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AI-generated comments and moderation are slowly choking out any form of communication between actual people


I actually think advancements in AI are *potentially* very exciting, and could certainly do a lot to improve our lives.

However, if you really take a moment to look around at the current digital landscape, it becomes increasingly clear how this technology is *actually* being leveraged.

Just look at virtually any item being sold on Amazon; cheap, no-name knockoffs of niche items with 5k+ reviews? Really, you expect us to believe that? Hell, most retail stores don't even sell their own goods online anymore (Walmart, for example).

But really, a great example to look at is Reddit. Anyone remember when they introduced "fuzzing"?

Used to, any reddit post would show you the exact number of upvotes AND downvotes. You could even check to see who was upvoting or downvoting things.

Transparent? Absolutely.

Which means it would be virtually impossible for them to "sell" or "control" those votes.

So they introduced the concept of "fuzzing" the numbers. Oh sure, you would still see the percentage of upvotes to downvotes, but you're no longer privy to those exact numbers. Because if you were, they wouldn't be able to sell upvotes to companies, or bury posts or stories that they are their "sponsors" think they can get a handle on.

And naturally, you just look at the actual comments over there now. There are a lot of idiots on the interview, but you can start to track replies to content that were clearly AI generated. I suspect base-level comments are probably typed by a person, but you throw the weight of dozens or hundreds of comments "in agreement" behind it, and you suddenly start controlling peoples' perception of a given thing.

And really, it's only getting worse. More and more companies are leveraging AI to handle their customer support, and even moderate communities and forums.

The literal *thousands* of AI-generated "articles" being posted every day have already overwhelmed search engines like Google. Seriously, google fucking *anything* to do with a game; I guarantee, of the first 20 articles that pop up, no less than 15 of them are probably generated by AI. In some cases, literally all of them; your could be the only human to ever lay eyes on some of these articles.

The "answer" to this would ordinarily be "then just stick to trusted news sources". But let's be honest; how many of those really exist anymore? Who would even be able to *start* a credible news outlet of any kind? Who is holding *anyone* accountable for anything? Facebook ads are openly peddling links to obviously malicious sites; and yes, these are PAID ADS I'm talking about, not just some random idiot who got his account hacked.

Hell, speaking on Facebook, you guys notice how limited your options are when searching for things on Marketplace have become? Even ebay has become subject to this. They'll actively disregard your search parameters, even the literal text you put in the search bar; the goal isn't to get you to what you're searching for, but to get you to what they *think* you'll want to buy.

We're living in a digital hellscape, and it's only getting worse. With how easy it is to fake images, voices, and even videos now, coupled with this unmonitored reliance on AI-generative tools, we're quickly reaching a point where you'll lack access to credible information, or even basic communication with other human beings. You'll never know whether or not a product is good or bad, what major events actually happen, or even be able to simply communicate with other people about the things you like and dislike.

At this point, the only way I see being able to stave this off would be finding a site that completely abandons any sense of anonymoty, a require manually verifying each and every new user with something concrete (like your SSN). I can't imagine a world in which anyone would willingly sign up for something like that, but I can't really imagine a whole lot else you could do.


AI has some amazing capabilities, but of course companies are leveraging it for this type of crap. It is also not just on marketplace but even just doing a youtube search where it actively won't populate my exact search query but "Stuff you might like / relevant "
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Ulysses 31


Dead Internet theory

The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically generated content manipulated by algorithmic curation, minimising organic human activity to manipulate the population

We seem to be getting closer to an internet where there are more bots and AI generated stuff than users and user created content.
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Dead Internet theory

The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically generated content manipulated by algorithmic curation, minimising organic human activity to manipulate the population

We seem to be getting closer to an internet where there are more bots and AI generated stuff than users and user created content.
Possible. Also concerning is the polarizing behavior within forums like Reddit, Re, etc., and the influence of such within big data and AI/ML.


Gold Member
Those AI generated articles for consumer goods or whatnot are INFURIATING. What is even the point? Are they generated on the fly when I put "dewalt vs Milwaukee impact drill" or is some site just churning them out daily on a wide range of topics just for casual clicks?

I feel like actual human created content is mostly on youtube, which is too complex for AI (for now). But web searches are infested with AI, instagram now as well with those smooth AI narrators, and soon I'm sure all AI video content, particularly the inane zany crap my kids like.

Discord and "long form" forums may be the only places left for humans, and I'm not even sure about them. Elon's idea to charge for even registering is ultimately the only thing that will save us, no one has the $$$ to back bot spamming long term.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I am 100% convinced the OP is a ChatGPT post.


I wonder if I'm a bot inserted in this universes simulation to learn human social behavior, but am now mainly communicating with bots on the internet.
We have already been doing this to ourselves from a problem we created ourselves.

Everything you're mentioning as a reason why just feels like things that are speeding along a process that has already existed.


Gold Member

This account is doing great work showing the dead internet theory in practice. It's just bots replying to bots on a scale that is probably incomprehensible.

Its already unbearable trying to talk with a liberal over social media about everything, well I gonna tell they are so used to people thinking the way they think so this is like a good move.

They will never know if they are talking to a AI or another liberal because everyone need to agree with them 100% of the time.
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Gold Member
In somewhat related news:


Disgruntled athletic director accused of framing principal with AI-generated racist, antisemitic recording"​

"In the audio recording, that was first sent school-wide to teachers and faculty and then widely spread on social media, the AI-generated voice of Eiswert is heard ranting and raving about Black and Jewish families at the school."

this kind of AI assisted slander is gonna become RAMPANT in the next few years as better and better, more "convincing", AI fakes can be created. They really need to make a terrible, terrible example of this guy to deter others. Wouldn't usrprise me to see AI start doing this on its own to some degree as it learns the worng lessons about how to generate web traffic. And some groups are particularly vulnerable to this kind of attack.
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Gold Member
The quicker AI destroys the internet as a social platform, the better off we'll all be. Can't wait to get to the point where nobody trusts a fucking thing they see, and we go back to communicating via other, more personal mediums.
Impossible. People at large will always believe anything and anyone, as long as they see their own beliefs approved and confirmed.
AI will only make people even more polarized, until things get seriously ugly. AI will be for most people what the Mirror of Erised was in Harry Potter - something that constantly shows everyone their heart’s desire, until one clings so desperately to the visions it provides that they simply forget to live. We are well on our way towards that already, and real life has become so complicated I can see scores of people just surrender to it.

Winter John

I remember the time I decided to check out Reddit and see what it was all about. One of the first headlines I clicked on was this chick complaining she couldn’t get a decent guy. I told her it was because she was fat and complained a lot. Shortly after I got a message saying I was banned from that sub. I decided it was probably best if I stayed away from social media
Season 2 Dolores GIF by Westworld HBO


I remember the time I decided to check out Reddit and see what it was all about. One of the first headlines I clicked on was this chick complaining she couldn’t get a decent guy. I told her it was because she was fat and complained a lot. Shortly after I got a message saying I was banned from that sub. I decided it was probably best if I stayed away from social media
I entered a similar thread with women saying they wouldn't date a guy unless he had a vasectomy. I said fair is fair, tie your tubes then. Banned
My family always told me to believe 10% of what I see on the internet, 90% is junk and false information, and this was when it started. Nowadays, I think it's close to 95%, with conspiracy theories and bots.

I know people parroting every conspiracy you can imagine, Flat Earth, Bill Gates, illuminaty, 2030, Satan, God, Jesus, aliens, hidden agenda, giants, covid and so many stupid things that they believe.

Burnie Burns Conspiracy GIF by Rooster Teeth

Fbi Hippie GIF by DrSquatchSoapCo


Gold Member
I entered a similar thread with women saying they wouldn't date a guy unless he had a vasectomy. I said fair is fair, tie your tubes then. Banned
Whoa whoa whoa, let's slow down for a moment here and not be hasty. Us snipped men need love too! Where was this thread and how many 'women' there were born with tube's to be tied?


Oddly enough, the dire state of the "dead Internet" has been pushing me towards physical retail more and more.

But not the big chains, those are more soulless than ever thanks to AI and other automated technology.



Dead Internet theory

The dead Internet theory is an online conspiracy theory that asserts that the Internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically generated content manipulated by algorithmic curation, minimising organic human activity to manipulate the population

We seem to be getting closer to an internet where there are more bots and AI generated stuff than users and user created content.
This explains the trend of having search engines do something like "before:2023" I've seen go around lately.

I'm of the age now the internet is a source of information and the places I interact with are largely NeoGAF and Overclock.net and and to a lesser extent, for better or worse, Reddit, for CERTAIN hobbies like gardening and mechanical keyboards.

But I will say I'm not surprised to read about this theory. I've been seeing and reading articles that have felt VERY gpt and then edited for language lately and it just makes sense for to me stick to what I know while ignoring everything else.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
I actually think advancements in AI are *potentially* very exciting, and could certainly do a lot to improve our lives.

However, if you really take a moment to look around at the current digital landscape, it becomes increasingly clear how this technology is *actually* being leveraged.

Just look at virtually any item being sold on Amazon; cheap, no-name knockoffs of niche items with 5k+ reviews? Really, you expect us to believe that? Hell, most retail stores don't even sell their own goods online anymore (Walmart, for example).

But really, a great example to look at is Reddit. Anyone remember when they introduced "fuzzing"?

Used to, any reddit post would show you the exact number of upvotes AND downvotes. You could even check to see who was upvoting or downvoting things.

Transparent? Absolutely.

Which means it would be virtually impossible for them to "sell" or "control" those votes.

So they introduced the concept of "fuzzing" the numbers. Oh sure, you would still see the percentage of upvotes to downvotes, but you're no longer privy to those exact numbers. Because if you were, they wouldn't be able to sell upvotes to companies, or bury posts or stories that they are their "sponsors" think they can get a handle on.

And naturally, you just look at the actual comments over there now. There are a lot of idiots on the interview, but you can start to track replies to content that were clearly AI generated. I suspect base-level comments are probably typed by a person, but you throw the weight of dozens or hundreds of comments "in agreement" behind it, and you suddenly start controlling peoples' perception of a given thing.

And really, it's only getting worse. More and more companies are leveraging AI to handle their customer support, and even moderate communities and forums.

The literal *thousands* of AI-generated "articles" being posted every day have already overwhelmed search engines like Google. Seriously, google fucking *anything* to do with a game; I guarantee, of the first 20 articles that pop up, no less than 15 of them are probably generated by AI. In some cases, literally all of them; your could be the only human to ever lay eyes on some of these articles.

The "answer" to this would ordinarily be "then just stick to trusted news sources". But let's be honest; how many of those really exist anymore? Who would even be able to *start* a credible news outlet of any kind? Who is holding *anyone* accountable for anything? Facebook ads are openly peddling links to obviously malicious sites; and yes, these are PAID ADS I'm talking about, not just some random idiot who got his account hacked.

Hell, speaking on Facebook, you guys notice how limited your options are when searching for things on Marketplace have become? Even ebay has become subject to this. They'll actively disregard your search parameters, even the literal text you put in the search bar; the goal isn't to get you to what you're searching for, but to get you to what they *think* you'll want to buy.

We're living in a digital hellscape, and it's only getting worse. With how easy it is to fake images, voices, and even videos now, coupled with this unmonitored reliance on AI-generative tools, we're quickly reaching a point where you'll lack access to credible information, or even basic communication with other human beings. You'll never know whether or not a product is good or bad, what major events actually happen, or even be able to simply communicate with other people about the things you like and dislike.

At this point, the only way I see being able to stave this off would be finding a site that completely abandons any sense of anonymoty, a require manually verifying each and every new user with something concrete (like your SSN). I can't imagine a world in which anyone would willingly sign up for something like that, but I can't really imagine a whole lot else you could do.

Sorry, I just had to check.

I am 100% convinced the OP is a ChatGPT post.

If so, then he/her/them/it is damn good.
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Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
But really, a great example to look at is Reddit. Anyone remember when they introduced "fuzzing"?

Used to, any reddit post would show you the exact number of upvotes AND downvotes. You could even check to see who was upvoting or downvoting things.

Transparent? Absolutely.

Which means it would be virtually impossible for them to "sell" or "control" those votes.

So they introduced the concept of "fuzzing" the numbers. Oh sure, you would still see the percentage of upvotes to downvotes, but you're no longer privy to those exact numbers. Because if you were, they wouldn't be able to sell upvotes to companies, or bury posts or stories that they are their "sponsors" think they can get a handle on.
Can you share an example where you think someone is paying for upvotes?

More broadly speaking it's a massive problem that's going to get bigger and bigger. One that plenty of people will fall for. Initially it'll be the same grandparents who believe any old shit they read in Facebook - That Bill Gates was in some way going to control you with 5g, etc. but at some point, we'll all see an AI generated video of someone say something that preys on our emotions, prejudices or worries in some way and it'll catch plenty of people out.

I think of far greater concern is (obviously) the influence AI could have on voting, and the low barrier that will set to using those tools.

I kinda wonder if this could be the new dawn for journalism - could people be convinced to pay for it once again if there were a contract that guaranteed that AI wouldn't write any of the articles? I think it's unlikely that any mainstream publisher would gamble on that being viable, but it could work, IMO. Would enough people be prepared to pay up? Probably not.

When it comes to legislation, will the bots be employed to convince people that banning AI would be a to terrible thing?

I wonder if the horse has already bolted.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Irs already unbearable trying to talk with a liberal over social media about everything, well I gonna tell they are so used to people thinking the way they think so this is like a good move.

They will never know if they are talking to a AI or another liberal because everyone need to agree with them 100% of the time.
The joke here, of course, is that your post is probably very close to what an AI would write to convince people to not listen to what liberals have to say. And in itself is a plea to agree with the idea unflinchingly - don't bother with liberals, just trust me that they're unreasonable and they're all the same.

At some point, we're going to have to get onboard with listening to what people have to say, not what their hair colour is or if they've got a nose ring, who they vote for and who their sexual partner is. Because if you can't get past those things, You're going to be easily manipulated by AI every day if the week.
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This is one reason why Twitter is shit now. So many stupid bots.

Elon allowing people to make money off of engagements ruined the entire site.

You can just click on a hashtag and you will see a bunch of spam by verified bot accounts misusing the hashtags posting pointless garbage. I made a list of peoples feeds I want to see and only use that now. The rest of the site is getting worse and worse.

We even have the new stupid engagement trend "Look between H and L on your keyboard".

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
This is one reason why Twitter is shit now. So many stupid bots.

Elon allowing people to make money off of engagements ruined the entire site.

You can just click on a hashtag and you will see a bunch of spam by verified bot accounts misusing the hashtags posting pointless garbage. I made a list of peoples feeds I want to see and only use that now. The rest of the site is getting worse and worse.

We even have the new stupid engagement trend "Look between H and L on your keyboard".
I think it's because he sacked all the staff who had been working on making sure that didn't happen, right?

I deleted my Twitter a while ago now, I don't miss it. But occasionally I need to look on there for work reasons so have an account that follows nobody, likes nothing, no profile pic or personal info.

It's remarkable to me how much it has changed. Twitter is now pretty close to Instagram reels or YouTube shorts. It's just a torrent of video clips of people falling over, things exploding or birthday cakes getting dropped.

Who'd have thought You've Been Framed / America's Funniest Home Videos would be the blueprint to control the masses, etc.


Gold Member
The joke here, of course, is that your post is probably very close to what an AI would write to convince people to not listen to what liberals have to say. And in itself is a plea to agree with the idea unflinchingly - don't bother with liberals, just trust me that they're unreasonable and they're all the same.

At some point, we're going to have to get onboard with listening to what people have to say, not what their hair colour is or if they've got a nose ring, who they vote for and who their sexual partner is. Because if you can't get past those things, You're going to be easily manipulated by AI every day if the week.

I disagree with people most of the time, thats not mean I don't listen to them. The point of have a health conversation is this.

The difference of online folks conversation and real life one conversation is what I looking foward.

I work on the IT area and I kinda spot most of the AI behavior.

I guess the key point here is get used to listen different opinions, thing you probably don't know if you stay in places like Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, etc...

Again, do not mistake AI behavior with folks that don't speak english as their native language.


Gold Member
Not going to lie, I love how Big/Copilot does a Wikipedia-style summary of search results at the top of the page now.

It'll gather 3-4 sites that contain what you're searching for and summarize it like a Wikipedia article with citation links that lead you to where it found the info.
I would've never known that this song was AI if the video wasn't tagged with a disclaimer. I just thought it was my new favorite song by some unknown, profane high-energy '60s big band/jazz(?) artist.


At least this one had human prompts guiding it.

Thanks to badblue badblue for bringing this song to my attention. Haven't binged a track like this in a while lol
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Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
The purpose of the bots and the shadow banning is to get people to follow the herd like sheep. They need a solid echo chamber, anyone questioning and the herd doubts. Thus shadowbans bans and censorship must rule the land lest the free thinkers dont open the eyes of the herd.

It's cute that you think you are a free thinker and not part of the herd.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
The purpose of the bots and the shadow banning is to get people to follow the herd like sheep. They need a solid echo chamber, anyone questioning and the herd doubts. Thus shadowbans bans and censorship must rule the land lest the free thinkers dont open the eyes of the herd.

You make it sound like an internet forum with overzealous mods! 😂
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