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Aliens: Colonial Marines |OT| Game Over Man, GAME OVER!


not tag worthy
welp.. looks like i can scratch this off my must buy list then.from the general impressions and concensus.
shame really but not totally suprised.

back to infestation then..

That AvP2 video - such a great game, and genuinely scary in parts. Crazy that people are still struggling to hit something of that quality (for the time).

What AvP2 video?

And it's not shocking to me that ACM ended up this way. Watching a playthrough of the game, like we discussed it just feels entirely too much like a game they were expecting would cash in on what they thought people wanted (a generic shooting gallery with Aliens, CoD-style).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Is the Jaguar game not highly regarded? I remember enjoying that.
It was highly regarded, but I'm not sure why. Unlike, say, Doom or even Duke 3D the game does not hold up. It's a single height ceiling, 90 degree angle wall kind of engine that produces levels similar to what you'd see in Wolf 3D only it's very slow paced and runs at an obscenely low framerate (15 fps at best). For the Jag, I suppose it was impressive and they DID do a good job with atmosphere for its day but it was always just too clunky to enjoy.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
What AvP2 video?

And it's not shocking to me that ACM ended up this way. Watching a playthrough of the game, like we discussed it just feels entirely too much like a game they were expecting would cash in on what they thought people wanted (a generic shooting gallery with Aliens, CoD-style).
Sorry, AvP Classic. I saw the 2000 and read it as '2' :p It's early.

Need to play through that one again! I'd get it on my mac but it only runs up to 10.3 or something, unsurprisingly.


So reviewers are kow-towing to publishers again and leaving consumers to pick up the slack? Can't one of them buy a copy of the game themselves, thereby bypassing the embargo on the free review copy?

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
So reviewers are kow-towing to publishers again and leaving consumers to pick up the slack? Can't one of them buy a copy of the game themselves, thereby bypassing the embargo on the free review copy?
Gotta say I'm surrpised not seeing any reviews of this, given it dropped early, even from smaller more independent reviewers.
So reviewers are kow-towing to publishers again and leaving consumers to pick up the slack? Can't one of them buy a copy of the game themselves, thereby bypassing the embargo on the free review copy?

Embargoes have little to nothing to do with the copy of a game being free or not. C'mon man.

And the reviews will be up before the game is available for sale, so what are you going on about?
So reviewers are kow-towing to publishers again and leaving consumers to pick up the slack? Can't one of them buy a copy of the game themselves, thereby bypassing the embargo on the free review copy?

I think it is pretty apparent that this is going to get panned by the press, embargo or not.


I think it is pretty apparent that this is going to get panned by the press, embargo or not.
That's why the embargo. Wouldn't do to have a bunch of bad reviews floating around before launch.

While I'm curious about Jim Sterling's review, it makes me shudder (with glee) to think what Yahtzee has in store for it.

At this point, I think I'm going to try to enjoy the game for what it is, and wallow in the negativity around it. Should be fun.


I got my copy at the weekend (was sent out early by @game2) and it is as bad as others have stated. What you notice right from the off is how it looks and feels old, like it should've been released a long time ago, a relic from a previous era with its laughable facial animations in cut scenes with dialogue that's delivered from closed mouths in certain instances, it's like something from an Xbox 1 game.

The actual gameplay is abysmal. Enemy AI can barely tell their arse from their elbow at times and its not uncommon to find them standing in doorways waiting for you to trigger their routines, or the player can indulge the fun of actually watching an Alien hide behind cover (I shit you not) like it's playing hide and seek with them. If only, it would make for more fun than it is. Even the way melee is handled, with the button prompts appearing usually after the Alien has backed away from the player, it's just so half-assed :-S

For me, the worst crime that Aliens: CM commits is how monumentally dull it is, which in a game based in such a rich universe is unforgivable. I guess the one plus side is that Lance Hendrickson and Michael Biehn got a cheque out of it for their voice work, but that's not much of a plus in the grand scheme of things.

You miss nothing by passing this up, even die-hard Aliens fans like myself have nothing to gain from buying this fetid turd of a game. Those of us who've bought it have taken one for the team so you don't have to. Not even for a tenner would I recommend this, and I can't wait to get shot of it to try to recoup some of the money wasted on it. Awful, just... ugh.


Getting near the end now, and this is just a shocking looking game on 360. In places it really does look like an original Xbox game. It's not like it has a super smooth framerate that could help justify this garbage, it really chugs sometimes. Hope I can return this crap.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Getting near the end now, and this is just a shocking looking game on 360. In places it really does look like an original Xbox game. It's not like it has a super smooth framerate that could help justify this garbage, it really chugs sometimes. Hope I can return this crap.
Interested to hear your thoughts on the final sequence :p


Oh man sounds dissapointing.

I hope the game does well enough for the developer to survive, last thing we need is
More dead studios resulting from expensive bombs.


I am just really confused by the mess this game ended up being. I mean, Gearbox is a solid developer (minus Duke Nukem Forever and certain aspects of BiA: Hell's Highway), so I'd really love to know what went on behind-the-scenes that caused this game to be such a turd.


I played the multiplayer at Eurogamer and it was a ton of fun, is it just the single player that they're tearing apart or? cuz the multiplayer feels like a classic Aliens game :/


I am just really confused by the mess this game ended up being. I mean, Gearbox is a solid developer (minus Duke Nukem Forever and certain aspects of BiA: Hell's Highway), so I'd really love to know what went on behind-the-scenes that caused this game to be such a turd.
This may sound completely desperate...okay totally desperate, but I'm holding out hope that the Wiiu version adds something...anything to make this a worthwhile purchase. I'm Aliens starved man.


I have the PC version pre-ordered on GMG since quite a while back, it's like 37$ so whatever. If the game is ass (which it sounds like) I uninstall it and look forward to the next game to release which is Metal Gear Rising, hnnnngh.


We go back and forth about breaking embargo in the face of broken street dates on a fairly regular basis. But I've signed contracts that set myself and my employer up for legal action if we violate them. And honestly, the people that are going out there to go and buy the game early at the specific locations they've heard are selling the game early would do it regardless of what the reviews say. So there's not a lot of point in taking that hit. If you break embargo with one publisher, the other publishers notice.


huge huge fan.....just canceled my CE preorder after all of this negative stuff came out....really wanted to believe but man all this negative crap just makes it seem like I was throwing $100 down the toilet


We go back and forth about breaking embargo in the face of broken street dates on a fairly regular basis. But I've signed contracts that set myself and my employer up for legal action if we violate them. And honestly, the people that are going out there to go and buy the game early at the specific locations they've heard are selling the game early would do it regardless of what the reviews say. So there's not a lot of point in taking that hit. If you break embargo with one publisher, the other publishers notice.

This is true, but I think people are able to read between the lines when reviewers/media writers comment on message boards such as GAF. For example despite yourself and others saying nothing concrete I would be extremely surprised to find Alien scoring well on Tuesday. While no member of the press has detailed any specifics endangering their embargo contract these comments do give us the heads up.

One of the slight benefits of games launching in the UK on a Friday is that we get plenty of warning regarding the quality of a game prior to our pre-orders being shipped from online retailers. Retailers generally ship on a Wednesday so we have time to cancel before our debit or credit card gets charged for the game. Of course US gamers are less fortunate giving even more credence to these small comments being made on forums especially as these days so many break street dates.
Waiting on comments about the 4-player coop experience, esp on the hardest difficulties.
And for people who played the versus gametype with a bunch of friends.
And is there matchmaking for the online coop?


Is the Jaguar game not highly regarded? I remember enjoying that.

It's not that good. While you can adjust to the framerate, the slowness of the game is an entirely different matter. It's like you're walking through water in 90 degree angeled corridors with very little variety and like most Jaguar games it lacks a lot of the little touches that makes games special: Everything is static and screams lack of budget/time.

On a system with a limited library it was hailed as the second coming, as sometimes happens when there aren't enough high quality games.


I am just really confused by the mess this game ended up being. I mean, Gearbox is a solid developer (minus Duke Nukem Forever and certain aspects of BiA: Hell's Highway), so I'd really love to know what went on behind-the-scenes that caused this game to be such a turd.

Could be the fact that development started a long ass time ago and they just picked up from there without really changing much. That could explain the dated and generic character models. Probably just a quick cash in on Aliens fans.Gearbox probably hoped to sell it on name of studio also.


Got me Collectors Edition today, Loving it!
The content inside is wicked!
Patches, Certificate, Statue. All pure awesomsauce

Updated (106meg), Installed Game, and was ready to rock!

Played the First level on Hard.
Soaked up the atmosphere, like it was air.
Loved every minute!

Oh it's good to be a Colonial Marine.
Got me Collectors Edition today, Loving it!
The content inside is wicked!
Patches, Certificate, Statue. All pure awesomsauce

Updated (106meg), Installed Game, and was ready to rock!

Played the First level on Hard.
Soaked up the atmosphere, like it was air.
Loved every minute!

Oh it's good to be a Colonial Marine.

I want to think this post is genuine. I really really do.

But something about it tells me it would be smart to think otherwise...
Timegate worked on this game, I'm sure that didn't help the quality of the game. I honestly expect them to close up shop or do a kickstarter in the next month.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Quote from the game....

"Xenos on the catwalks!"

.... And they shake their little tush on the catwalks

Anyways, watching YouTube videos right now. This game doesn't look very good except maybe bargain bin price. I did like the 2010 AVP game, although.


myself and a friend would rent a Jaguar unit and AvP when we were kids. we really liked it. It was quite scary. but this was all before I played Quake or Doom.


Are the update/patch notes online? When it dropped, what they fixed.

lol, all this negativity, and then this post.
Like a fart in church.

I don't know what it did sorry (Playstation 3 version).
All it said was version 1.0(?)

But yes, i'm loving it so far.
I'm not running or flicking through the levels like chooks head cut off, or anything.
I'm fully engrossed looking/exploring.
And, i'm Loving it and that's all that matters ;)


EB Games (Australia) refunded my $118 for the collector's edition. WOOT. Unfortunately I can't wipe the achievements off my gamercard.

Talk to me when it's $10, I may buy it again.



An early shout for Giant Bomb's most disappointing of the year?

Did anyone actually have high expectations for this game?

But yes, i'm loving it so far.
I'm not running or flicking through the levels like chooks head cut off, or anything.
I'm fully engrossed looking/exploring.
And, i'm Loving it and that's all that matters ;)

With all the other reactions in this thread, it sounds like a good enough rental for this relatively game-starved time of the year to me (but I'd rather be playing Sly Cooper or Ni No Kuni).
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