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Alex Winter says Bill & Ted 4 is being written


I like how the host gets a genuine scoop on their show and gives the most deadpan “wow” in response.

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I actually thought 3 was pretty funny which is saying a lot given the current state of our culture. 1 and 2 took place in a completely different time so 3 had to be very different while still retaining the essence of Bill and Ted and I think it largely succeeded. I’m in for 4, though I hope they keep the daughters to a minimum. That’s just felt so forced.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
Why? The last movie kinda sucked.
Kinda?! It was diabolical.
On topic (well not really), how does this channel with 5000 followers get interviews like this, let alone looking down the list seeing that she spoke to Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann Moss too?
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Gold Member
Yeah...a handful of amusing moments, but really disappointing for the most part. Retconning so much so they can make the daughters the real saviors.

I didn't mind that.

The only miss couldn't be avoided. They were supposed to squat in Eddie Van Halen's house, not Dave Grohl's. But of course Eddie had cancer and couldn't do it.
3 felt like a “Be careful what you ask for!” type sequel. Loved 1, kind of liked 2, watched 3 once and never again. The silver lining is there is lots of room for improvement…
The third movie was abysmal and I'm saying this as a huge Bill and ted fan.
Especially the acting of Keanu. He looked like he had no fun doing this movie and Ted lost all the charm from the previous movies.
Story was huge trash too. It was just a bill and ted rip off and theyy just added two daughters.
The movie wasn't even funny most of the time.
My favorite character was Mozart.
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Perpetually Offended
Kinda?! It was diabolical.
On topic (well not really), how does this channel with 5000 followers get interviews like this, let alone looking down the list seeing that she spoke to Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann Moss too?

Probably knows the right people who can land him these interviews and such.


3 had some ok moments/elements, I don't hate that it exists or anything, more like just don't really care. If they do go on to make another one, I wish them luck and if it is cool, then great! There is definitely potential. If it is more of the same (as 3), I am happy to go about my day and never bother with it.
Also forgot one thing that way annoying as hell that most of the movie was filmed with a green screen. Looked like shit. Yeah I know small budget but real backdrops are more authentic and realistic.

I find It also amusing that they had problems to finance the movie.

Actors don't finance movies but let's be serious Keanu has over 300 million euros.

So what was the problem here? It's not like he couldn't help with that issue.
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Alex Winter was great in part 3 but can't say the same about Keanu. Either Ted wasn't written properly or Keanu just phoned it in but something was definitely off. Movie sucked as a whole but Alex gave it 110% at least. It was also great to see Bill Sadler back as the Reaper, even if the role was a bit small compared to part 2.

I hate to go here but it really just follows the trend of gender swapping females into male roles. First you have Bill and Ted's kids retconned into girls because Little Bill and Little Ted actually was short for Billie and Thea (major eye roll). Next you retcon yet again and have them be the actual saviors/uniters of humanity instead of Bill and Ted (ugh). The council of the future is also now all female (what happened to the black dude with the most excellent flat top.) Also the Rufus character played by the late, great George Carlin also has a daughter that fills in his role. Finally the worst offender is they actually gender swap Ling Lun into a woman, not a fictitious character but a real goddamn person! It feels anything but organic but maybe that's the point, either way it's bogus.
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