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Amazing Race - 8/24

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Baron Aloha

A Shining Example

In a close race to the airport, car problems strand two Teams on the roadside. Will the other Teams stop to help?

After a fight with a cab driver, Colin is hauled off to the local police station for questioning, threatened with being thrown in jail.

The stress of travel leads one Team member to say to the other, "I want a different relationship."

Chip & Kim face a tricky situation when they realize they are short on money and can't pay their cab driver.

Adrenaline, speed and adventure await the Teams at a daring Detour in Dubai.

I have a feeling tonight will be a non-elimination race but we'll see.


It is a non elimination, there are usually 2 and I've only seen one so far. Also there is I believe 3 more shows and 3 teams left I doubt they will have 2 shows with two teams racing.


What a fucking DUMBASS!!!! PAY THE MAN HIS MONEY, ASSHOLE!!!! I'll probably get banned for this but fuck it, "Only white people would be this stupid." He definitly wouldn't be talking shit if he was in America facing white cops, but because it's the nigger cops in that there niggerland then he's going to dictate what is going to happen versus the authorities. Had this been America and an African acted like he did there woould be one less African in America. I would hope they'd give him the toilet plunger, but they probably don't have toilets over there.


Colin needs to be right... that was a bad decision that could have been a lot worse.

It seems everyone is having problems this leg of the trip.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Colin & Christie are team #1 again. Damn it!!
Brandon & Nicole - Team #2. Damn it again!!
Chip & Kim - Team #3. Okay.
Linda & Karen - Team #4. Okay.
Twins - Team #5. Haha, those bitches are last!! No money and stranded in the desert. It's a shame this was a non-elimination race.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Looks like they will have to whore themselves out! J/k

At least maybe a dollar a kiss on the cheek. I mean, if the bowling moms could do it...


I can't believe that colin guy, he could never get away with that crap here in north america. What a piece of shit human being.
Which cheek?:)

I was amazed that Christie apologized for being mad at Colin. Why does she take his crap? They are really contrasting the way Chip treats the locals versus the way Colin treats the locals.

Next week:

Colin goes psycho AGAIN! I agree with Chip and Kim, the only team Colin and Christie have to worry about is Colin and Christie. Otherwise, I say they win the whole thing. Kami and Karli flirting for money? *SHUDDER*
The only 2 teams i'd like to see win now are Nicole/Brandon and Chip/Kim. I still don't like the moms, Colin is just crazy, and the twins..Eh nothing really wrong with them they just seem boring.
Hmm, tough choice on who I want to see win now. Last week I was leaning towards Colin/Christie...but the violent outburts by Colin are a bit over the top. I think I'd like to see the following teams in the final 3:

1. Chip / Kim
2. Brandon / Nicole
3. Kami / Karli


Colin is such an asshole. He goes off all the freakin time and tonight his girlfriend said she shouldn't have gotten mad at him. She's an idiot for putting up with that shit.

God, I hate Colin.
Good episode. I was worried that Colin's anger would start to fade now that his mortal nemesis, the midget's cousin, has been eliminated. Anger is what drives that team - it's the fuel for their engine. Luckily, Colin was able to make use of his psychosis and get pissed off at a taxi driver for no good reason and end up powering himself to another first place finish. GO TEAM AMERICAN PSYCHO!

Also, I was surprised that Colin got through the off-roading without a hitch. He said that he went off-roading all the time - that's a classic reality television cue for him to fuck up, get the car stuck, and make an ass of himself. I guess they like keeping the audience guessing on the Amazing Race.

Next episode looks good:


Grandma's Chippy
Go Colin & Christie!

Go twins!

<disclaimer>While I fully support my two favorite teams, I must acknowledge that Colin is indeed an asshole</disclaimer>
Wow, I've never been on the Colin-hate-train like so many other people have been, but after last night... fuck that guy. Fuck that guy right in his smug, arrogant face.


I want Colin and Christie to win, but man Colin was just ridiculous this time. He totally created that situation, and then needlessly dragged it out in the police station, and then took it all out on Christie (WHY ARE YOU APOLOGISING?). And yeah, I thought he committed suicide by saying the driving task was no problem, but he really did breeze through it.

I quite liked the little interplay between the teams this time around (Chip telling idiot Nicole that it was OK to pay the guy $100 -- man, I wonder how she felt after Colin's incident -- and the cars stopping for each other), but the way the last two tasks were linked were awesome. It was cool seeing Brandon and Nicole come down as Colin and Christie drove to the location.

Good ep, can't wait for next week!
Man, I worried for Chip and Kim when they got stuck on the off-road course. I thought for sure that was it, especially when the "Bowling Moms" got moving again and passed them.

BTW, Colin's an ass.
Besides the speech Chip felt the need to give The God Squad last night, how the fuck are Chip & Kim not decent human beings!?

Also, the whole "The Bowling Moms gave misleading info to Jim & Marsha" controversy is merely hearsay. I've watched that episode a bunch of times, and all the 'Moms did was say that they thought they had to get their money changed to local currency in earshot of Jim & Marsha. They heard what they said, they thought they'd be slick and it cost J&M big time. Well, so did the catching the bad one on the Santa Monica Pier, but that's just shitty luck.
Colin was a complete ass. He has no respect for anybody. He said something like "go ahead bring the cops, heck bring the president of your country", that shit was completley inappropriate. And then did you see his face when he was telling the story to the rest of the players about how he wouldn't have payed them but Christie kept badering him, like it was her fault. I hope that girl has family members, preferable a brother back home watching this. They need to knock some sense into her. She actually talked about how she was so stressed out, and maybe she shouldn't have been mad at him.


SolidSnakex said:
They intentionally screwed over the father/daughter team.

As Cornelius said, there is not footage of Linda and Karen saying to Jim and Marsha "We're getting out money changed, you have to, they won't take American". Until there is, we can't hold that against them. We can, however, hold Colin' absolutely fucktard blowup in this episode against him, and Christie's apology for being sane against her.

We can hold Brandon's inability to worry about anything (I know you're trying to stay positive, but let your frustration out and punch Colin for me. Just for kicks) against him, and we can hold Nicole's whining about money against her (Worry, don't whine).

Against the Bowling Moms I hold their willingness to let Mirna and Charla carry them around last week, and not making decisions for themselves, instead seeming to allow Mirna to lead them to a delayed flight.

Against Kami and Karli, I hold their inability to realize that a puzzle did not have nothing to do with a clue, but instead WAS their clue, and their inability to understand the word "descend".

Against Chip and Kim, I hold their little speech to Brandon and Nicole. When you're the ones who go BROKE by the end of the episode, it's best not to start it off by telling others not to worry about money, when you should have been worrying yourself.

In other news, wondering whether or not we missed a Roadblock somewhere in there; I know that, in the past, there have been edited out Roadblocks, and I'm wondering whether this might have been the case. They may have decided that it hadn't changed the standings of the race enough to warrant showing, and instead showed Colin's metldown and focused heavily on the importance of money in the game. Being a non-elimination leg, I guess they thought this was an important point to make. Was very happy Chip and Kim will see some money at the beginning of the last leg.

Oh...and this was most definitely a non-elimation leg. I knew far ahead of time. Why?

There are now 2 Non-Elimation Legs left (There are four).

Please Note...I'm spoilertagging this. If you don't want to know the elimination or non-elimination status of the next few legs, steer clear. It's obvious if you think about it, but for Race newbies the formula may not be clear.

With only five teams remaining, with only three teams heading into the final round, there are only two more eliminations. With six episodes left before this one, three of those are non-elimination, two are elimination, and then the final leg. Now, it will go Elimination, Non-Elimination, Elimination, Non-Elimination, Final Leg.

However, now to another point. Remember, back weeks ago, in the premiere, where they introduced the yield? The ability for one team to slow down a team behind them in order to gain an advantage. Based on the location of the first one (And one seen quickly but never mentioned in Russia) it seems like they are placed around the first Roadblock/Detour task, and are not placed near the end of legs. However, one has to wonder...what happened? We've seen only the one, in Russia, outside of the first, and it hasn't even been mentioned.

However, I have to think someone will, in fact, use it. Why? Because they didn't edit it out entirely. To me, if nobody was going to use the Yield throughout the entire race, they could have easily edited out the entire first part, as they've edited out most of them, and they could have pretended like they never introduced it in the first place. For this reason, at some point in the last 5 legs, I fully expect to see someone use the Yield.

Solid episode, but a little bit too much time spent on Colin and Arranged Cabs/Planes, and a little too little of difficult and interesting tasks. It got into it with the Detour, but we needed a strong Detour to lift it above a "B".
Memles said:
Against Chip and Kim, I hold their little speech to Brandon and Nicole. When you're the ones who go BROKE by the end of the episode, it's best not to start it off by telling others not to worry about money, when you should have been worrying yourself.

Amen, brother
I think we should all prepare for the likely possibility that Colin and Christie are going to win it all. I fear all this stuff they are showing to make us hate them is a mere distraction from the fact that they are consistently coming in first or close to it. The only other possibility is what Chip said about them destroying themselves. That may well happen. But if this were scripted, I'd say they would want Colin and Christie to barely lose and come in second, so we could cheer for the winner (and watch Colin go crazy over the course of the final episode).
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