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"American officials now believe Britain poses a major threat to Western security"

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Al-Qaeda threat: Britain worst in western world

By Con Coughlin
Published: 9:00AM GMT 15 Jan 2010

Al-Qaeda has successfully restructured its global network and now has the capability to carry out a wide range of terror attacks against Western targets, according to a detailed U.S. intelligence assessment that has been conducted in the wake of the failed Christmas Day Detroit bomb plot.

And the growing strength of al-Qaeda’s support in Britain has emerged as a major concern for U.S. intelligence agencies as they attempt to prevent further attacks after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian student who studied at London’s University College, nearly succeeded in detonating an explosive device that he had concealed in his underpants as Northwest airlines flight 253 made its final approach to Detroit airport.

American intelligence officials are still investigating claims that Abdulmutallab was radicalised while he was a student between 2005 and 2008, although British security officials insist that he was radicalised in Yemen after he left London.

But the failure of British security officials to alert their American counterparts to Abdulmuttalab’s radical activities while president of UCL’s Islamic Society has led to increased tensions between Washington and London.

Earlier this week Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary, confirmed that the UK had not passed any information to the U.S. prior to the attempted December 25 bombing that would have led American officials to believe that Abdulmutallab was a potential terrorist.

But while in London Abdulmutallab regularly presided over debates that denounced Britain’s involvement in the war on terror and America’s Guantanamo detention facility.

American officials now believe Britain poses a major threat to Western security because of the large number of al-Qaeda supporters that are active in the country. Two years ago Jonathan Evans, the head of MI5, estimated that there were 2,000 al-Qaeda sympathisers based in Britain – the largest concentration of al-Qaeda activists in any Western country.

But American officials, who regularly refer to “Londonistan” because of the high concentration of Islamic radicals in the capital, believe the figure is growing all the time. They point out that recent al-Qaeda terror attacks planned in Britain have been the work of British-based Muslims, many of whom have been trained in al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

With al-Qaeda’s leadership under intense pressure from Nato and Pakistani security forces, there are reports that scores of British activists are now travelling to Yemen and Somalia to attend al-Qaeda training camps and receive instructions for carrying out terror attacks against Western targets.

“The level of al-Qaeda activity in Britain is becoming a major source of concern,” said a senior State Department official. “The organisation’s ability to use Britain as a base to plot terror attacks constitutes a serious threat to the security of Britain and other Western countries.”

American officials have been shocked by the resurgence of al-Qaeda’s terrorist operations in recent weeks which have seen it mount a series of attacks on U.S. targets. Last November a U.S. Army major with links to al-Qaeda in Yemen killed thirteen soldiers and injured another thirty at the Fort Hood military base in Texas. And a week after Abdulmutallab’s failed bomb attack in Detroit an al-Qaeda double agent managed to kill seven CIA officials in a suicide bomb attack at their headquarters in Afghanistan. The recent surge in al-Qaeda terror attacks has led U.S. officials to conclude that al-Qaeda is planning a series of new attacks later in the year, some of them in Britain. Abdulmutallab is reported to have told his American interrogators that there were another 25 fully-trained al-Qaeda terrorists ready to carry out similar terror attacks against Western targets.

The ease with which al-Qaeda has managed to launch attacks against American targets has taken many U.S. intelligence officials by surprise. Only two years ago Michael Hayden, the CIA director under former American President George W. Bush, boasted that the U.S. had al-Qaeda on the run. Its terrorist infrastructure in Iraq and Saudi Arabia had been destroyed, and its organisational network in other parts of the world was under intense pressure, especially in its presumed haven along the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. “On balance we are doing pretty well,” said Mr Hayden at the time. There had been “significant setbacks for al-Qaeda globally.”

Since then al-Qaeda’s leadership, the majority of whom are still based in the lawless tribal regions along Pakistan’s North-West frontier, have worked to rebuild their global terror network. Recent analysis by the world’s leading intelligence agencies shows that al-Qaeda can call on operatives all over the world, although the various terror cells have different capabilities.

For example, while terror cells in countries like Uraguay and Paraguay have what intelligence experts call a “watching brief”, others in Indonesia and the Philippines play a more active role in the planning and execution of terror plots.

“The threat from al-Qaeda and its affiliates remains high, though not on the scale of bringing off another 9/11 attack,” said Peter Bergen, the last Western journalist to interview al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden before the September 11 attacks, and a leading expert on al-Qaeda. “But al-Qaeda militants can still pull off attacks on commercial aircraft and other key elements of the global economy.”

While intelligence officials say it is impossible to estimate the total number of al-Qaeda activists worldwide, the emergence of Yemen as a major terrorist training and recruitment centre for al-Qaeda is now a major concern for American intelligence officials.

They have also been shocked to discover that many of those responsible for strengthening the terror capabilities of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are former inmates of the U.S. Guantanamo Detention Facility in Cuba.

Pentagon officials estimate that one in five released Guantanamo detainees have rejoined al-Qaeda terror cells after their release. But a recent study by BBC journalist Peter Taylor of a 15-strong batch of Guantanamo detainees who were returned to Saudi Arabia under President Bush in 2007 showed that six of them had rejoined al-Qaeda in Yemen, suggesting that the percentage of former Guantanamo inmates returning to terrorism is far higher than estimated by the Pentagon.

“Whichever way you look at it Yemen has now emerged as one of al-Qaeda’s top training grounds for its global terrorist network,” said a senior U.S. intelligence official. “And what really concerns us now is the number of British-based Muslims who are traveling there to take part in the training. This represents a serious escalation in the terror threat the West faces from Islamic militants.”
So I guess the US is going to bomb Britain?

London has the highest concentration of ethnic minorities in the entire country, whether it be Muslim, Jew, Pakistani, Nigerian or Korean so its this isn't surprising. To be honest far-right groups here in the UK and Europe are only encouraging the radicalism of not only the younger Muslim generation but also the white-British contingent. You see young teens these days whom are increasingly political whereas politics would have been seen as a "borefest" a decade ago. It's not prolific now but I was reading a newspaper report this morning which reveals a correlation between racially/religious hate crimes in areas with large support for the BNP If these groups win more elections, particularly in London, then shit is gonna hit the fan.


The book "The Looming Towers" really blew me away as to how it portrayed the US intelligence services.

Now I suppose I should take what was in the book with a grain of salt since it tends to paint a particularly bad picture of the CIA while making the FBI look out as the good guy in the events the lead to 9/11 but I don't doubt that all the bureaucracy, red-tape and the inane in-fighting between the various intelligence services trying to protect the US exists. I would highly recommend reading the book if you are interested in what a sort of biased look at how Al Qaeda was established and the failures that led up to the 9/11 attacks.
Roxas said:
Nobody can get us, we are invincible :D

Edit: by us i mean the UK

You have a good fleet and some great beer but is that enough to win a war against america ? You know, planes evolved since the Blitz...
elrechazao said:
That's exactly what's going to happen. Way to read the article and come to a rational conclusion.

Yeah, he got a good rip on us violent Americans. The UK has long been known for being a peaceful nation that doesn't meddle in affairs of other countries.


Where's the far left outrage?

Also, London is a very nice city. But far too tolerant of extremist islamists because of aforementioned leftist leanings and irrational hate to anything American.

So if Americans go left, Londoners will go right.
It is a very controversial statement . . . but there is certainly some truth to it. The UK does have a large Muslim population and the extremists among them are much more free to operate in the UK than in many of their countries of origin. The London train bombers and the pathetic doctor bombers showed that there are very dangerous Jihadis among them.

But then again, Scotland Yard has been doing some REALLY great work in wiretapping and monitoring many of the dangerous Jihadis. Great work that was screwed up by Americans. In fact, it was boneheads in the USA such as Dick Cheney that often forced the UK law enforcement people to cut short their surveillance since the Americans spilled the beans on the surveillance operations.


well it's not surprising considering Britain refusal to do anything about the extremist twats running around. NOBODY likes them (including muslims) but they're still free to live a life of riley in the UK


We need Gibbs.

I've always wondered that if in a Internet-age World War, would people be on Facebook and GAF, etc. talking to the "enemies" and acting like everything is cool?


Deku said:
Where's the far left outrage?

Also, London is a very nice city. But far too tolerant of extremist islamists because of aforementioned leftist leanings and irrational hate to anything American.

So if Americans go left, Londoners will go right.

Joke post?


Deku said:
Where's the far left outrage?

Also, London is a very nice city. But far too tolerant of extremist islamists because of aforementioned leftist leanings and irrational hate to anything American.

So if Americans go left, Londoners will go right.

Actually most British people were very sympathtic towards America after 9/11 - it's that you'd never know it watching the BBC which is VERY left wing. Same with most people I talked to - they hate Britian being used by a base by these bastards. Unfortuantly Labour are totally useless - Tories won't be much better - there's simply too much corporate / business interests in unchecked immigration and cheap labour. Like all things, the solution is simple if the government had the bulls / will to make it happen. A traitor law - if you have a British passport and you practise any anti-British ranting and raving and actions - your arse, your entire family (let's not fuck around here) get booted back to the country you (or they) originally came from. Sickens me these arseholes are discovered training they get described as 'Britons' - fuck you, 'British residents' would be more descriptive.

And it's worth pointing out - as a city, Britian really couldn't do more to accomodate them. Even bumbling Boris our Mayor while not as left wing as Red Ken, is an Islamic expert with several pretty decent books and a TV show on the subject. http://www.boris-johnson.com/2008/12/01/after-rome-holy-war-and-conquest-bbc/


Raydeen said:
Actually most British people were very sympathtic towards America after 9/11 - it's that you'd never know it watching the BBC which is VERY left wing. Same with most people I talked to - they hate Britian being used by a base by these bastards. Unfortuantly Labour are totally useless - Tories won't be much better - there's simply too much corporate / business interests in unchecked immigration and cheap labour. Like all things, the solution is simple if the government had the bulls / will to make it happen. A traitor law - if you have a British passport and you practise any anti-British ranting and raving and actions - your arse, your entire family (let's not fuck around here) get booted back to the country you (or they) originally came from. Sickens me these arseholes are discovered training they get described as 'Britons' - fuck you, 'British residents' would be more descriptive.

I enjoy BBC, and most countries were sympathetic to the US post 9/11. This and the subsequent Bush Rex era is really not the point. Though it certainly allowed the latent America hate to be exposed freely without these people having to justify it.

I was referring more generally to a sentiment that is very specific to Londoners who are politically on the far left and exist in large numbers in that city.


Article said:
They have also been shocked to discover that many of those responsible for strengthening the terror capabilities of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are former inmates of the U.S. Guantanamo Detention Facility in Cuba.

Pentagon officials estimate that one in five released Guantanamo detainees have rejoined al-Qaeda terror cells after their release. But a recent study by BBC journalist Peter Taylor of a 15-strong batch of Guantanamo detainees who were returned to Saudi Arabia under President Bush in 2007 showed that six of them had rejoined al-Qaeda in Yemen, suggesting that the percentage of former Guantanamo inmates returning to terrorism is far higher than estimated by the Pentagon.

:lol that's one way to look at it.

Another interpretation would be that those inmates, released because they were innocent, were radicalized because of the horrible torture and general disrespect they recieved in prisons. If anything the secret prisons, breaking the rule of law, confirmed all their suspisions that America is a hypocritical power hungry empire and hates Islam. Once they manage to get out of the prison of course some want revenge (and one in 5 is kinda low, you'd have to compare those recdivism rate with prisoners released in the USA).

But that's the leftist view of things, let's keep listening to these unnamed American top level officials instead


Article in OP said:
Abdulmuttalab’s radical activities while president of UCL’s Islamic Society has led to increased tensions between Washington and London.

I would love to know what he got up to at UCL in the Islamic Society, especially seeing as I'm a student there.


Charred Greyface said:
:lol that's one way to look at it.

Another interpretation would be that those inmates, released because they were innocent, were radicalized because of the horrible torture and general disrespect they recieved in prisons. If anything the secret prisons, breaking the rule of law, confirmed all their suspisions that America is a hypocritical power hungry empire and hates Islam. Once they manage to get out of the prison of course some want revenge (and one in 5 is kinda low, you'd have to compare those recdivism rate with prisoners released in the USA).

But that's the leftist view of things, let's keep listening to these unnamed American top level officials instead

Either they were innocent and wanted revenge or it's like arresting someone but having no evidence, so you release them and then they commit a crime later on. Anyone with half a brain realizes the release was necessary given the circumstances and that the officials are in no way responsible for the subsequent crime. Of course those looking to blame this administration or those hippies with a sense of justice will not bother with the thinking part.


I don't know, the Telegraph's been pushing this angle very hard recently. Finding any articles they can cherry-pick to suit their byline. I think they just want to rattle the saucepans over terrorism and embarrass Brown about the deteoriating "special relationship".


Deku said:
I enjoy BBC, and most countries were sympathetic to the US post 9/11. This and the subsequent Bush Rex era is really not the point. Though it certainly allowed the latent America hate to be exposed freely without these people having to justify it.

I was referring more generally to a sentiment that is very specific to Londoners who are politically on the far left and exist in large numbers in that city.

Well that's the problem. The government over the last 10 years has done a really excellent job of dogmatising anyone who has right wing beliefs = evil racist, with secret plans for a whole new set of concentration camp blueprints tucked in their back pocket. I want immigration stopped and much, much harder rules in place to deal with troublemakers from other countries who fuck us over - not because I hate them or am against them, but because their actions will lower the quality of my life. Fortuantly the tide is turning as in so many other countries and now people are being more open - because even the left wing liberals are starting to wake up to the fact that these people represent a clear danger to the country.


is now taking requests
Raydeen said:
Well that's the problem. The government over the last 10 years has done a really excellent job of dogmatising anyone who has right wing beliefs = evil racist, with secret plans for a whole new set of concentration camp blueprints tucked in their back pocket. I want immigration stopped and much, much harder rules in place to deal with troublemakers from other countries who fuck us over - not because I hate them or am against them, but because their actions will lower the quality of my life. Fortuantly the tide is turning as in so many other countries and now people are being more open - because even the left wing liberals are starting to wake up to the fact that these people represent a clear danger to the country.

Do you have a British passport? These anti British government rants sounds suspiciously treasonus.


The US is strengthening terrorism just fine by itself. Torturing and detaining people for years without just cause, and then releasing them without just explanation is going to breed enough anti-American sentiment, and that's before factoring in various skirmishes and other douchey US foreign policies. Just mark everything outside our borders as a threat and feed the MIC. PEACE.


KHarvey16 said:
Either they were innocent and wanted revenge or it's like arresting someone but having no evidence, so you release them and then they commit a crime later on. Anyone with half a brain realizes the release was necessary given the circumstances and that the officials are in no way responsible for the subsequent crime. Of course those looking to blame this administration or those hippies with a sense of justice will not bother with the thinking part.
:lol I agree anyone with half a brain would understand that you can't blame the officials for anyone's subsequent criminal actions; the perpetrator is always ultimately culpable. Which is why, you know, I'm not saying that. I'm also in no way advocating that the administration should hold those people in perpetuity. I find that both morally wrong and counter productive. What I'm laughing at is that the unnamed officials are shocked SHOCKED! that there would be a recidivism rate.

Of course people who take everything at face value wouldn't bother to see that.


Charred Greyface said:
:lol I agree anyone with half a brain would understand that you can't blame the officials for anyone's subsequent criminal actions; the perpetrator is always ultimately culpable. Which is why, you know, I'm not saying that. I'm also in no way advocating that the administration should hold those people in perpetuity. I find that both morally wrong and counter productive. What I'm laughing at is that the unnamed officials are shocked SHOCKED! that there would be a recidivism rate.

Of course people who take everything at face value wouldn't bother to see that.

Didn't mean to imply you were saying that! Was just adding to what you had to say.
Pimpwerx said:
The US is strengthening terrorism just fine by itself. Torturing and detaining people for years without just cause, and then releasing them without just explanation is going to breed enough anti-American sentiment, and that's before factoring in various skirmishes and other douchey US foreign policies. Just mark everything outside our borders as a threat and feed the MIC. PEACE.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.
When I read the thread title there was a split second when I thought 'Oh shit, they're going to bomb us'. Then I read the article, and yeah, Britain is way too easy on radicals.

The title quote is very misleading out of context though.


Meus Renaissance said:
So I guess the US is going to bomb Britain?
This is going to be the outcome:
1. Obama stays in power for his term doing nothing regarding the "britans"
2. American's (expecially the more southurn states) see this is as been weak and stupid
3. American's adventuarly unite themselves in hating Obama for what ever reason.
4. They vote in a typical old white republican next term which is all for "bomming Britan"
5. American's bomb britan
6. WWIII starts.

And Australia is fucked because they have treeties with everyone.


This is what happens when you start up bullshit illegal wars. You create more animosity and terror. We did this to ourselves by supporting you Americans with Iraq. This entire fiasco has probably created more fundamentalist support than there ever has been in history. Heck the failed suicide bombers admit as much in video's! Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib, the incredible support towards Israel etc. These are HUGE sore points with these people.
trinest said:
This is going to be the outcome:
1. Obama stays in power for his term doing nothing regarding the "britans"
2. American's (expecially the more southurn states) see this is as been weak and stupid
3. American's adventuarly unite themselves in hating Obama for what ever reason.
4. They vote in a typical old white republican next term which is all for "bomming Britan"
5. American's bomb britan
6. WWIII starts.

And Australia is fucked because they have treeties with everyone.
Who'd want to invade Australia? It's covered in desert and filled with deadly stuff. The Americans are clearly planning to invade Britain for our vast whisky and tea supplies.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Yeah I heard from people in the military that Europe is pretty dangerous with terrorist groups etc.. They obviously wouldn't tell me much of anything but I got the idea that it certainly more dangerous than what people realize.
Deku said:
Where's the far left outrage?

Also, London is a very nice city. But far too tolerant of extremist islamists because of aforementioned leftist leanings and irrational hate to anything American.

So if Americans go left, Londoners will go right.
You seem to have an irrational hate of anything non American.

And a hate of anything American that is not part of the the "Real America".


Wickerbasket said:
Who'd want to invade Australia? It's covered in desert and filled with deadly stuff. The Americans are clearly planning to invade Britain for our vast whisky and tea supplies.
No I mean Australia has said they'd help American, then they say they'd help Britan and then Rudd's head will explode and if hes still in charge will go over to the Chinese side and bomb everyone.
trinest said:
No I mean Australia has said they'd help American, then they say they'd help Britan and then Rudd's head will explode and if hes still in charge will go over to the Chinese side and bomb everyone.
Australia can't bomb Britain! They have Britain's flag on their flag! That's practically a pinky promise.


speculawyer said:
You seem to have an irrational hate of anything non American.

And a hate of anything American that is not part of the the "Real America".

Really? First time someone's said that to me.

I do dislike far-left-ism though, perhaps that's what's confusing you. And London is a city whose former mayor a a leftist jackass and the city loved him for it. Or that you never read any of my posts railing on the Republicans and the far right in the US.
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