I just want to ask, from a common-sense standpoint, why in the living fuck are the Republicans having their convention in Manfuckinghattan, of all places? For politicians who claim to be so interested in "national security" when it comes to passing things like the Patriot Act, this is a decision seemingly made with no interest in security.
Let's see, densely-populated island, previous terrorist target, huge political gathering, etc. etc. etc. Come over to Phoenix, or even to a lesser extent Chicago or Philadelphia, they are much easier to manage from a logistics standpoint (there is no logistical nightmare worse than New York, that's why it's been and remains such a target). Painting a big red target on Manhattan, where things are basically impossible to control; where hundreds walk on every city block is quite frankly a gross, selfish disservice to the people of Manhattan.
Of course, Manhattan also happens to be a huge media center, and we all know how much political parties love the media (even when they posit themselves against it), and evocative of the 9/11 imagery and "war on terror" theme that the Republicans are certain to be harping on ad nauseum. They will also say that it demonstrates that we are not scared.
To me it has nothing to do with being scared, it's downright fucking stupid. The lives of the millions of people that walk and commute around Manhattan every day are more important than bullshit posturing. I'm not willing to give up my life, or the lives of anyone who would be harmed by a terrorist attack on Manhattan just so the flag-waving 9/11 FOREVER bullshit that the Republicans are trying to sell somehow seems more authentic.