Great King Bowser
Property of Kaz Harai
Looking to buy a camera on Amazon UK, the Canon EOS350D (Digital Rebel XT to Americans) and noticed the marketplace prices are stupidly low. Like, too good to be true low. But then there's a few sellers selling at really cheap prices.
Anyone use the marketplace and had to get a refund? I'm awfully tempted.
Amazon - Canon EOS350D
Compare Amazon's price, and the marketplace ones. I've emailed the seller selling at £175 and she said she was indeed selling the camera and lens kit at that price, within 30 minutes of me emailing her. She's the only one with any "feedback".
GAF - your thoughts?
Anyone use the marketplace and had to get a refund? I'm awfully tempted.
Amazon - Canon EOS350D
Compare Amazon's price, and the marketplace ones. I've emailed the seller selling at £175 and she said she was indeed selling the camera and lens kit at that price, within 30 minutes of me emailing her. She's the only one with any "feedback".
GAF - your thoughts?