This is not a Johnny Depp situation, dude
Read those fucking tweets
You got to be a moron if you think thats ok
Doesnt help his case thothose tweets are not a crime, creepy but not illegal
Regarding the twitter conversation screen shots …I assume they were somehow verified? I mean, that would be way to easy to shop. I could do in my sleep.
A 16 year old girl, it goes beyond the racist Asian speak.
I see that all it takes still to cancel someone is an unproven statement from someone, sprinkled with some unverified text messages.
Pretty bad.
There has been a lot of messages shared online showing that he likes young girls.Wasn’t the accusations alleged domestic violence? Unless he came forward and admitted guilt (which would make this action warranted), it seems too soon for the courts to decide his innocence or guilt.
Fucking stupid. Even if allegations are true, let him keep his job, jesus. "You made some dumb mistakes, you no longer have a shot at life or anything, enjoy living on the streets scum". American system and cancellation is idiotic. Get your shit straight. There cant be Rick and Morty without Justin.
In Hollywood, that is normal. Not ok, but normal. Oh well, I guess Rick and Morty is done.
A lot of things aren’t crimes, but are a good indication someone is fucked in the headthose tweets are not a crime, creepy but not illegal
Exactly. Their used to be a proud tradition of upholding innocent until proven guilty. It seems that once social media hit the scenes, witch hunts and people's base emotions of "hang em, burn em, etc...." took hold.Exactly. We are so quick to declare his guilt as a society when we have a system in place to see if he truly is guilty. Could you imagine everything being taken from you before you’ve had your day in court?
There's quite a large rabbit hole to go down with these new allegations coming out and they're bad.those tweets are not a crime, creepy but not illegal
What about getting several underage girls drunk and bringing them back to you hotel room to try to coax them into group sex?Sorry calling some 17 year old "jail bait" in a tweet does not equal a crime.
Its a tweet. People say dumb shit all the time. We aren't mob rule/ court of public opinion. We have courts for a reason.This is not a Johnny Depp situation, dude
Read those fucking tweets
You got to be a moron if you think thats ok
A crime if reported or caught. Just saying it on twitter is just words. It could of happened or not.What about getting several underage girls drunk and bringing them back to you hotel room to try to coax them into group sex?
These people have screenshots of the conversations. There are now like 6 or 7 of them and there's a very clear pattern on display.A crime if reported or caught. Just saying it on twitter is just words. It could of happened or not.
A crime if reported or caught. Just saying it on twitter is just words. It could of happened or not.
That would be grounds to report to the police and investigated. Canceling someone over words used on a platform that people say all sorts of crazy shit is just wrong.
Have you seen twitter? that place is filled with scumbags. Same ones will report others for "racism , misogyny , etc..." or some shit will also post crazy shit against other people or be complete sexual deviants, depraved and degenerate.
Its all good as its just words. when used to go after others (ie bully campaign with followers, ie mob action) then there is an issue.
Its a tweet. People say dumb shit all the time. We aren't mob rule/ court of public opinion. We have courts for a reason.
If said person has commited a crime, a police report will need to be filed.
I don't give two shits if this show gets taken off as I think its dumb, but I am 42, not the target audience.
That being said, I will defend it over people raising pitchforks to burn heretics.
Same shit was done for Kara Layne with limited run and Gina Carrano with Star wars... Its the principle of the innocent before proven guilty.
Tweets are not an investigation by detectives and the state.
No but I did think for a solid ten minutes what it's like to get your ass beaten by a dude that sounds like this...Anyone else spend their morning texting minors “lmfao I’m so drunk right now” cause if not you’re not a friend of mine!!!![]()
Que?No but I did think for a solid ten minutes what it's like to get your ass beaten by a dude that sounds like this...
This is such a shit take. Alcohol does not "remove your filter" it actively disrupts your ability to make decisions properly the more you drink. It has literally nothing to do with "having an inclination" to do something already.A crime if reported or caught. Just saying it on twitter is just words. It could of happened or not.
That would be grounds to report to the police and investigated. Canceling someone over words used on a platform that people say all sorts of crazy shit is just wrong.
Have you seen twitter? that place is filled with scumbags. Same ones will report others for "racism , misogyny , etc..." or some shit will also post crazy shit against other people or be complete sexual deviants, depraved and degenerate.
Its all good as its just words. when used to go after others (ie bully campaign with followers, ie mob action) then there is an issue.
Also what type of morals are these young girls raised with that they are ok with sex with some strange dude just because he's semi-famous? Why do they think group sex is ok?
Most sane people, who know wrong from right, would leave and not participate, drunk or not. They have free will. Alcohol just removed the filter, and you have to have an inclining of wanting to do it or it wouldn't happen.
Not trying to deflect as if some scumbag dude did this , throw the book at them in court. Just saying some people go back in time to accuse peoeple for fame or "regret", using "i was drunk" as an exuse to be a victim.
No lady, you got drunk and had group sex with a bunch of people. Most people would say hell nah. Groupies have existed for a long time.
Yikes.Also what type of morals are these young girls raised with that they are ok with sex with some strange dude just because he's semi-famous? Why do they think group sex is ok?
Most sane people, who know wrong from right, would leave and not participate, drunk or not. They have free will. Alcohol just removed the filter, and you have to have an inclining of wanting to do it or it wouldn't happen.
Not trying to deflect as if some scumbag dude did this , throw the book at them in court. Just saying some people go back in time to accuse peoeple for fame or "regret", using "i was drunk" as an exuse to be a victim.
No lady, you got drunk and had group sex with a bunch of people. Most people would say hell nah. Groupies have existed for a long time.
yesDidn't the guy behind Ren and Stimpy have a problem going after underage women?
It is kind of a thing with these cartoon guys.
A 16 year old girl, it goes beyond the racist Asian speak.
A 16 year old girl, it goes beyond the racist Asian speak.
A crime if reported or caught. Just saying it on twitter is just words. It could of happened or not.
Just just seems like normal stupid online behaviour. Obviously he has no excuse, but she needs a good talking to at the very least about who she contacts online.
If that's what got him in trouble... eh. It does suggest he might do worse and actually harass people (or worse), but that's for the legal system to handle.
Oh I guess we don't need Lawyers and Judges anymorehe has been accused of physically injuring a domestic partner.
Did you follow any of the thread or look up the news on roiland? He has been charged with battery and false imprisonment. It's wild that all of the discussion going back and forth over these tweets when he has been accused of physically injuring a domestic partner. The tweets came after as other potential victims came out of the woodwork.
I vaguely remember the thread, but don't remember it.
And that doesn't change that the tweets/messages aren't a crime as far as I know. They certainly shouldn't be. In this case a symptom of who he might well be? Probably. Too far as a joke? Probably, but, again, not against the law.
Just to be clear; he sounds like an utter, vile scumbag that deserves time in prison. But it's not for you, me, or very likely anyone else on here (and if a member of the jury, legal team, judge, etc. are here, they wouldn't comment) to judge if he actually is.
Texting a minor like that is a crime depending on the jurisdiction and age of the girl. Its usually called messaging a minor with inappropriate/immoral intent. "I was just kidding" is a defense commonly employed by sexual predators. Constant sexual suggestions to underage girls also comes under grooming laws which carry felony charges at the federal and state levels.
We are all also free to comment. "Innocent until proven guilty" only applies to the justice system. We are all free to associate with or hold opinions about anybody. To suggest that people are doing something wrong by forming an opinion about two felony charges (one involving bodily injury, the other false imprisonment) in the context of a long trail of rumors and bizarre behavior is simply authoritarian. Roiland could avoided all of this attention by following the example of countless other celebrities and not forming friendships or having adult conversations with underage girls. Play stupid games you win stupid prizes.
Why should it matter if it's a crime, when discussing a company cutting ties with him?I vaguely remember the thread, but don't remember it.
And that doesn't change that the tweets/messages aren't a crime as far as I know. They certainly shouldn't be. In this case a symptom of who he might well be? Probably. Too far as a joke? Probably, but, again, not against the law.
Just to be clear; he sounds like an utter, vile scumbag that deserves time in prison. But it's not for you, me, or very likely anyone else on here (and if a member of the jury, legal team, judge, etc. are here, they wouldn't comment) to judge if he actually is.
Why should it matter if it's a crime, when discussing a company cutting ties with him?
He's a public figure, his name shows up in big fonts in credits of things, he's the guy who goes and does interviews to promote the thing you are paying him millions of dollars to be a part of.
I seriously don't get all of this pearl clutching over famous idiots getting themselves canned. They chose a life of being a public figure and have been rewarded GREATLY for it with wealth and more.
Dude's lucky he lasted this long w/ shit like his podcast rants about how we used to fuck 13 year olds and nobody batted an eye... he had a good run, now he's PR poison so he loses his job.
(and this is likely WAY MORE about the 2 DV felonies anyways lol)
Legality has never been the standard for being fired. You can and will be fired over things that don't come close to breaking the law. Especially if you very publicly represent a company, brand, or artistic work.Because I think it sets a precedent for us mere plebs. That our shitposts could be legally used against us.
I don't give a shit about the guy.