That's a strange comment to make.So, is the Gearbox of today just a two hit wonder of Borderlands?
First DNF and now this? I hoped this game will really deliver.
One of the early Alien designs has a transparent headpiece showing a skull with eye holes underneath, but I prefer the idea of hive mind/telepathy.
So, is the Gearbox of today just a two hit wonder of Borderlands?
First DNF and now this? I hoped this game will really deliver.
jesus fucking hell this game sucks. If your every given the option to pick up the shotgun DONT DO IT. you can never get rid of the fucking thing, and trying to have long range shoot out with 10 guys SUCKS
Theres a good picture of the actor wearing it with the dome off somewhere.That is the Alien's original design made by Giger (and using it, in the film of course)
One of the early Alien designs has a transparent headpiece showing a skull with eye holes underneath, but I prefer the idea of hive mind/telepathy.
The actual Alien model created by Giger has the skull underneath the semi transparent head.
Saw it last year at an exhibition. It was the one done for the first movie.
Only when Fox decided to fuck him over and completely screw up both design and biology of the Aliens in the second movie (Big chicken with a surfboard as a head laying the eggs, instead of humans being morphed into eggs like in the original movie, Heads becoming ripped instead of sleek phallic shafts) did they stray away from that.
The shotgun is only handy...for close encounters
I remember reading an interview with Ridley Scott where he said that when they were brainstorming Alien, they basically went with Giger because the thought of a giant, extra-terrestrial raping machine was much more terrifying then one that simply killed.
I know but for some reason i have 2 shotguns and cant find an AR anywhere
Yep, Aliens was a massive setback for the whole Alien Universe, mainly because all the thought and care that went into the original design by Giger was destroyed to make the Aliens more edgy by adding ridges everywhere. It's also disgusting how Fox tried to cut Giger out as the original creator and how they tried to deny him his due compensation.
For all it's faults and shortcomings, the alien design in 3 was much better.
The Xeno design in Aliens is just pathethic in the way it misses the point. The Queen in particular being a spectacular lowpoint.
You carry all weapons at once. Hold Y button to selct them from the larger inventory.
First Reviews:
Games TM - 4/10
IT News Africa - 7.9/10 (Pulled)
GameAsylum - no rating - 5/10
First Reviews:
Games TM - 4/10
IT News Africa - 7.9/10 (Pulled)
GameAsylum - no rating - 5/10
Oh man, they would be absolutely perfect for this.The basic concept for the game is actually pretty good, It would be interesting to see what Guerrilla would come up with if handed the same project. It seems like the kind of thing they'd be perfect for. As it stands though, Gearbox should be ashamed of this mess of game they've shit out to beat the end of the generation.
- Graphically (on 360 at least), this is the ugliest game of the generation. The framerate is all over the place, there's constant tearing, it's overly bright/washed out, and textures either take forever to load, or just never do.
I never liked Aliens. I was always put off by how they cheapened the Xenomorph and just turned them into cannon-fodder.
And yeah, the way they cut Giger out is gross, but it still goes on today, very similar to how Darabont got fucked with AMC.
Yeah, ill just..
oh god..
First Reviews:
Games TM - 4/10
IT News Africa - 7.9/10 (Pulled)
GameAsylum - no rating - 5/10
Before making statements like this, you must first descend into the shovelware hell that is Shellshock 2:
But thanks for posting your impressions - still unsure whether this is even worth a rental. It seems like you liked at least small parts of it, but the essentials seem sufficiently bad for this to be a terrible purchase for sure.
To think that I was going to pre-order this - my god!
Yeah, ill just..
oh god..
That is so funny... what's the story?
Before making statements like this, you must first descend into the shovelware hell that is Shellshock 2:
The shoddiness of this title surprises me somewhat. Gearbox is a decent dev and I thought the Borderlands and BiA games were of high quality. So what the hell happened here?
Exploding Aliens track you by movement sound.
First Reviews:
Games TM - 4/10
IT News Africa - 7.9/10 (Pulled)
GameAsylum - no rating - 5/10