Gold Member

"When we approached this design, there was this thought in the back of our heads ‘Well now that we’re in the 2020s, what can we do?’
I mean, right off the bat, one of the big ones was reusable God Powers, because what could be cooler than having a multiplayer match where multiple God Powers are going off?" says Pirillo, adding that, "Something we saw is oftentimes in matches, because God Powers were single-use, they sometimes might not get used at all because you were saving it in the bank trying to find that perfect moment that may never come."
Pirillo notes that players would often abandon using myth units in the endgame of big matches, so the team worked to rebalance the Favor and Population caps in order to emphasize the mythological aspect of the game instead of having it feel like just another Age of Empires title.
“It was a lot of work that we needed to recreate and modernize for the current hardware,”
Yuen says, praising the original team at Ensemble while pointing out that setting off multiple God Powers with multiple Titans on the screen simply wouldn’t have been possible with the technology available over 20 years ago.