Between this and new TOHO Godzilla trailer I’m not sure the last 24 hours could be better.
Alita #1 was absolute

and I literally only went to see it on a whim because of GAF’s praises.
Totally worth it.
None of this post 2016 BS social crap infused, just an awesome film based on an Anime with some of the most stylistic combat scenes since the original Matrix.
For naysayers - give it a shot! One of the few movies I have watched repeatedly (6 times) in my life, always entertaining and very, very well done.
*responding to a comment above, the first was actually NOT a bomb. In fact it came in with low expectations for the box office and exceeded them. It did only “break even” roughly because of its massive budget, but no - the film wasn’t a bomb. It exceeded the calculations, which originally showed it being a dud.
Thank goodness it did. Excellent fun.