Once again the forum spin doctor is getting a boner over fellow Nintendo fans having to paying full price for old games, and not getting discounted GOTY editions down the line etc.
But even ignoring the idiocy of this position, Sony's first-party primarily exist to attract gamers to the platform - a strategy that has served them extremely well five generations straight. And the bulk of their big first-party games like Spiderman, GoW and Uncharted were sold full price as pre-orders and standalone copies. You don't actually have any data to support your argument, you just repeat it over and over and post pictures of bundles like it's a bad thing. You're like the most pro anti-consumerist person the forum.

This FY result

Last FY result.
Nintendo is going for a record breaking FY Operating income result in this FY2020/21.
Nintendo made around 10 billion usd of profits with Nintendo Switch since 2017.
Sony PS division made around 11 billion usd of profits with PS4 since 2013.
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