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Ace Combat: Allied Assault... is pretty good!


Okay, so awhile back I posted a “I’m done with vidya games!” And most of y’all said, “Eh, just take a break. You’ll be fine.”

Sooo I did. Painted my miniatures, caught up on some tv, did some extra yard work, etc. And then I got the itch to play something new but it had to be in my Steam backlog.

I saw Ace Combat Assault Horizon and downloaded it. I like it! I love dogfighting arcade style games but steered away from this one because everyone kept saying it was garbage.

Maybe I’m naive because it’s my first AC game, but why is this one considered bad? And is AC 7 better? Because if it is, imma have to get me some of that.
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Also, I’ve downloaded Metro 2033 (meh), Katana Zero (AMAZING), and Path of Exile (to play with some buddies).

In case anyone was wondering what else I was playing...

No one was wondering, I know.
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You mean the on the PSP, Joint Assault? It's good enough though the numbered main games are better, yeah.
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
Ace combat saga is still awesome.

I Hope that the new games still bring us the Story with a Fictional Country like Ace combat 4.


Bah! I meant Assault Horizon for PC. Any chance a mod would be willing to change the title please?
Assault Horizon is a very interesting game, a lot different from other Ace Combat games. HOWEVER, it has an absolutely undeserved reputation for being bad. The problem is that most people went into Assault Horizon expecting it to play exactly like previous Ace Combat games (because most do play the same) and then a lot of features were changed and new were added. I was among the first to cry foul when the demo released, calling it "trash undeserving the name of Ace Combat" and such, but after my hate boner subsided I gave it an honest try about a year or so later and this time I played by the game's rules instead of shoehorning the ones I was used to from the previous game. At that moment it all finally fell into place and was actually quite amazed how good a game it is. There are some parts which are still borderline meh, like the helicopter missions, but overall it is a solid game.

Ace Combat 7 is really not such a great game though. If you got a PS4 get it just so you can play Ace Combat 5 in full HD and at 60fps, it is more than worth it to get Ace Combat 7 just for that. Since the release of 7 I have spent about 3 times as much time playing 5 on the PS4. Absolutely amazing game still.
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