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Al Qaeda Intends to Strike NYC..

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Gold Member
Matrix said:
So if Kerry gets in office he wont have any terror threat warnings? He will just sit on the info and homeland security will be worthless.

Amazing how you can take a terriost threat warning to specific places in NYC,Washington and NJ,not even the whole United States and turn it into a Bush needs votes thing.Hey guess what? 9/11 never happened here in NYC and nothing like that will ever happen again,its all politics!



LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
LOL I say we elect Moore for President and Whoopie as Vice President.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Matrix said:
LOL I say we elect Moore for President and Whoopie as Vice President.

Hahaha, that would rock. I'd flee the country in an instant and watch it sink like the Titanic.


Hail to the KING baby
AlphaSnake said:
Hahaha, that would rock. I'd flee the country in an instant and watch it sink like the Titanic.

Hey, I'm doing that right now! Not the fleeing part, though.


I think this info does help the public, despite how vague it is.

It will keep the Fire Depts and Police Depts on their toes, so they can react faster. It will keep citizens on alert so they can contact their friends and family once they need to.

That said, it's quite clear that the Bush Administration has been reactive, rather than proactive, against terror.

When word got out that Al Qaeda would attack the US, and in the process they would hijack planes, Bush waited until it occurred before stepping up airport security (even the simple solution of locking cockpit doors would have prevent the 9/11 attacks).

Let's look at the invasion of Iraq, where they didn't bother sealing the borders when walking in, allowing for foreign terrorists to walk in. The "Bring em on" strategy seems to be working, right?

And now the 9/11 Commission's report (something that Bush opposed) has some guidelines that Bush will finally accept and implement...he's left the impression that he does so grudgingly, and it's simply a reaction to Kerry's endorsement of the report.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.


"The government provided a wealth of detail that it had picked up in the past 36 hours, but a senior intelligence official described it only on condition of anonymity. The official described "excruciating detail" and meticulous planning "indicative of al-Qaida."

The official said the intelligence included security in and around these buildings; the flow of pedestrians; the best places for reconnaissance; how to make contact with employees who work in the buildings; the construction of the buildings; traffic patterns; locations of hospitals and police departments; and which days of the week present less security at these buildings.

To illustrate the level of detail obtained, the official cited these examples: midweek pedestrian traffic of 14 people per minute on each side of the street for a total of 28 people; that some explosives might not be hot enough to melt steel; and that the construction of some buildings might prevent them from falling down.

The official said he had not seen such extraordinary detail in his 24 years in intelligence work."


I'm gonna try and avoid the west side of Manhattan until the RNC is over and done with. That'd be the most likely target.

This may seem like bullshit to most of you out there in GAF-land but how many of you know people that died in the 9-11 incident? Any warning is better than nothing.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Wellington said:
I'm gonna try and avoid the west side of Manhattan until the RNC is over and done with. That'd be the most likely target.

This may seem like bullshit to most of you out there in GAF-land but how many of you know people that died in the 9-11 incident? Any warning is better than nothing.

I still remember it like it was yesterday and the burning smell in the air :(


Man, at my job we're working on the construction of a federal courthouse in Brooklyn. The first and second floors are completely bullet and explosive proof, it's nuts. They have this incredibly strong kevlar sheet-rock. I tried kicking through it to test it... my foot is still sore. :(


Gold Member

In an unprecedented action, the government named these specific buildings in densely populated areas as potential targets:

_Citigroup buildings and the New York Stock Exchange in New York City.

_The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank buildings in Washington.

_Prudential financial in northern New Jersey.

"The preferred means of attack would be car or truck bombs," Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said in a briefing with journalists. "That would be a primary means of attack," he said.


Who cares? Al Qaeda ops will enter this country as all sorts of foreign citizens. My home country apparently makes a good trade selling passports to the Chinese. If you wonder where all the Chinese people in Dominica came from, that's why. By declaring these vague threats, the government is helping the terrorists. If terrorists attack NYC, I doubt anyone's gonna have any significant amount of warning. And I doubt you'll be able to do fuck all about 8M people living in a city. But hey, we're winning the war on terror, right? America is safer...so says Dubya, so it must be true. So when this attack fails to materialize, it will certainly be strong evidence that we should keep dumping millions of dollars into "defense" and "intelligence". PEACE.


this actually sounds pretty specific in terms of where the info came from and how specific the warnin is, not exactly the general "watch-out" damage control warning in case something happens...


The unannounced capture of a figure from Al Qaeda in Pakistan several weeks ago led the Central Intelligence Agency to the rich lode of information that prompted the terror alert on Sunday, according to senior American officials.

The figure, Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan, was described by a Pakistani intelligence official as a 25-year-old computer engineer, arrested July 13, who had used and helped to operate a secret Qaeda communications system where information was transferred via coded messages.

A senior United States official would not confirm or deny that Mr. Khan had been the Qaeda figure whose capture led to the information. But the official said "documentary evidence" found after the capture had demonstrated in extraordinary detail that Qaeda members had for years conducted sophisticated and extensive reconnaissance of the financial institutions cited in the warnings on Sunday.

One senior American intelligence official said the information was more detailed and precise than any he had seen during his 24-year career in intelligence work. A second senior American official said it had provided a new window into the methods, content and distribution of Qaeda communications.

"This, for us, is a potential treasure trove," said a third senior American official, an intelligence expert, at a briefing for reporters on Sunday afternoon.

The documentary evidence, whose contents were reported urgently to Washington on Friday afternoon, immediately elevated the significance of other intelligence information gathered in recent weeks that had already been regarded as highly troubling, senior American intelligence officials said. Much of that information had come from Qaeda detainees in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia as well as Pakistan, and some had also pointed to a possible attack on financial institutions, senior American intelligence officials said.

maybe Al-Qaida are calling stuff off or changing plans now that this has been made public...


MIMIC said:

Hmmm...CNN's way of saying that al-Qaeda is loaded and ready to fire.

How come it's cool for CNN to make that logo, but if I made it in photoshop, I would be labeled a terrorist?

This is stupid now. "Oh, they're going to blow shit up, buy duct tape"

It's old. Either do something about it, admit it is 95% fabricated to keep us all in line, or just shut up, you know?


bjork said:
How come it's cool for CNN to make that logo, but if I made it in photoshop, I would be labeled a terrorist?

And what do you base that on?

It's old. Either do something about it, admit it is 95% fabricated to keep us all in line, or just shut up, you know?

And if they didn't say something and then a chunk of Manhattan was reduced to debris people would be running around talking about 'oh we're winning the war on terror', Bush let it happen because he's losing in the polls or some other such retarded nonsense. I think you might want to take your own advice.


Hail to the KING baby
I just want to ask, from a common-sense standpoint, why in the living fuck are the Republicans having their convention in Manfuckinghattan, of all places? For politicians who claim to be so interested in "national security" when it comes to passing things like the Patriot Act, this is a decision seemingly made with no interest in security.

Let's see, densely-populated island, previous terrorist target, huge political gathering, etc. etc. etc. Come over to Phoenix, or even to a lesser extent Chicago or Philadelphia, they are much easier to manage from a logistics standpoint (there is no logistical nightmare worse than New York, that's why it's been and remains such a target). Painting a big red target on Manhattan, where things are basically impossible to control; where hundreds walk on every city block is quite frankly a gross, selfish disservice to the people of Manhattan.

Of course, Manhattan also happens to be a huge media center, and we all know how much political parties love the media (even when they posit themselves against it), and evocative of the 9/11 imagery and "war on terror" theme that the Republicans are certain to be harping on ad nauseum. They will also say that it demonstrates that we are not scared.

To me it has nothing to do with being scared, it's downright fucking stupid. The lives of the millions of people that walk and commute around Manhattan every day are more important than bullshit posturing. I'm not willing to give up my life, or the lives of anyone who would be harmed by a terrorist attack on Manhattan just so the flag-waving 9/11 FOREVER bullshit that the Republicans are trying to sell somehow seems more authentic.


Phoenix said:
And if they didn't say something and then a chunk of Manhattan was reduced to debris people would be running around talking about 'oh we're winning the war on terror', Bush let it happen because he's losing in the polls or some other such retarded nonsense. I think you might want to take your own advice.

I'm saying that it's redundant, is all. "They might target such and such." Well, no shit.

The point is, they don't even need to do anything every again. 9/11 was horrible, and I wish as much as anyone here that it never happened, but it did exactly what they intended for it to do. So in a sense, they accomplished their goal, regardless of any "war on terrorism."


AstroLad said:
I just want to ask, from a common-sense standpoint, why in the living fuck are the Republicans having their convention in Manfuckinghattan, of all places? For politicians who claim to be so interested in "national security" when it comes to passing things like the Patriot Act, this is a decision seemingly made with no interest in security.

Let's see, densely-populated island, previous terrorist target, huge political gathering, etc. etc. etc. Come over to Phoenix, or even to a lesser extent Chicago or Philadelphia, they are much easier to manage from a logistics standpoint (there is no logistical nightmare worse than New York, that's why it's been and remains such a target). Painting a big red target on Manhattan, where things are basically impossible to control; where hundreds walk on every city block is quite frankly a gross, selfish disservice to the people of Manhattan.

Of course, Manhattan also happens to be a huge media center, and we all know how much political parties love the media (even when they posit themselves against it), and evocative of the 9/11 imagery and "war on terror" theme that the Republicans are certain to be harping on ad nauseum. They will also say that it demonstrates that we are not scared.

To me it has nothing to do with being scared, it's downright fucking stupid. The lives of the millions of people that walk and commute around Manhattan every day are more important than bullshit posturing. I'm not willing to give up my life, or the lives of anyone who would be harmed by a terrorist attack on Manhattan just so the flag-waving 9/11 FOREVER bullshit that the Republicans are trying to sell somehow seems more authentic.

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