Looks worse than I expected. Who wants to shoot non-alien dudes in an Aliens game?
Like the awesome Aliens Infestation, seems like Aliens: Colonial Marines is based on the Aliens 3 movie that was scripted, but never made, where CCP soldiers (think futuristic cold war era Soviets) are fighting the Colonial Marines (US/NATO), along with their corporate/government backers for control of alien technology, so the military industrial complex can exploit it.
I actually applaud Gearbox/Sega for going this route. It would have been EASY to make an update of the single player Colonial Marine campaigns from the AVP games, sans Predators. We have already been there and done that though over the years on the Jaguar/PC and recently on the PC/PS3/X360. Kudos to Gearbox for expanding the universe and making a sequel to to the movie Aliens, that fans always wanted.
The Aliens 3 movie was good in its own way, but 20th Century Fox really fucked up the Aliens universe in Aliens 3 by killing off Newt and Hicks. I'm glad Gearbox is going in the Darkhorse direction, which is a much better universe than the one created by 20th Century Fox. Maybe if we're lucky, we'll see the Aliens: Outbreak trilogy made into a game. Now that would be awesome! I hope Aliens: Colonial Marines is good and does well and I'm looking forward to it. Soooo much undue negativity and criticism here, IMO.