I got a new drink you guys should all try out. I just got back from the gym, and it feels really good sipping on this while chowing down on some lamb kabobs.
It's called a Raspberry Mule, I got it from the recipe book that came with my Chambord.
First, you take some raspberries (the book says 12) and muddle them in your shaker tin, so just mash them up. Then add your ice, 2 oz. of vodka, and 0.5 oz. of Chambord (I used an ounce though). Finally add a shot of lime juice (I'd actually go with lime cordial as it's sweeter, since the raspberries are already quite tart) and shake that bitch.
Strain it out into a collins glass with ice, and top it with *ginger beer*. The ginger beer really matches with the raspberries, and the vodka taste is masked very well.
This drink rocks, you guys should try it out