Thread title sounds like an indie game walking simulator.
I've already asked for a dunce cap, I don't think it's coming...@TaySan themed emoji - when?
One feel at a time. Feelstown wasn't built in a day.
How is this Empathy ?
A new study has found that our eye whites communicate important social cues that are key to our bonding and survival at a conscious and subconscious level. The October 2014 study, “Unconscious Discrimination of Social Cues from Eye Whites in Infants,” was published in the online journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The pure whiteness of the sclera can send a conscious social cue, but it isn't the hue of your eye whites that sends unconscious social cues. Your subconscious mind picks up on the movements of the eyes and the timing of how much of your eye whites are exposed in different quadrants of the eye socket from millisecond-to-millisecond.
There are obvious ways we use our eye whites to convey blatant social cues like rolling your eyes behind someone's back or refusing to make eye contact as a sign of rejection or shame. When was the last time you recall making a blatant eye gesture as a social cue?
The highly visible sclera of the human eye makes it easier for us to see where someone else is looking and to engage in nonverbal communication. Knowingly or not, we also use our eye whites to flirt, ignore, and let others know what we’re thinking both consciously and subconsciously.
The amount of sclera showing and how it's moving indicates a wide range of emotions, attitudes and conveys social cues. Wide-open eyes, in which you see a lot of white, implies fear or surprise. A thinner slit of exposed eye whites, such as when smiling, expresses happiness or joy and is interpreted as such.
How can we have an Empathy without Apathy?
Is this achievable natty?
Is this achievable natty?
Sounds like Dontnod games.Thread title sounds like an indie game walking simulator.
If that's what you want go for it dudePenis.
The subtitles are wrong - it should be written as "NEVAH"
I got enough to go around.
Wow! Thank youEviLore for this amazing honor!
The world has been going through such a difficult time right now...with the pandemic, the heightened political division, and so much more.
My greatest hope is that we can all look past our differences and try to understand each other...coming together to hold each other up rather than tearing each other down. Just imagine what could be accomplished if everyone worked together for the betterment of all humanity.
I know we'll probably never get there...but I still hope for that kind of world, and that kind of empathy and love for each other.
You are all amazing and I hope and pray for all good things in the lives of you and your loved ones. God bless and much love to each of you!
it sounds like a chapter of halo
Ailynn's Empathy is a Diablo II unique amulet.Everybody loves Ailynn
Btw "Ailynn's Empathy" sounds like a video game title from Ninja Theory.
welp, ain't nobody ever gonna top thatAilynn's Empathy is a Diablo II unique amulet.
Was thinking the same thing. Every time I use Ailynn’s Empathy I’ll always remember Nayru’s Loveit sounds like a fourth piece of the triforce