Only figure I want from GOTG2.
Wow. Best Mary Poppins figure I've ever seen.
Only figure I want from GOTG2.
Wow. Best Mary Poppins figure I've ever seen.
GFFMC Wing Zero is going up for order in Japan this Friday
it's a web exclusive 27,000 yen
this is a toy not a model
Wow. Best Mary Poppins figure I've ever seen.
Can someone explain this joke to me?
Star Lord in the movie compares him to Mary Poppins. Probably the best joke in the film.
Can someone explain this joke to me?
Star Lord in the movie compares him to Mary Poppins. Probably the best joke in the film.
Yeah but why? I didn't watch it.
You should watch GotG Vol 2.
Yeah but why? I didn't watch it.
I don't like to watch comic movies, not my thing >.>
They're really more Star Wars-y than comic book-y, if that makes sense.
Harley shipping in progress
I'ma stop you right there.
Here's to a lost package in Messi's future.
I am going to rewatch suicide squad in celebration of Harley shipping and all the new Joker and Harley movie news and spin off's. So many toys in my future.
When those movies end up not happening are you gonna be okay.
I'ma stop you right there.
You like action figures but not comic book movies? I don't understand. You should watch them both. They're really more Star Wars-y than comic book-y, if that makes sense.
GFFMC Wing Zero is going up for order in Japan this Friday
it's a web exclusive 27,000 yen
this is a toy not a model
OMG this looks amazing. One of my favorite Gundam designs. How tall is it?
Also, what are High Resolution Gundam kits? I dropped off when Real Grade kits started coming out.
you going to build it for hlj tv?Meh. I think I would rather have the High Resolution kit that's going to be out next month ( )
the scale should be 1/100, like a Master Grade. (i don't know how tall wing zero vs. other gundams as each gundam vary in height) i know F91 is smaller than Exia in the same scale,OMG this looks amazing. One of my favorite Gundam designs. How tall is it?
SDF-1 Premium Finish orders opened:
nippon yasan
53,980 yen
hlj 60,005 yen
gotta admit this thing is insanely expensive. i had to sell 2 high priced valks for $375 each to offset the cost. no way i can buy this normally.This breaks my heart, ever since I saw Robotech on TV when I was a child I wanted a SDF1 and missed the previous release. Now I got a big massive trip coming up that might help do a lot of good for my life so no way I can afford something like this! Infinite sadness.
I don't like to watch comic movies, not my thing >.>
Messi pls enjoy your cool figure! Post tons of pics. Tons.
If every character was a robot you'd be all up ons
I don't care much for meatbags.
This breaks my heart, ever since I saw Robotech on TV when I was a child I wanted a SDF1 and missed the previous release. Now I got a big massive trip coming up that might help do a lot of good for my life so no way I can afford something like this! Infinite sadness.
If every character was a robot you'd be all up ons
One of the major characters isn't a meatbag and another is mostly not.
One of the characters that's barely in the movie is just a robot head sitting on a fur rug.
being a robot isn't enough, they have to look cool :<
Meatbag comment was mostly directed at being an action figure fan and being excited for movies. As for Marvel movies like I mentioned a lot they just don't give me much entertainment and I don't often feel engaged with them.
Meatbag comment was mostly directed at being an action figure fan and being excited for movies. As for Marvel movies like I mentioned a lot they just don't give me much entertainment and I don't often feel engaged with them.
But you haven't seen most of them. Besides, GotG is more of a space adventure comedy than being a comic book movie. It just happens to take place in MCU. Always give something a chance.
I watched the original and it felt wanting. Plus, I watched a good number of them. Like, I sometimes watch them if I'm in the mall and have some free time but I don't actively seek them.
Sigh. With Seven Swords looking like September now I'm gonna have to cancel with the LEGO UCS Falcon only three weeks away.
Haloid once again showing his true colours. A quitter through and through.
Some of us prefer to be smart with money instead of accruing debt.
I'd rather do that than be known as a dirty quitter.
Sigh. With Seven Swords looking like September now I'm gonna have to cancel with the LEGO UCS Falcon only three weeks away.
Really dig it the final Jyn Erso figure from Hot Toys. Can't get it, but I really like it.
Whooooo. Gecco's Oscar of Astora is up at BBTS. $300 with a $60 NRD, which is weird. It's usually the more expensive stuff that requires an NRD from them.
Definitely LiK's fault from all those Hot Toys cancellations.
And he comes with a Crystal Lizard!!
$60 NRD for Dark Souls Oscar statue. Ugh, BBTS getting into this more often now.
Freezy pls. I bet a ton of you guys are canceling but I'm the only one who admits to it here.
But you could Korupt. I believe in you.
Just started paying $200 a week to take the kid to daycare. My house flooded from a broken water pipe. While insurance is taking care of everything, getting new toys is down the list of things to take care of. Water stopped 9 inches, 9 inches away from the detolfs. Fucking crazy.
Freezy pls. I bet a ton of you guys are canceling but I'm the only one who admits to it here.
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's just you. The rest of us are fine upstanding citizens.
When is Tracer Nendo tho???