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Aliens vs. Predator 2--or how a 3 year old Lithtech game STILL holds up.


Man oh man oh man, I remember getting AVP 2 for Christmas of 2001, and the embossed artwork that was the box front made this game awesome from the get-go.

Somewhere between then and now, I finished the game and shelved it away...

BUT IT'S BACK OUT. By some kind of kooky "wow, AVP movie, might want to play this again" sort of thinking, I reinstalled AVP2, tossed on the newest fixes and patches, and fired it up.

First of all, it's still friggin' beautiful. The graphics are obviously dated, but the art direction more than makes up for it. You feel like you're in the AVP universe, not some random shooter that so happens have Aliens and Predators in it.

Secondly, the sound is spot on. From the musical cues to the simplistic pulse rifle blast, you're immersed in cinema-quality sound design that pulls you in.

Hell, even the scripted scenes jolted me (other than one, but I'll get to that later) with help from the stellar sound design.


Sadly, the scripted scenes are kind of crappy here and there. I mean, there are a few places where you can take out enemies from a safe spot before they even move out of their spawn. One example, which was never fixed from the first demo, is an alien perched on the ceiling after a duct. He just stands there, even if you peg him with bullets. He's also REALLY easy to spot. Jeez. Furthermore, there's some hardcore clipping here and there that goes to your advantage (alien heads regularly go through doors, all the easier to use the knife and save some ammo)...

But through all that, the presentation is top notch, and with high resolution and max quality enabled...It's one of the best-looking FPS titles out there. Not to mention one of the better playing.
I found the first AVP FPS PC game by Rebellion or whoever had the perfect Alien(s) atmosphere. All the lighting and design echo'd the films perfectly. I never did play AVP 2.


This game needs COOP badly. There is a coop mod, but it's only for a few levels in Marine Campaign and you have to load up each level manually......sigh

I wonder why there isn't Alien Vs Predator 3 considering the movie is getting so close at hand. The Doom3 engine would be pretty awesome if the whole game takes place in a spaceship(eliminating the outdoor environment that the engine sucked at).

Wait a minute!!!! I think there was a group who is doing a AVP mod for Doom3!!! I can't seem to find the modders website on google for some reason.


It's on planetdoom forum in modification and conversion section. Search engine seems to be fucked for me in the forum.


...jeez. I just read that they were thinking that could get shut down...but seriously, it's NOT FOR PROFIT. Christ, Fox is stingy with IP (see: the Gestapo strike against Fox-based fansites in the latter part of the former century).
Okay, I went to BB yesterday after the movie and picked up AvP2 for $10. Now aside from the official patches/downloads from Sierra, what else should I look for in the way of custom mods, maps, and skins?

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
The first AvP was better than the 2nd one imo, the atmosphere was much better, the music was perfect, and heck, the aliens looked more authentic than avp2.

Damn, this makes me want to play avp now, playing as an alien = pure bliss, smashing lights to be in total darkness, sneak up to a marine by crawling on the wall above him then snap off his head! :D
Whaaaaat? AVP1 was hands down the most tense and unnerving fps released up to that point when it came out.

To this day no game has ever made me stop dead in my tracks as much as that game. The sheer panic of walking into a room and hearing a face hugger in the dark...somewhere....but you're not sure where...and being afraid to look for it...but knowing that you HAD to find it...or it would find you...

Oh man...that game had tension down pat. Nothing has touched it, imo.


I love AvP2, im thinking about playing through it again after seeing the movie. The human part was so-so, the predator levels were okay but the alien part is awesome. So fun running around as a face-hugger looking for a host. :p And climbing all over the walls is just freaking awesome.
What's the cheapest I can get AvP2 for? I saw it for $18 preowned at EB the other day, but thought that was a bit too much...
I'd really like to play this game, since I just watched Aliens for the first time the other day (I know, I know, it's taken me a while), and it was awesome.
I really preferred AVP over AVP2, adding quicksaves killed the atmosphere, even if AVP was a bit too hard.

I did appreciated being born as an alien in AVP2. though, chewing out from inside the poor guy.

Overall I'd say niether of the games were done particulary well, but they had enough going for them to still be fun.


Biglesworth23 said:
What's the cheapest I can get AvP2 for? I saw it for $18 preowned at EB the other day, but thought that was a bit too much...
I'd really like to play this game, since I just watched Aliens for the first time the other day (I know, I know, it's taken me a while), and it was awesome.
Your local Best Buy probably has the "Best Seller Series" version for $10.
Is there an AVP game coming out? I know there's some AVP RTS out and that Predator Concrete Jungle game in the works, but how about a real AVP game? I would totally buy something like the upcoming Unreal Championship with Aliens and Predators.

Agent X

There have been several over the years. I thoroughly enjoyed the Atari Jaguar version, which came out nearly 10 years ago. It still holds up well today in terms of artwork and atmosphere.



If I may suggest to anyone who purchases AVP2 Gold Edition-don't bother with the Primal Hunt expansion. It was done by another dev besides Monolith and is a buggy, boring piece of crud. An example:

During the first mercenary mission, my character was leading two AI-controlled mercs through a cave. Literally out of nothing, alien soldiers spawed and attacked; they didn't crawl out of a tunnel, nor drop from the ceiling-they simply popped into existence from thin air. As if that wasn't bad enough, one of the AI mercs apparently thought that I was an alien and torched me with his flamethrower-I wasn't exactly close to the aliens when this occured, and I wasn't shooting at him before he lit me up-the AI seemingly decided that I had to be on fire at that point. Yay, fun. After reloading from my last save, I promply shot both of the AI mercs in the head and re-entered the cave.

Don't let this happen to you.
I always wanted to get this game before I built my new PC almost 2 years ago. But I never got around to it after I had built my PC. But since I saw the movie last night, it reminded me (along with this topic) about the game, but of course all the EB's I called in y area are sold out or something.

~Black Deatha


Grimlock said:
After reloading from my last save, I promply shot both of the AI mercs in the head and re-entered the cave.

Don't let this happen to you.
These kinds of stories crack me up.
If only you could do this to EVERY brain-dead AI lemming in these games.


I just reinstalled AvP2. What a difference 1 gig or RAM makes. Those levels that use to take 2 minutes to load now take 2 seconds. :D Also, while the environments look nice, good freaking lord the human character models look HORRIBLE. But its still fun. I dunno if ill have time ot play thorugh the whole thing though.
I loved AVP2 to death!! The online multilpayer was fun as hell! I really think that there should be a console version of this game. I think this would be an awesome XBL title, and what do console gamers get, some bargin basement AVP pseudo real time strategy garbage! My god I remember the countless night I spent playing this game. Some people complained about balance butit was about how you played. If you were a marine and didn't work with your teammates then you were toast. Some of the best deathmatch play EVER in a video game. Everything was straight from the respective mythologies, and this game was a Alien/Predator fanboy dream come true.....

Think I'll just have to make time to re-install..........
I just reinstalled this and played a bunch of multi player. Its really good, and to my surprise many people are online playing. I was really impressed by how cool the Predator class was, and how great the sound effects still are. The shotgun kicks the shit out of Doom 3's shotgun sound effect wise, and all the movie effects are in the game.
AVP is the only reason to why i miss my old Jaguar console :/

Dont think any videogame have gotten me to get scared :D
I remember playing it with my brother on a dark night, and we booth jumped
in the air at some times :D

The whispering from the predator is awesome aswell.. "im here..." or what it was :)


I had some real fun times online as a predator or alien sneaking up and killing some humans in style. :)

And there are some rather decent SP map packs on planetavp.com
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