'm not much for these kinds of games...
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