Dr.Guru of Peru
played the long game
You shouldn't laugh if you're this ignorant.LOL Hydrogen is almost every where. What do you think water is made out of?
There are also scientists developing vacuum flywheel tech. With the goal of splitting water fast enough for a average combustion engine to work, with out having to even store the hydrogen in a tank! Instead you'd have a water tank for fuel.
Pure hydrogen is not readily available on Earth. We need to produce hydrogen fuel from water or methane. That costs energy. The only way to get pure hydrogen is from space, but guess what - that costs energy too, and is not going to be feasible in our lifetimes.

So what haven’t I answered and why haven’t you retorted any of my posts? Oh that’s right, you don’t know what you’re talking about. But please, keep thinking that $4 is more money than $13.Nope, and I won't talk to you anymore you lording twonk.
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