Servbot #42
Unconfirmed Member - Trophy guides, roadmaps - Achievement guides & roadmaps - Trophy guides & roadmaps, also has a wide selection of gamercards
TrueAchievements - Adjusts rarity and difficulty of each achievement to produce a "True Achievement" score.
Raptr - Tracks gaming activity on both console and PC
Playfire - Tracks gaming activity, analogous to Raptr
Steam Community - Tracks global Steam achievement stats
PSNProfiles - PS3 Trophy card generator, tracks Vita games as well with a very detailed profile page
Exophase - Multi-system cards, PSN leaderboards, and trophy lists for every PS3 and PSVita game.
PSN Trophy Leaders - Clean site with clear options to sort your trophies and check your progress - Site of avid Trophy collector Hakoom with tips, livestreams and blogposts.
1 Million Gamerscore - Site of avid Achievement Collector Stallion83 on his quest to 1.000.000 GS. Podcasts and blogposts can be found here too. Guides and ranking for achievements Ranking site for Steam, PSN and xbox achievements
Gaf leaderboard: GAF leaderboard.
OP shamelessly stolen from the last thread made by StevePharma
Welcome to Achieve Trophies |OT|™ the place where we can discuss gaming's most useless concept. If you are crazy enough to get all the trophies or achievements in a game feel free to discuss stuff with us fellow crazies.
EDIT: Here's my PSN and xbox profiles if anyone is interested