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Amanda Knox

Yeah. This was a murder that happened in a European country like France or Italy, as I recall.

In other news, a woman is claiming to be the girl M.M. who disappeared in 2007. It's not cool to make up stories about people's loved ones if it ain't even true, but some people just want their Andy Warhol stamped, '15 minutes of fame.'

Burning Blade

Gold Member
I found that for me, I had to actually allow myself to be happy. Spent a lot of years pessimistic and feeling life life wasn’t fair. Well it’s not fair for anyone, some less some more. Happiness for me has been about finding peace with what I have and knowing that it’s enough. If I start feeling sorry for myself, i remind myself what I’m grateful for. If someone can find a semblance of peace while erroneously locked up in a foreign prison, I should be able to find peace within my life.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Kinda makes sense. When all forward momentum in your life is halted and stimulus is reduced to a small cell, and your connection to the past and family is severed, all that actually remains is the present. Almost feels like a sort of traumatic meditation, with the epiphany being the moment she achieved greater mastery over observing the present. I think this actually happens to a lot of people in prison who manage to tolerate it.
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Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
I found that for me, I had to actually allow myself to be happy. Spent a lot of years pessimistic and feeling life life wasn’t fair. Well it’s not fair for anyone, some less some more. Happiness for me has been about finding peace with what I have and knowing that it’s enough. If I start feeling sorry for myself, i remind myself what I’m grateful for. If someone can find a semblance of peace while erroneously locked up in a foreign prison, I should be able to find peace within my life.
With all respect IMHO gratitude is useless. Gratitude to who or what? None of us asked to be born. Seriously fuck this life. Ive been through more than most (the death of a child, significant other with cluster b personality disorders and other comorbidities) and I keep going but it's out sheer will to get back at life for bringing me into existence. I'll have a good life someday.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
This is called mindfulness or living in the now. Accepting who, what and where you are. This allows you to take the small steps required to improve your situation rather than getting deadlocked by the giant gulf between where you think or want to be and where you are.
I get what she’s saying. These days a lot of negatives in life that probably would’ve caused lots of anxiety/heartache 10 years ago, I just see now as part of my “story” in life. Don’t take it too seriously, accept, tackle the issue if you can.

Our lives are so momentum driven - from starting in school, college, building careers, constantly trying to build yourself up - if it suddenly all came to a halt someday it would be devestating, but also freeing


When I worked in corrections, I met a ton of inmates who more lucid and level headed than people who were free.

On one hand you have to worry about getting shanked.

But on the other, you don't need to worry about food and shelter and a whole load of other things, so I can see for the right people it could give them clarity. Like monks that shut themselves away from society.


Being wrongfully accused is seriously one of the worst feelings. I still vividly remember being falsely accused of a heinous crime in 7th grade: someone poured a bunch of salt in a girl’s orange Julius that we made in foods class. She told the teacher I did it. I didn’t, and I was incredulous about both being accused and when I protested, the teacher said she couldn’t believe I’d lie to her face and put on this whole show about being upset about it. On she went about how kids are raised these days, how she’d have gone lighter on my punishment if I had fessed up initially, but at least detention for lying too etc…

Well finally some other kid admitted to doing it. The teacher barely scolded him and thanked him for fessing up, then basically ignored me the rest of the semester. No apology, no acknowledgment of all the horseshit she said about me, just moved on like nothing happened. I’m probably the only one that remembers the whole thing, just because of how shitty I felt being wrongly accused. The idea of being thrown in jail in another country for a murder I didn’t commit, or getting MeToo’d by some spiteful bitch, sends chills down my spine


Gold Member
On one hand you have to worry about getting shanked.

But on the other, you don't need to worry about food and shelter and a whole load of other things, so I can see for the right people it could give them clarity. Like monks that shut themselves away from society.
For men, the worry of getting shanked would be both literally and figuratively


I found the case fascinating but that is one long diatribe.

Weird that Guede left a massive shit in the toilet after murdering Kercher, but that’s happened in other famous cases also.

A great shame that the victim in this case was overshadowed by the incompetent Italian police and the media/Knox/Sollecito triangle. The police incompetence was a great shame for Knox and Sollecito too, who didn’t deserve the stitch up.


I found the case fascinating but that is one long diatribe.

Weird that Guede left a massive shit in the toilet after murdering Kercher, but that’s happened in other famous cases also.

A great shame that the victim in this case was overshadowed by the incompetent Italian police and the media/Knox/Sollecito triangle. The police incompetence was a great shame for Knox and Sollecito too, who didn’t deserve the stitch up.

My dad had a detective in his friend group, he said the first thing they check is the toilet. For some reason first time murderers take a shit in toilets often without flushing probably nerfes.


The abyss is right, or the "edge of a cliff" as I like to call it. A lot of the time it's like walking on a trail beside a tall cliff with sharp rocks below. On one side there is scenery, better for some than others, and in front there is a trail leading someplace. You just keep walking trying to admire the scenery and steer clear of the drop. But from time to time, there will be a strong wind, or you'll trip, and you'll be flung toward the edge, hoping to catch yourself. Then you get up again and keep walking until inevitably you one-day fall off. Hopefully by that time you've seen enough.


She is shady, didnt she say she was involved when she was arrested and then changed the story when she realized they had no evidence?

The guy who murdered the girl is already out. You can kill people and be out 15 years later in europe, easy.
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Gold Member
She is shady, didnt she say she was involved when she was arrested and then changed the story when she realized they had no evidence?

The guy who murdered the girl is already out. You can kill people and be out 15 years later in europe, easy.
Supposedly those were false claims due to pressure cooker interrogations.

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I always thought she was involved. Still, there is no clear cut answer.

Any one has a summary? the family of the victim still is waiting for answers.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Horrifying read. Being in prison for years for a falsely accused crime is the definition of hell on Earth.


She is shady, didnt she say she was involved when she was arrested and then changed the story when she realized they had no evidence?

The guy who murdered the girl is already out. You can kill people and be out 15 years later in europe, easy.

I need a refresher on the story.




A lot of people assumed she was a sociopath because she was smiling in prison.
Nah man, the whole thing looked sketchy. Still does.

She was giggling and fondling his boyfriend when cops were investigating the body right next to them.

Her mannerisms were always weird. I think she was involved, but cops fucked up the case pretty badly.

I know about being falsely accused of something (you too, of course), but I really dont think thats the case here


Nah man, the whole thing looked sketchy. Still does.

She was giggling and fondling his boyfriend when cops were investigating the body right next to them.

Her mannerisms were always weird. I think she was involved, but cops fucked up the case pretty badly.

I know about being falsely accused of something (you too, of course), but I really dont think thats the case here

Really did.

For anyone who missed the case at the time, just look up a summary on YouTube, it went for ages.

I'd link but on mobile, an old one. No idea how to link. News to me to that the bf was let out first years ago. This was top page news in Europe for years.


Without knowing anything about the case and taking it on face value, that was an interesting insight into having your life reduced to zero and building it back up again, appreciating the smallest things.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
I went to brush up on the particulars of the case and The Real Killer (® O.J. Simpson) Rudy Guede has already been out of prison for years and even got restraining-ordered by a new (and still living) chick. Italy you have some explaining to do.
family guy GIF


It's a lot of power in acceptance. Thank you Evil for sharing this. It is is some wisdom to be gleemed from these tweets (never saw myself ever saying that lol)


With all respect IMHO gratitude is useless. Gratitude to who or what? None of us asked to be born. Seriously fuck this life. Ive been through more than most (the death of a child, significant other with cluster b personality disorders and other comorbidities) and I keep going but it's out sheer will to get back at life for bringing me into existence. I'll have a good life someday.
Whilst I haven’t been through that type of trauma, seriously I’m sorry for your losses.

I have had and having my own traumas at the moment and I can wholeheartedly relate to your position. I feel the same.

This reality we live in and a seriously fucked and anyone who is ok with how this world is imo is deluded.

I know my opinion/ outlook isn’t great but I am who I am. In a strange way it’s comforting that other people see it the same way I do.

And yes I’m a whole load of fun at parties.
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