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Alice in Chains to release their new album in 2013

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Awesome. A new Alice album next year!

In 2013 Alice in Chains will release their as-yet-untitled fifth studio album. Although the band has been around for some 25 years, this marks only their second album without longtime vocalist Layne Staley, lending a still-new feel to the follow-up to Black Gives Way to Blue.

“It’s like having to deal with the sophomore jinx for the second time in our career,” Cantrell told Richard Bienstock in the latest issue of Guitar World.

Joined by bassist Mike Inez, drummer Sean Kinney and vocalist/guitarist William DuVall, Cantrell recently wrapped up the recording sessions for the album with producer Nick Raskulinecz (Foo Fighters, Deftones) and engineer Paul Figueroa.

"In my opinion, that record stood up to anything else we’ve put out in our career," Cantrell says. "And this new one is right up there as well."

Source: http://www.guitarworld.com/jerry-ca...s-it-s-having-deal-sophomore-jinx-second-time
Excited, loved Check My Brain and Private Hell.
Have you listened to Acid Bubble? By far and away my favorite song on that album. That was a fantastic album and still listening to it every few weeks or whatever. I cannot wait though did anyone else hear it was supposed to be released in late 2012? Did it get pushed back or was the 2012 just a rumor/rumbling?

edit: I am not sure how many bands have done this? I mean as far as release a follow up album so many years later and be just as amazing and still keep the feel of the band in tact? Soundgardens new one this year was decent. Bush's new album last year was just kind of okay. Pearl Jams have just been meh in recent years, ect. And Stone Temple Pilots self-titled released I think in 2011 was a major bummer. There are probably a number of other bands I am missing, I just listed a few off the top of my head.


Last album was pretty good.

Jar of Flies > Everything else

More bands should do EPs. It cuts out a lot of filler. Image how good we would all think 1995's Alice In Chains album was if they had cut out half the songs (I really think 1/2 the songs are good, 1/2 are filler).


I was just re-listening to Black Gives Way To Blue, mainly due to the recent Soundgarden release. I'm all for more!


I agree.

Who controls Alice in Chains now? Jerry Cantrell? Why not just come up with a new band name post-Layne's death?
I dunno, just seems like a sleezy way to mooch off of name recognition.

Jerry did almost all the writing, and a lot of the singing.

If Axle Rose can be "Guns-n-Roses" by himself, I think 3/4 of Alice In Chains is ok.


It's not as good without Layne... but I'll take what I can get.

I hear that a lot from fans, but I think it's silly because, yes, despite that Layne had a charming and animated personality, as far as his singing style was concerned, it was similar to Cantrell and DuVall's singing.


All of their early stuff is fantastic to me. Stuff I can listen to at home or get pumped to at the gym.


2013 will be a great year for music with this release and Tool's new album. I never really listened to the last Alice in Chains album but I bought some of the songs in rockband and enjoyed them.
I gave it a chance but...

This isn't necessarily just about you, but...how could you 'give it a chance' after only one day?

Most great music (film as well, paintings...basically all art) takes DAYS...sometimes WEEKS...to be fully absorbed. I'm not trying to sound pretentious, that's just the truth. The song didn't grab me right away either, but I'm listening to it more and starting to really dig it. I'm sure I'll enjoy it more as I keep listening over the next few months until the album drops. Maybe not, but I'm certainly going to give it more than eight hours before declaring I 'gave it a chance.'

It's like when people say they didn't like a new album by a group, I always ask "how many times have you listened to it?" And I'm always appaled that so many times the answer is "oh, just once."
2013 will be a great year for music with this release and Tool's new album. I never really listened to the last Alice in Chains album but I bought some of the songs in rockband and enjoyed them.

Have they actually released any new information about that regarding a release in 2013? I haven't heard anything about that in a long time


Music itself sounds solid but it's so jarring (no pun intended) to hear the contrast of the new lead singer's voice with Jerry's... even with their harmonising, it just sounds weird


This isn't necessarily just about you, but...how could you 'give it a chance' after only one day?

Most great music (film as well, paintings...basically all art) takes DAYS...sometimes WEEKS...to be fully absorbed. I'm not trying to sound pretentious, that's just the truth. The song didn't grab me right away either, but I'm listening to it more and starting to really dig it. I'm sure I'll enjoy it more as I keep listening over the next few months until the album drops. Maybe not, but I'm certainly going to give it more than eight hours before declaring I 'gave it a chance.'

It's like when people say they didn't like a new album by a group, I always ask "how many times have you listened to it?" And I'm always appaled that so many times the answer is "oh, just once."

I won't disagree with you there. I got into Alice in Chains after giving a couple of tries. I wasn't hooked at first.

I'll probably not listen to this song again though, until I get the album and listen all at once.


Fucking wicked.

On my first listen, it was okay, but on the second, I'm warming up to it more. Having said that, compared to Soundgarden's new single, this is better. Hopefully, like Soundgarden's new album, this'll have better songs on the album.
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