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Alienware's Video Array Vs Nvidia SLI



Goal –
Both technologies have the same objective; to dramatically increase the graphics performance of your PC by using multiple graphics cards working together to draw the same image.

Performance –
The performance increase resulting from either technology could be up to 100%. These gains will be realized in applications that are primarily limited by the GPU. For example, rendering software, CAD/CAM programs, and the latest games like Far Cry, Half-Life 2, and Doom 3.
Both technologies require extra overhead (e.g. textures have to be sent to both video cards). Therefore, some data travels twice through the PCI Express bus and, as a result, the average performance increase could be less than 100%.


Flexibility –

Alienware’s Video Array works with video cards from any manufacturer; ATI, NVidia, 3DLabs, Matrox, or others. Since you are not tied to any one manufacturer’s products, you can configure the Video Array with the video cards that work best for your application.
The Video Array uses off-the-shelf video cards and drivers. There is no need to have any special provisions in hardware or software for Video Array to work. When there is a new feature or optimization implemented in the drivers, they become readily available through Video Array.
Alienware’s Video Array is not limited to 2 video cards. Future implementations may take advantage of this and put 4 or more video cards into one system. This would probably be more geared towards professional applications like rendering farms.

Full Solution –
It’s not enough just to get two high-performance video cards to work in parallel. The combined power requirement and increased heat generated by two graphics cards are beyond the capabilities of most PCs on the market today. As a result, Alienware has engineered complete power and liquid cooling systems for Video Array and will be bringing the total system solution to market in the ALX line of high-performance PCs.

Features –
Video Array implements Frame Locking with any video cards, a feat previously available exclusively on extremely high-end professional class video cards. Frame locking synchronizes display refresh and buffer swaps across multiple cards, preventing visual artifacts and ensuring image continuity in multi-monitor (or multiple video card) applications like simulations.


good thread to read if you are interested in more than one graphics card for combined graphics processing ^__^
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