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Always a new problem, fucking bed bugs!


I am always struggling to keep my head above water it seems like...I'm still paying a loan I had to take in order to get some repairs on my car. Financially my life just sucks and there's always something new. But now, this new problem is just the worst, because it's not just a financial stress, but it really makes me uncomfortable, and I'm crying so much.

I hate bugs, just hate am so scared of them being too close to me. We confirmed last night that we had bed bugs for sure though in at least one of the rooms, and earlier this morning, we confirmed that my bed had them too. My family and I didn't realize we had them, but I feel like we should have noticed the signs sooner. At first I didn't think my room was infected, because I didn't notice any bites, at least... I didn't realize the itching i had on my ankle as caused by bites at first. This has been going on for weeks, so god knows how long we've had these fuckers in our house.

We hoped we could find some answers online on how to deal with this situation, but none of them sound pleasant, and it just stresses me out so much thinking we might have to endure this nightmare for weeks, even if we get an exterminator. That's the first thing every google result seems to tell me also, hire a professional. That leads back around to my mentioning the financial trouble I'm already in, and from what I keep being told, I'm looking at at least $1000 which is something I simply do not have.

I do even know where to begin with this madness...I feel like we made a mistake, because someone told us to get those mattresses out, because they were infested. Which is the first thing we did...I was not gonna sleep on that mattress after I saw what was crawling around the edge. We took the mattresses out front, and i threw away all my pillows. I don't trust any of that shit anymore. After that was out of my room, I started cleaning, and vacuuming around the room, and spraying bed bug spray. With the exception of seeing a bed bug on the wall before I looked at the mattress, I hadn't really seen them around other parts of the room, but it's also hard to tell cuz of the shitty carpet in our place. However, after I got the mattress out, I started unplugging all game systems, and removing wires around the edges of the wall hoping to expose dark corners that anything else could be nesting in and I haven't seen anything. Paged through books I had near my bed too, and just cleaned cleaned. We steamed parts of the floor, and sprayed bug spray all over the room.

Another thing that sucks though is reading online makes it sound like all of these things around wrong...that i'm not supposed to move things cuz it just causes them to find new hiding places...that im not supposed to try and sleep anywhere else because they'll just seek me out to bite me in where ever new i sleep. I have no idea what to do, or what order to do stuff in. It's stressing me out so much. Even after showing and wearing clean clothes, I'm constantly feeling that paranoid itchy feeling, when I'm mostly sure nothing's on me. I haven't slept in over a day, and I'm stressing out so much.

Bed bugs might not be as big a deal in the grand scheme of shitty things in life, but I am so uneasy around bugs, and knowing they've been around me all this time biting my ankles on my bed is just freaking me out. I need to get rid of them,but I'm afraid I don't have the means or ability to do so. I know this thread is just ripe for people to mock me, but I'm feeling so stressed, I can't stop crying. Always a new problem in my life, and I can never catch up with fixing the old ones. Probably doesn't help that I'm stuck at work right now on no sleep, and super uneasy about even returning home. Any procedure we do to get rid of them is gonna be hard to deal with because we have a cat who never leaves the house, and a puppy that the cat hates. Got no where else to stay if we have to leave the house for a few days.
How about just washing the bed and dousing with some bug killer? I think if you spray the bed with bug killer and then washing it with water should get rid of them.
I just find it silly to pay someone 1k to get rid of bed bugs.


How about just washing the bed and dousing with some bug killer? I think if you spray the bed with bug killer and then washing it with water should get rid of them.
I just find it silly to pay someone 1k to get rid of bed bugs.
That would be wonderful if that was all it required, but the way every article I find online makes it sound, is that these are persistent motherfuckers. They are so small, that I can see them being hard to spot with the naked eye unless you're looking for them. Not to mention they brown shitty carpet in my place means they could be right under my nose still, and i wouldn't know it. The only consistent thing is that bed bugs will nest near where you sleep, so they can come out at night and suck your blood. It looked like they were either walking or starting to nest in the seam along the top, and head part of my mattress. They're small enough that I'm sure they could have gotten inside the mattress too.

Totally could have been possible to spray and kill what was in the bed, but people make it sound like that if you attack them, they'll still go for a place to hide. I've read nothing but failure stories of people who tried to use bug bombs in rooms, only for bed bugs to endure them, or just move to another room completely. Removing my mattress also has people saying in articles that doing that can lean to them falling off the mattress while moving it, and then finding someplace else to propagate. They lay hundreds of eggs, and supposedly they're the size of a spec of dust. I also keep reading that store bought pesticide doesn't effect the eggs, which defeats a lot of the point.

I wish the answer was as simple as you say, but I keep on getting discouraged by reading that it sounds like a huge pain in the ass. Before we did serious research, the plan was to get rid of these beds, and buy some new ones, but now im afraid to because if there are any left, they can just nest in a new bed if any are left behind.
What do beg bugs eat

Blood of animals

So go away for a week and starve them to death lmao


Nevermind I just found out bedbugs can live 5 months without a blood meal
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What do beg bugs eat

Blood of animals

So go away for a week and starve them to death lmao

I also read that you can leave them for weeks, maybe a year and they would still be alive. They don't starve that quick I guess :/

Also a really shitty thing is I was reading that people recommend not changing where you sleep either...because if you sleep somewhere new, the bed bugs just seek out the new place you're sleeping, and start nesting there. Since we got rid of the mattresses, we've been sleeping on parts of the couch, but that might've screwed us in yet another way.
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Darkness no more
I had them when living in an apartment awhile back. You really do need a professional the get rid of them. They will spray all your stuff to kill them off. Then a few weeks later they will redo it again to kill off any new ones that may have hatched. Two sprays did it for me. Sometimes they have to do 3 though. My infestation was in a really early stage.

Getting rid of stuff or changing location won’t help. You won’t be tossing out all of them and they will just move. They may also be in your walls, furniture crevices, etc. They can hide just about anywhere. If you move rooms you may just spread them over a wider area. When spraying it is important to get more then just the bed because they may be in all kinds of locations.
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I had them when living in an apartment awhile back. You really do need a professional the get rid of them. They will spray all your stuff to kill them off. Then a few weeks later they will redo it again to kill off any new ones that may have hatched. Two sprays did it for me. Sometimes they have to do 3 though. My infestation was in a really early stage.

Getting rid of stuff or changing location won’t help. You won’t be tossing out all of them and they will just move. They may also be in your walls, furniture crevices, etc. They can hide just about anywhere. If you move rooms you may just spread them over a wider area. When spray it is important to get more then just the bed because they may be in all kinds of locations.
Do you think I can get an extermination done for like $500-1000? I was reading a review for a exterminator I inquired with, and the review said they took care of bed bugs by visiting 3 times...first visit was $500, second and third visits were $250 each.


Darkness no more
Do you think I can get an extermination done for like $500-1000? I was reading a review for a exterminator I inquired with, and the review said they took care of bed bugs by visiting 3 times...first visit was $500, second and third visits were $250 each.

My landlord had to pay since it was a rental and they originated with my neighbor. Not sure what the bill was. From what I read online at the time it usually runs around $1000 to fully get rid of them. That will vary from location to location I’m sure.

The guy that did the work sprayed all the furniture in every room, inside all the outlets, the baseboards, etc. He was there for awhile and then I had to wait 4 hours before I could enter again.

You can call extermination companies and ask for a quote. They shouldn’t charge anything for that.
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Unconfirmed Member
Get another bed and then zip up said bed with
But before that just spray the place. It shouldn't be bad enough you need to hire a dude to do it.


Ok........I'm a building engineer for a hotel. So I've dealt with them and before and have a action plan book in place for them and talked to exterminators we have on contract so I know a thing or two.

Bed bugs live where they bite. If a bedbug bites you then they wont leave that area. Once they eat they stay in that area.

They are called bed bugs because they bite you when you sleep, they are attracted to carbonmonoxcide you expel when you sleep.

They hide in headboards, under base boards, in the seams of your mattress. If you see tiny stains that's there shit where they hide at. If they are tiny and light color those are young, the bigger and darker color the older they are.

They hibernate and can live a very very very long time. Without feeding.

That's the basics. Now what you need to do is.

Take all the bed clothes, clothes, towels, anything in that room and wash them and dry them on high, twice. Heat kills them at 140-145 degrees.

Pull the mattress out and spray this all the way around the bed, in every stitch seam and corner. In the box springs also, and pull the black net covering off the bottom of the box spring and spray it actually inside with the springs making sure you cover everything well and let it sit over night. And wear a papermask. If you have a headboard pull it off and spray the back, also under and behind any furniture near the bed get the bottom and back of it.

https://www.lowes.com/pd/Hot-Shot-3-oz-Bed-Bug-Killer/paper mask.

Now take that spray and go around the room and spray that stuff in the corner along the base boards and carpet getting back up in there as best as you can and again wait over night.

Now take this stuff and put it inside any electric outlets and under the base boards. And just leave it in there.



Gold Member
I Kno ur pain OP my pops place had them & then I just said fukk this and moved to my Mama's house. Hope u kill every last one of them.


Gold Member
I had them in one of my first apartments when I was younger, what a terrible experience to get it fixed.
Walking around all smug. It's a bed bug alright.


These things are small. Good Luck OP!


God Enel

The absolutely worst. I had them when I was traveling in Cambodia and they fucked up my experience for a week. Each hostel I went to was infested with this shit. Had two sleepless nights because of those fuckers. My back was completely fucked. The day I arrived in Vietnam I gave my whole stuff to the laundry and bought a complete outfit for myself (thank god I just needed underwear shorts and a shirt / tank top). It was one of the worst experiences of my life. This is like a reason I would move out of my apartment in a new one and buy everything new.
Don’t know how to deal with them though as here in Germany I never heard about someone having them.

Good luck OP and heads up :))



I had a friend stay the night one night and he brought bed bugs into my house. I literally had to throw away every bit of furniture --in the one room-- other than one chest of drawers and toss my carpets to make sure those nasty fuckers didn't stick around.

I'm sorry you're about to have to deal with them because it's a massive money sink and a pain in the ass.


Lil’ Gobbie
Bed bugs are a nightmare to deal with. Your fear of bugs are the least of your worries. Read what G Gargus said a couple of times, and execute a plan. Either you need to starve them or kill them with heat. If you put a few in a plastic bag you will see how quickly they multiply
How about just washing the bed and dousing with some bug killer? I think if you spray the bed with bug killer and then washing it with water should get rid of them.
I just find it silly to pay someone 1k to get rid of bed bugs.
This is wrong. You kill bed bugs with a really high temperature. Throw all of your bed sheets and your clothes into dryers and let it run on the highest temperature. And you need some kind of heavy-duty bug killer spray to keep them away, not just any will do, if I remember it correctly.

Then for the next 10 days, use a flashlight to check any dark, hidden areas of your bed or furniture to make sure there are no more bed bugs or their eggs because there absolutely needs to be none left for you to be in the clear.
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I’ve never dealt with them but I’ve heard Diatomaceous earth is great for them. Just don’t breathe the stuff. I’ve used it for like ants and stuff.

Xaero Gravity

Bed bugs are one of the hardest things to get rid of. My family had them a few years ago and spent hundreds of dollars on sprays and powders to get rid of them. Nothing worked. Only way they were able to get rid of them was by spending an additional $400 on an exterminator. They basically heat up the house in order to kill the eggs, as that's the only thing that will work. Chances are at this point that they have nests everywhere, and not just in your mattresses.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's no cheap or easy way to deal with this problem.
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Get another bed and then zip up said bed with
But before that just spray the place. It shouldn't be bad enough you need to hire a dude to do it.
I was gonna post this. You just have to make sure the mattress protector you buy is a quality one and protects from particles up to a certain size in microns (the good ones tell you the size microns they allow through). The right mattress protector will kill the bed bugs inside it after a few months.
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Former exterminator here. As others have already said, suck it up and hire a professional. Bed bugs are a pain in the ass to kill and stay that way. Even when I worked for Terminix, there were many times we had to return to a bed bug case because they were just that hard to get them all at one time.

The usual over the counter stuff doesn’t kill them like it does with other bugs.If you’re lucky they might bring the liquid nitrogen backpacks. It totally makes you feel like you hired the ghostbusters.
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My mother in law had them last year, and it was a super pain, they had to get the house tented or whatever, took a while too. Work though, but I feel like it cost them a couple thousand total after all was said and done.


Unconfirmed Member
You already know what you have to do OP.

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I forgot before. Anything you intend to wash you need to bag and tie off until you go to wash it, dump it right in the washer, then take that bag and put it another bag and tie off to throw away.

You dont want to just carry stuff through your house and have a traveler fall off and go somewhere else.
Bed bugs are one of the hardest things to get rid of. My family had them a few years ago and spent hundreds of dollars on sprays and powders to get rid of them. Nothing worked. Only way they were able to get rid of them was by spending an additional $400 on an exterminator. They basically heat up the house in order to kill the eggs, as that's the only thing that will work. Chances are at this point that they have nests everywhere, and not just in your mattresses.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's no cheap or easy way to deal with this problem.
Yep. I've only experienced bed bugs once, in my previous apartment when they were tucked away in one corner of a couch which I no longer use. They're not easy to spot at first as they're located in between the folds, hidden from direct light where they normally lay eggs. But I was lucky enough to spot them early -- just seeing one crawl, no actual biting -- and after they were exterminated, constantly vacuumed the couch for a week to keep it dry. Checked the bed and other chairs too just to be safe. Anything that was soft (clothes, bed sheets, pillows etc) all went in the dryers even if I didn't see any more of them. Always better to be safe than sorry.

In general you want to make sure to keep your soft surfaces hot and dry. Be wary of where you sit down if you take public transportation or visit public places like the library, hospital etc.
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Well today's been a busy day trying to sort out the problem. Looks like we got an inspection coming up next Tuesday, that's the soonest they could get. It's looking like I might not have to pay for it either, because the landlord made all the arrangements, which is a relief.

I went up to my room again, and have vacuumed like crazy, and gone all over the room with a flashlight now that the mattress is gone, and I still haven't spotted anything moving anywhere in the room. The only place I haven't gone through thoroughly is the closet, but from what I understand, they prefer being near where people are. I think I'm still gonna sleep on this futon I got on the floor in the living room in the meantime, but I'm starting to feel we'll get this problem solved eventually.

I got most of my clothes in plastic bags, and am gonna go to a laundromat tomorrow so I can do a bunch of loads at once. Heat and water seem to kill them, so after the washing, we're bringing along new plastic tote containers, and putting all the clean clothes in there. Gonna keep clothes seal in there, and anything worn on the day will go in the washing machine at home at the end of the day. God willing, we'll get through the week, the inspection will happen and they'll begin the first treatment shortly after.

From what I understand, the treatment involves doing a first chemical treatment..killing all the live bugs in the house. However, that doesn't include the eggs, so they'll come back in 14 days to do another run through to kill any hatched ones. Then another 14 days after that for a 3rd visit, which will hopefully have killed em all.

We still gotta get new beds, but we might wait til after the first treatment, in which case we'll be all sleeping on couch and futon in the mean time.


I remember those. Packed my entire room, moved everything, had the carpet washed, room bug-bombed, sprayed. Threw the bed away.
Well today's been a busy day trying to sort out the problem. Looks like we got an inspection coming up next Tuesday, that's the soonest they could get. It's looking like I might not have to pay for it either, because the landlord made all the arrangements, which is a relief.

I went up to my room again, and have vacuumed like crazy, and gone all over the room with a flashlight now that the mattress is gone, and I still haven't spotted anything moving anywhere in the room. The only place I haven't gone through thoroughly is the closet, but from what I understand, they prefer being near where people are. I think I'm still gonna sleep on this futon I got on the floor in the living room in the meantime, but I'm starting to feel we'll get this problem solved eventually.

I got most of my clothes in plastic bags, and am gonna go to a laundromat tomorrow so I can do a bunch of loads at once. Heat and water seem to kill them, so after the washing, we're bringing along new plastic tote containers, and putting all the clean clothes in there. Gonna keep clothes seal in there, and anything worn on the day will go in the washing machine at home at the end of the day. God willing, we'll get through the week, the inspection will happen and they'll begin the first treatment shortly after.

From what I understand, the treatment involves doing a first chemical treatment..killing all the live bugs in the house. However, that doesn't include the eggs, so they'll come back in 14 days to do another run through to kill any hatched ones. Then another 14 days after that for a 3rd visit, which will hopefully have killed em all.

We still gotta get new beds, but we might wait til after the first treatment, in which case we'll be all sleeping on couch and futon in the mean time.

You gonna go to the laundromat and fuckin spread them all around there?!


Had them before, if they weren't bad, 90% rubbing alcohol kills them and can bring them down to being manageable if you can't buy the bug killer or you're allergic to it. Funny enough some bed bug killer doesn't even work and you're better with the alcohol (trust me, you don't want to see what it does to them). You already threw out the beds so it's pretty much too late to tell you that spraying the edges of the bed with alcohol kills the ones that are one it and chases away the ones that live. I still remember on old GAF someone said I was crazy for suggesting rubbing alcohol, like I didn't do this shit myself and help friends when they infested the entire city.

If they were all over the house however, yeah, get an exterminator but look around more, 1K is a bit much. The fuckers are difficult to get rid of due to being able to hide in carpet, under wallpaper and other hard to get to places. Figure out guests that come into your house too. If someone has them, all you're doing is wasting time if the person who gave them to you comes back. Other guest can be taking them back home as well as you could be leaving them in places you visit.


You gonna go to the laundromat and fuckin spread them all around there?!
I honestly don’t think I will be spreading anything and that this is mostly a precaution. Most of these clothes were washed recently but they happened to be in the closet for my room, so I wanna be more safe then sorry. Like i said, water and heat kills them, and I’ll be transporting stuff in plastic, so there shouldn’t be any spread.

I just wanna get everything all clean again then box it up into the tote containers so I can feel a little more at ease about the clothes I’m wearing. They also have way more heavy duty machines there than I got in my house.

Xaero Gravity

I honestly don’t think I will be spreading anything and that this is mostly a precaution. Most of these clothes were washed recently but they happened to be in the closet for my room, so I wanna be more safe then sorry. Like i said, water and heat kills them, and I’ll be transporting stuff in plastic, so there shouldn’t be any spread.

I just wanna get everything all clean again then box it up into the tote containers so I can feel a little more at ease about the clothes I’m wearing. They also have way more heavy duty machines there than I got in my house.
The chances of you spreading them are very high and I certainly advise against that. It takes a lot of heat to kill any eggs that may be in your articles of clothing and bedsheets, hence why they have to heat the whole house and nobody can be inside.
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I honestly don’t think I will be spreading anything and that this is mostly a precaution. Most of these clothes were washed recently but they happened to be in the closet for my room, so I wanna be more safe then sorry. Like i said, water and heat kills them, and I’ll be transporting stuff in plastic, so there shouldn’t be any spread.

I just wanna get everything all clean again then box it up into the tote containers so I can feel a little more at ease about the clothes I’m wearing. They also have way more heavy duty machines there than I got in my house.

You are grossly misinformed about these bed bugs man. Drop everything and call a professional. I mean, if you are at the laundromat don't drop everything. Bring it home and drop it there.
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You are grossly misinformed about these bed bugs man. Drop everything and call a professional. I mean, if you are at the laundromat don't drop everything. Bring it home and drop it there.
Did you just decide to focus on one part and ignore the rest of the post? We got them coming, but we have to wait til they can come.


You need to fumigate the house tbh.
You also mentioned a dirty old carpet! Throw it away now...Rip out all the mangy carpets. If not possible think about getting a carpet cleaner or paying some one to clean the carpets properly.
I think you can even hire a carpet cleaner for about 30-50 for the day, then you'll only need detergent to clean the carpets.
Other than this advice I'd hoover the house every day, make sure no shit is about to feed them.
Did you just decide to focus on one part and ignore the rest of the post? We got them coming, but we have to wait til they can come.

Ok...........so...in the meantime, while you wait, you can do your part to stop the spread of these bedbugs. An easy way to help stop the spreading these bedbugs? Don't drag them to the friggin laundromat. It is an incredibly basic concept.


There are millions of whiny 5-year olds on Earth, and I AM THEIR KING.
OP, what is your plan to get out of your financial situation? That seems to be the main stressing point.
I used to work for Aaron's (which is a lease to own company for home furnishing) as a "Product Technician" or more accurately glorified delivery guy. Bed bugs are actually a common issue... So don't beat yourself up. That being said they're not the easiest to get rid of, however if you catch it early enough then you can manage and eradicate the problem fairly quickly. 100% pure rubbing alcohol (if you can get it), a spray bottle, and a steamer and you have everything you need to get rid of them. The rubbing alcohol used liberally on everything from the bed, headboard, footboard, rails, mattress, boxspring, floorboards, if you have can cracks or crevices in the wall, just everywhere. Soak all of it down. Everyday if you can. All clothes, and bedding need to be ran thru the dryer on your hottest setting for at least an hour. Do this everyday as often as possible. The steamer is used on all aforementioned surfaces that you soak with alcohol (obviously wait until the alcohol is dried) and will reach into nooks and crevices otherwise unreachable. The alcohol will kill them, and the heat is what finishes off stragglers, and also destroy the eggs (which are not affected by the alcohol by the way). Be vigilant and stick with it. Also be sure to check everywhere that you are at rest, such as sofa, recliner, etc. They will fall off, hide, and breed.


Your gonna have to spend $400+, I had them a few years back and thought I killed them all, they was in soo many other places I had to hire help. They are the worst.
I honestly don’t think I will be spreading anything and that this is mostly a precaution. Most of these clothes were washed recently but they happened to be in the closet for my room, so I wanna be more safe then sorry. Like i said, water and heat kills them, and I’ll be transporting stuff in plastic, so there shouldn’t be any spread.

I just wanna get everything all clean again then box it up into the tote containers so I can feel a little more at ease about the clothes I’m wearing. They also have way more heavy duty machines there than I got in my house.
Heat kills bed bugs, not water. You need to run all articles of clothing, bed sheets and pillows through the dryers on High.


Heat kills bed bugs, not water. You need to run all articles of clothing, bed sheets and pillows through the dryers on High.
Well we've been doing that. Also we didn't go to the laundromat...I didn't need the asshole attitude of some other previous posters, but we've taken everything and doing a cycle in the wash, with at least 2 cycles in the dryer. I read that that they didn't like water, because I was reading some article on whether or not showering helps get any potential thing off, and it said they didn't like water and can't really swim, so they drown.

It's been several days though, and we're all still sleeping in the living room, but we gotta wait until next Tuesday for that inspection which is driving me nuts. Even with lack of sleep, I had trouble sleeping on my own because I feel so uneasy about the thought of having this kind of infestation in the house. I had to take some Tylenol PM that finally knocked me out for the night last night.

I really just hate this whole situation, because it seems like no matter what we do, there's no certainty with any of it, so I'm afraid of doing anything now. I feel uncertain how long we'll have to keep up this business with our clothes being protected and washed every day (as opposed to just doing a load of laundry when its a reasonable amount in the hamper. I've come up to my room every day to take a peek with the flash light around corners, and surfaces, and walls, and after our cleanings, I still don't see anything in here, nor in the stair way or halls leading to my room. No idea if we maybe beat it while it was still early, probably not. When the inspection comes on Tuesday, I'm hoping that they do find something that needs to be treated, but I'm also afraid they won't find anything. If they don't find anything on their inspection, then I'll be afraid and paranoid they missed something. If they DO find something, I'll still be worried and uncertain how long it'll take to clear this problem out even with their treatments. These little fuckers already complicate my exceeding stressful life, and I just want to be rid of the problem so bad.

Only a few days ago, I was thinking about suicide yet again, and now this just adds more stress to my life. Might sound silly to some, but I just want to cry constantly.
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I've never had these things infest my place, and hopefully it'll never happen, but I can relate OP. It's "small" things like this that you just don't see coming and that you can't escape from that cause so much stress. I know it's difficult, but it seems like the solution is near. In most cases three visits is enough to get rid of the bastards, so you've just got to hold on a bit longer.


I am thankful i live in europe. I never heard of anyone having any pests other than mices or rats in very old houses.
Bed bugs are a massive pain to deal with! They bite and leave you with unbearable itchy bumps, they stink to high hell when you squeeze them. Only way to kill bedbugs is to starve them to death...I Left the country for 2 months, came back and all left were old ass bed bugs that can't reproduce while the rest were dried up thanks to the summer heat inside the house. Haven't dealt with this nightmare anymore.


I didn't need the asshole attitude of some other previous posters
That was uncalled for especially when you already feel stressed and bad about this predicament. People do worse shit all day every day. There's probably at least one per week at your local laundromat trying to kill bed bugs so why give a fuck.

The last thing when dealing with shit is to hear that I am tainted and should be isolated, like everyone else is so pure despite not washing their filthy hands since several toilet sessions etc.

Hang in there OP and it will be solved soon enough and a distant memory.
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