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Adam Saleh, popular YouTube racist, kicked off Delta plane for being a jerk

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It's being contested via this

Remember that shouting about someone being racist will pick up the attention of nearly a whole plane, even those who didn't necessarily see everything kick off.

"Someone speaking in Arabic" isn't the same as "Shouting a word over and over to try and bait a reaction/prank, then shouting at people telling him to shut up and escalating a verbal argument".

So conflicting info right?


Also Soledad O'brien (a famous news reporter) said that she spoke to a friend on the plane who said the flight attendants were notified that Saleh was a YouTube prankster.

Yeah the evidence is overwhelmingly against him. However I'm sure some GAFers will continue to hand-wave his antisemitism, rape jokes, conspiracies about the boston bomber, lifestyle on YT with pranks/lying, multiple of which are on planes and double down because "it can't possibly be true he's lying now!".

So conflicting info right?

Yup. Which is why you analyse it all objectively and piece things together. We have a reasonable cause for why some passengers who only heard shouting at the end only have part of the package. Look at Twitter, THOUSANDS of people jumping on to believe Adam due to a snippet of a video. People often believe whatever they want to believe regardless of whether it is true.

Ulysses 31

Gold Member
What is your quantifier of "more free speech"? Most of us were highlighting far right YT channels and nasties who incite hate/abuse/dogpiling. Not many of us want to lump that in with "free speech" on private communities. That kind of shit does nothing to further a battle of ideas, which free speech does protect.

Stuff that's not incitement to violence that gets deleted from FB and Twitter but not on YT generally. (Usually linked to political ideoligies these days)

If you're talking about any race supremacy stuff then that stuff should also fall under free speech, so that it is exposed and can be countered with facts and logic and reason to show how backwards it is.

In essence, the open marketplace of ideas where the one who can defend his ideas with facts, evidence, logic and reason the best, generally wins.

Of course private companies decide how much of the open marketplace of ideas they're willing to entertain but the ones that entertain it the most I find favorable.


No, I completely understand it. Its not limited to getting shot, not sure why you would say that. People of color get selectively arrested for petty crimes that fair skinned people get by on all the time. I honestly have no problem with Delta removing him after it became to big of an issue. Whats bothering is the insistence that he must've been in wrong due to whatever he has done in the past. Not that anybody could've readily identified him in that moment as a known prankster to begin with.
The point is that his history is directly connected with what he's being accused of. Whenever the no angel fallacy is being used that is not the case. Ray wonder already said it best:

Nah, this is closer to "5 time convicted arsonist arrested at the scene of house fire." And then people saying, "Well, yeah, he probably did it."


I mean just read this shit, to do with TigerAir and the last "prank" - http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/ne...k=97a91ee8720d06db5a630ccf34e6b8cb-1482411874

“While this video is clearly a publicity stunt, it promotes behaviours that are dangerous and life threatening,” Melbourne Airport told news.com.au.

“Airport safety and security are serious matters, and not appropriate targets for humour.”
Don't think it could be put any more succinctly than that.


Stuff that's not incitement to violence that gets deleted from FB and Twitter but not on YT generally. (Usually linked to political ideoligies these days)

If you're talking about any race supremacy stuff then that stuff should also fall under free speech, so that it is exposed and can be countered with facts and logic and reason to show how backwards it is.

In essence, the open marketplace of ideas where the one who can defend his ideas with facts, evidence, logic and reason the best, generally wins.

It can do in public, hence how hate movements can protest and practice in America. But it doesn't have to be on YT. Up to YT if they want it over their service. It does go against the ToS they flaunt when you sign up. As I also said you currently post on a board that will kick off race supremacy stuff? As I said the market of ideas doesn't mean everything needs to go everywhere. I kind of get you accept that, I just don't know why you think services that allow anything are somehow objectively superior? Quite often all that does is damage the user-base and put people through undue stress, abuse and targeting.


So conflicting info right?

When presented with conflicting eyewitness information it's best to take all the other evidence into account and use that to weigh the eyewitness accounts to determine the veracity.

In this case:

Against Saleh-
Saleh has multiple videos on YouTube showing him being disruptive on planes.

Saleh has very publicly lied about things in the past. Including lying about racial discrimination specifically.

Saleh has been trying to erase a history of plane disruption and racially insensitive tweets ever since doubt has been cast on his account of the incident.

Multiple eyewitnesses have said that he (and his friend) were being disruptive on the plane and that the Delta employees were informed that he was a YouTube Prankster.

Against Delta-
Delta has been shown to acquiesce to racists in the past by throwing brown folks off planes. (They would then apologize and try to make right, a stark difference from this incident).

One eyewitness said the incident started because someone asked them to speak English


This ain't fucking Serial man the case is pretty damn clear.
Holy shit, people still aren't willing to admit that this guy was in the wrong?

It's crazy to me that it's easier for you to believe that there is a plane was filled with 20 racists and then the evil-masterminds at Delta are now trying to undermine the story (because they are racist too!)

The other explanation is much more logical and plausible. A YouTube prankster whose known for plane pranks got kicked off a plane for intentionally inciting conflict.
I hate to use the terms "hive mind" or "SJW"
But I feel like people on the internet have let go of all attempt at independent thought, logic and reason. Feels like nobody has the courage to do a little thinking and reasoning of their own anymore.

Like they see every story and incident as vague, point forms

"Hmm let's see here....
- guy with a huge online presence goes on Twitter says he was racially profiled and discriminated by

- evil, racist airline cooperation

-evil, racist Passengers

That's all I need, I'm team #thisisracist #BoycottDelta"


I hate to use the terms "hive mind" or "SJW"
But I feel like people on the internet have let go of all attempt at independent thought, logic and reason. Feels like nobody has to courage to do a little thinking and reasoning of their own anymore.

Like they see every story and incident as vague, point forms

"Hmm let's see here....
- guy with a huge online presence goes on Twitter says he was racially profiled and discriminated by

- evil, racist airline cooperation

-evil, racist Passengers

That's all I need, I'm team #thisisracist #BoycottDelta"

This shit pisses me off the most man, nobody even questioned it they just rolled with it. Fake news is not just about people sharing facebook stories from questionable sources it's also about people just in general wanted to confirm their biases to make themselves feel good.

People just wanna feel good.

Adnan is innocent!

Then what about the phone call from the PARK!? WTF MAN


I hate to use the terms "hive mind" or "SJW"
But I feel like people on the internet have let go of all attempt at independent thought, logic and reason. Feels like nobody has the courage to do a little thinking and reasoning of their own anymore.

Like they see every story and incident as vague, point forms

"Hmm let's see here....
- guy with a huge online presence goes on Twitter says he was racially profiled and discriminated by

- evil, racist airline cooperation

-evil, racist Passengers

That's all I need, I'm team #thisisracist #BoycottDelta"

Roll in the celebrites

You've got to be kidding me, @Delta. We won't be flying with you again. Unbelievable.

We'll see if Olivia auto-corrects. If not she will probably end up on #DeltaFlightWatch the rest of her career.

Speaking as an Arab, it was clear that this guy was full of shit. Can't stand provocateurs like him. A plane is not the place to pull pranks, stunts, or record obnoxious youtube videos. You're in a cramped, uncomfortable space with a bunch of strangers, flying in an aluminum tube tens of thousands of feet in the air with no escape. Sit the fuck down, shut up, and respect the space of your fellow passengers.

Hear hear!
Speaking as an Arab, it was clear that this guy was full of shit. Can't stand provocateurs like him. A plane is not the place to pull pranks, stunts, or record obnoxious youtube videos. You're in a cramped, uncomfortable space with a bunch of strangers, flying in an aluminum tube tens of thousands of feet in the air with no escape. Sit the fuck down, shut up, and respect the space of your fellow passengers.


This shit pisses me off the most man, nobody even questioned it they just rolled with it. Fake news is not just about people sharing facebook stories from questionable sources it's also about people just in general wanted to confirm their biases to make themselves feel good.

People just wanna feel good.

Then what about the phone call from the PARK!? WTF MAN

Overall, I agree that people nowadays just want their biases confirmed in the news, but I don't think it's a leap to believe that a middle eastern person was discriminated against on a flight. Just last week there was a terrorist attack so emotions are high in the UK, it's very possible that even the most reasonable people can act in irrational ways.

Personally, I've been targeted by staff at airports for looking middle eastern even though I'm not, so it's something that happens to many people.

It's just very unfortunate that this was a youtuber who has a history of lying. It weakens the credibility of people who have been treated lesser-than in similar situations.


Also, if someone would like to type up what I should put in the OP, feel free. I'm pretty sure I missed a few details and updates.


Only lefty I follow that was willing to be critical in this situation was Xeni Jardin. Everyone else was willing to boycott Delta without so much as any conclusion to the situation or response from Delta.

That doesn't make you virtuous, that makes you suckers.

What did she say? I'd fear on Twitter she probably got dog-piled and called names even for a hint of "lets see how this unfolds".

Overall, I agree that people nowadays just want their biases confirmed in the news, but I don't think it's a leap to believe that a middle eastern person was discriminated against on a flight. Just last week there was a terrorist attack so emotions are high in the UK, it's very possible that even the most reasonable people can act in irrational ways.

Personally, I've been targeted by staff at airports for looking middle eastern even though I'm not, so it's something that happens to many people.

It's just very unfortunate that this was a youtuber who has a history of lying. It weakens the credibility of people who have been treated lesser-than in similar situations.


Also, if someone would like to type up what I should put in the OP, feel free. I'm pretty sure I missed a few details and updates.

Pretty much no one was saying that though. We've been doing what you should do, look at every situation individually and judge it based upon it's own evidence, own merit and own circumstances. Past situations and history are key to draw from, but unless you remain vigilant and critical in almost every situation then you get things like this where people sign off to a massive boycott campaign and outrage, then look a bit unwise not to have spent a short amount of time examining and waiting for an investigation. Especially around a "professional prankster". Where was all this outrage to some of the shit he's pulled in the past?

Imagine if our courts of law ALL behaved like Twitter? Scary thought. Probably why most of these people aren't lawyers. Although yes, before anyone says, I understand the irony in using a system where abuses happen as well and people don't get convicted when they do. It's more about the principals I mentioned earlier, innocence until proven guilt, and the onus being on the accuser/accusers lawyer to provide substantial evidence.


Overall, I agree that people nowadays just want their biases confirmed in the news, but I don't think it's a leap to believe that a middle eastern person was discriminated against on a flight. Just last week there was a terrorist attack so emotions are high in the UK, it's very possible that even the most reasonable people can act in irrational ways.

Personally, I've been targeted by staff at airports for looking middle eastern even though I'm not, so it's something that happens to many people.

It's just very unfortunate that this was a youtuber who has a history of lying. It weakens the credibility of people who have been treated lesser-than in similar situations.

So the right move would be to say "wow that's fucked if true lets see how Delta responds".

Delta has done middle eastern (or even just vaguely ethnic) people dirty in the past and each time they try to make right with an apologetic statement and some financial recompense for the person they wronged. It's not hard to figure out when they fucked up :lol


Yeah the evidence is overwhelmingly against him. However I'm sure some GAFers will continue to hand-wave his antisemitism, rape jokes, conspiracies about the boston bomber, lifestyle on YT with pranks/lying, multiple of which are on planes and double down because "it can't possibly be true he's lying now!".

Yup. Which is why you analyse it all objectively and piece things together. We have a reasonable cause for why some passengers who only heard shouting at the end only have part of the package. Look at Twitter, THOUSANDS of people jumping on to believe Adam due to a snippet of a video. People often believe whatever they want to believe regardless of whether it is true.

People are picking any story that correlates to whatever they want to have happened in this story. Its called confirmation bias nothing particularly remarkable. I haven't seen this mentioned:
Saleh has reportedly previously received £26,000 from the London Metropolitan Police as part of its "counter-terrorist" efforts - the online sensation recorded and performed a rap song, Survivor, that was seen as singling out the Muslim community.

One line in the song that caused particular controversy was: "I’m trying to put my homies on the right track, so people ain’t scared of every Asian with a backpack."

The point is that his history is directly connected with what he's being accused of. Whenever the no angel fallacy is being used that is not the case. Ray wonder already said it best:

This is absolutely untrue. I think it was Michael Brown that was a huge guy known to have gotten into fights before and that was used "as evidence" to insist that he strong armed that clerk.

I still don't automatically buy that the Delta employees were alerted that he was a known prankster trying to pull a prank. Nobody mentioned this as he was calling them all racists.


Overall, I agree that people nowadays just want their biases confirmed in the news, but I don't think it's a leap to believe that a middle eastern person was discriminated against on a flight. Just last week there was a terrorist attack so emotions are high in the UK, it's very possible that even the most reasonable people can act in irrational ways.

Personally, I've been targeted by staff at airports for looking middle eastern even though I'm not, so it's something that happens to many people.

It's just very unfortunate that this was a youtuber who has a history of lying. It weakens the credibility of people who have been treated lesser-than in similar situations.


Also, if someone would like to type up what I should put in the OP, feel free. I'm pretty sure I missed a few details and updates.

It sounding reasonble doesn't mean it is automatically true, which is why you should usually wait for actual clarifications and a clear overview. What also weakens the credibility / hurts the cause is people defending stuff like this without even taking a second look.


People are picking any story that correlates to whatever they want to have happened in this story. Its called confirmation bias nothing particularly remarkable. I haven't seen this mentioned:

This is absolutely untrue. I think it was Michael Brown that was a huge guy known to have gotten into fights before and that was used "as evidence" to insist that he strong armed that clerk.

I still don't automatically buy that the Delta employees were alerted that he was a known prankster trying to pull a prank. Nobody mentioned this as he was calling them all racists.

Uh huh. I'm sure that is what Delta did as well. Clearly when they debriefed and interviewed staff and passengers they simply said "lol no, your evidence/testimony is being chucked aside because we need some Tumblr like confirmation bias".

Well thankfully it didn't get her called names. Sensible enough message in the tweet.


I know the YT algorithm has made it harder for the little guy, but trying to get views by playing pranks on a plane might be taking it too far...


Uh huh. I'm sure that is what Delta did as well. Clearly when they debriefed and interviewed staff and passengers they simply said "lol no, your evidence is being chucked aside because we need some Tumblr like confirmation bias".

Well thankfully it didn't get her called names. Sensible enough message in the tweet.

More like " we have been getting slammed in the news for allowing racist shit to happen on planes. Hey this guy is a known prankster, he has no chance against us, we can fight it"
I saw this thread yesterday but didn't post for good reason. I wanted to wait until more facts came out. There is no sense jumping to conclusions at this time. Now that a few more details have come out I still won't react to this news until I understand what really happened.
More like " we have been getting slammed in the news for allowing racist shit to happen on planes. Hey this guy is a known prankster, he has no chance against us, we can fight it"

There is absolutely zero benefit to do that when they could easily just apologize and compensate him


More like " we have been getting slammed in the news for allowing racist shit to happen on planes. Hey this guy is a known prankster, he has no chance against us, we can fight it"

Do you happen to have Alex Jones on speed dial by any chance? I'm guessing the chap on reddit who has gone into a ton of detail (far more than anyone else) who was sitting near by is just in the pockets of Delta?


More like " we have been getting slammed in the news for allowing racist shit to happen on planes. Hey this guy is a known prankster, he has no chance against us, we can fight it"

I don't think you're arguing in good faith.

Yes, there could be a scenario in which people have Saleh kicked off the plane and Delta sees his background as an opportunity to save face.

However, the clear, obvious, most likely scenario is that he was filming a prank and was kicked off.

The fact that you have to come up with wild conspiracies in order to prop up your rather untenable position should be a red flag to you, but I don't think you want to do anything other than seem as virtuous as possible, rather than be correct. So no matter what evidence or logic is presented, you will continue to find a way to blame this on racism.

Cool, we get it bro, you don't like racism.


There is absolutely zero benefit to do that when they could easily just apologize and compensate him
There's plenty of benefit, they don't look like a completely racist airline for once when paying and settling absolutely admits they were wrong.
Do you happen to have Alex Jones on speed dial by any chance? I'm guessing the chap on reddit who has gone into a ton of detail (far more than anyone else) who was sitting near by is just in the pockets of Delta?

I don't know either of these individuals. His story has about as much credence as the prankster guy.


I don't think you're arguing in good faith.

Yes, there could be a scenario in which people have Saleh kicked off the plane and Delta sees his background as an opportunity to save face.

However, the clear, obvious, most likely scenario is that he was filming a prank and was kicked off.

The fact that you have to come up with wild conspiracies in order to prop up your rather untenable position should be a red flag to you, but I don't think you want to do anything other than seem as virtuous as possible, rather than be correct. So no matter what evidence or logic is presented, you will continue to find a way to blame this on racism.

Cool, we get it bro, you don't like racism.
Then why are you replying?


There's plenty of benefit, they don't look like a completely racist airline for once when paying and settling absolutely admits they were wrong.

I don't know either of these individuals. His story has about as much credence as the prankster guy.

Good thing his remarks about fist bumping and shouting have another testimony

ABOUT THE GUY REMOVED FROM DELTA FLIGHT FROM LONDON.... I feel the need to share this. My boyfriend was sitting in the seat directly in front of them. The entire thing was planned. He wasn't on the phone with his mom speaking Arabic. He and his friends were shouting in Arabic with their fists balled up in the air. They were removed from the plane for being loud and disruptive....then started filming claiming they were victims. These guys aren't victims....they are social media whores


Of course you have to love the accusations of fake, to which he posts his boarding pass and then Sky fucking News say

Joe Tidy Hi Roderick, how are you? I'm a reporter at Sky News. Be great to talk to you about the flight as we're trying to get to the bottom of the truth! Please follow back and DM. My contact details are in your messages. Thanks!

Sky News on it as well now? Feel dat potential heat Adam.
There's plenty of benefit, they don't look like a completely racist airline for once when paying and settling absolutely admits they were wrong.

That isn't what settling is supposed to do btw

Anyways they also open themselves up to a massive lawsuit and a far worse PR hit if it turns out he's telling the truth and they're futzing about with him

Companies play the numbers. They would've tried to stomp this shit out with the quickness normally


This is absolutely untrue. I think it was Michael Brown that was a huge guy known to have gotten into fights before and that was used "as evidence" to insist that he strong armed that clerk.
But that's again something that's actually unrelated to the shooting. The way you're arguing it seems like you're against ever looking at someones past actions.


Well the above should be some insightful reading for you. Given Delta spoke to numerous passengers and the same message was echoed it seems to be getting to a point where some will need to invent a time machine, go back in time, buy themselves a boarding pass and be on the plane for "more details/evidence".

I mean just read this shit, to do with TigerAir and the last "prank" - http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/ne...k=97a91ee8720d06db5a630ccf34e6b8cb-1482411874

I read about this the other day too, which is why it makes it very hard for me to actually believe him.

As a brown dude myself, I'm just fearful that if this is a dumb prank, then it'll casts doubt on people who actually are victims of discrimination in a similar scenario.
Yeah the evidence is overwhelmingly against him. However I'm sure some GAFers will continue to hand-wave his antisemitism, rape jokes, conspiracies about the boston bomber, lifestyle on YT with pranks/lying, multiple of which are on planes and double down because "it can't possibly be true he's lying now!".

Yup. Which is why you analyse it all objectively and piece things together. We have a reasonable cause for why some passengers who only heard shouting at the end only have part of the package. Look at Twitter, THOUSANDS of people jumping on to believe Adam due to a snippet of a video. People often believe whatever they want to believe regardless of whether it is true.
It reinforces beliefs that corporations are bad and White people are inherently racist.


I read about this the other day too, which is why it makes it very hard for me to actually believe him.

As a brown dude myself, I'm just fearful that if this is a dumb prank, then it'll casts doubt on people who actually are victims of discrimination in a similar scenario.

Yup, which is why people are going in so hard on him. What you've just said plus his careless attitude to whipping up drama/outrage via YT makes him a pretty damning package overall. All you need to do is look at the comments on YT/Twitter and reddit and see a mix of unjustified outrage, ironically racism, anger, bickering and other toxic shit because of Adam's antics.

It reinforces beliefs that corporations are bad and White people are inherently racist.

Well corporations often are, and a lot of white people are racist, but yeah, everyone should care more about objective truth and fact, even when it may be about corporations and white people. There is no such thing as a lie being "good because of the cause it attempted to highlight". Lies always cause damage, especially on this magnitude. If you want to do good for causes speak out against actual injustice, and spend time trying to spread good humane ideas and kindness. Airplane pranks in today's climate are not spreading kindness or humane ideas, they are downright sad, morally dubious and potentially dangerous.

An airport and an aeroplane are not the places to fuck around. Sit your ass down and travel to wherever you are going in a sane way.


People like him are who delta interviewed

Delta aren't doing a reddit AMA though, so a short and concise PR statement was used. Therefore it came down to people saying are you proposing Delta is lying about their debriefing/passenger statement collecting?

no, lol? i'm proposing that a "short and concise PR statement" is a shitty way of handling allegations of racism

conversely, are you suggesting that it is ideal to address allegations of racism in as short & concise a manner as possible?
I wonder if they would have been thrown out if they shouted in English.

If the answer is no then there is no justification.

The defining feature of the whole ordeal centers around the usage of Arabic.


no, lol? i'm proposing that a "short and concise PR statement" is a shitty way of handling allegations of racism

conversely, are you suggesting that it is ideal to address allegations of racism in as short & concise a manner as possible?

All they need to do is say why the people were kicked off the plane, which they did.

Delta issued the following statement this evening regarding Flight 1:

Upon landing the crew was debriefed and multiple passenger statements collected. Based on the information collected to date, it appears the customers who were removed sought to disrupt the cabin with provocative behavior, including shouting. This type of conduct is not welcome on any Delta flight. While one, according to media reports, is a known prankster who was video recorded and encouraged by his traveling companion, what is paramount to Delta is the safety and comfort of our passengers and employees. It is clear these individuals sought to violate that priority.


We take all allegations of discrimination seriously and we are gathering all of the facts before jumping to any conclusion. Our culture requires treating everyone with respect. Furthermore, Delta people are trained to and frequently handle conflicts between passengers.

Maintaining a safe, comfortable and orderly onboard environment is paramount for every flight and requires the cooperation of all of our customers in conjunction with adherence to directions from our crew members. This is a Delta policy and is required by U.S. regulations as well as others governing aviation worldwide.

Two customers were removed from Delta Flight 1 departing London-Heathrow today after a disturbance in the cabin resulted in more than 20 customers expressing their discomfort.

We have spoken with the customers who were removed; they were rebooked on another flight. Plans are in place to immediately speak with our crew and other passengers when the flight lands this afternoon. We will provide an update once we have more information.

Are you just trying to be obtuse in the light of it looks like the whole claim is hogwash by getting frustrated that you cannot criticise Delta this time around? That is what it is beginning to look like. As it does from other GAFers seemingly more annoyed this doesn't look true, than caring about what the actual truth is.

I wonder if they would have been thrown out if they shouted in English.

If the answer is no then there is no justification.

The defining feature of the whole ordeal centers around the usage of Arabic.

Delta answered that above

it appears the customers who were removed sought to disrupt the cabin with provocative behavior, including shouting. This type of conduct is not welcome on any Delta flight.


I wonder if they would have been thrown out if they shouted in English.

The defining feature of the whole ordeal centers around the usage of Arabic.

If the answer is no then there is no justification.
Why are you constructing hypothetical situations that didnt happen?

Go ahead and keep repeatidly shouting and riling up other passengers on your next flight and report back to us.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I wonder if they would have been thrown out if they shouted in English.

If the answer is no then there is no justification.

The defining feature of the whole ordeal centers around the usage of Arabic.

Did you read any of the thread at all, dude?


That isn't what settling is supposed to do btw

Anyways they also open themselves up to a massive lawsuit and a far worse PR hit if it turns out he's telling the truth and they're futzing about with him

Companies play the numbers. They would've tried to stomp this shit out with the quickness normally
Ehhh companies settle all he time to avoid further, possibly more serious repercussions. Not sure what you're on about.

Good thing his remarks about fist bumping and shouting have another testimony


Of course you have to love the accusations of fake, to which he posts his boarding pass and then Sky fucking News say

Sky News on it as well now? Feel dat potential heat Adam.

Hmm interesting. So why didn't anyone speak to this when he was calling them out?


I wonder if they would have been thrown out if they shouted in English.

If the answer is no then there is no justification.

The defining feature of the whole ordeal centers around the usage of Arabic.

The answer is yes. Some guy stands up in a plane and starts screaming shit? Haul his ass off the plane too.

As others have said, the plane is not the place to fuck around.

I'm a huge believer in personal rights, but in some very rare cases, I'm willing to give it up for safety reasons. The plane is one of those places.
I don't know why, despite all the evidence, that people cling to the notion of racism as to why he was thrown off. Considering the evidence, that does a disservice to those who are actually experiencing these sorts of things.

Also, a lot of racist incidents stem from 1 or 2 culprits, do you really believe that this plane contained 20 vocal racists?
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