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"American officials now believe Britain poses a major threat to Western security"

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Mr. Sam

Meus Renaissance said:

Fucking British and proud.

'Ave it! :D


Wait, what?


Meus Renaissance said:

Fucking British and proud.

'Ave it! :D
Yid, Spic? the fuck?
edit: googled it

anyway chav and terrorist stand out since while the others mean an etnicity chav is more of a social class iirc and terrorist well, it realy has nothing to do with anything, no idea why they included it since they already had 2 people "representing" the middle east

Pikey is the thing Brad Pitt was in Snatch right?


is now taking requests
Jeff Albertson said:
If you bomb us you can't have our Top Gear, and sarcasm as a from of wit will forever go misunderstood :p

They have SarcMarcs (TM) now, so dont feel too safe.


Enosh said:
Pikey is the thing Brad Pitt was in Snatch right?

Yes, Pikey means Gypsy (remembers the Gypsy thread with the clueless mod *shudders*) and its often used as an insult for poor people.
Sometimes I think countries such as Britain and France deserve their shitty Muslim immigrants for pulling dumb crap during the colonial times.
Especially Britain for drawing borders while wearing a blindfold.
"Yay, let's create Iraq! Let's throw in some Sunni, some Shia and some Kurds and see where they'll do when we're gone, lolololol"

However, countries such as Germany or the Netherlands don't deserve their shitty Muslim immigrants.
Germany totally deserves immigrants from Namibia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herero_and_Namaqua_Genocide - we're pretty good at genocide, you see..) or the eastern European countries for waging an unjust war while killing millions of civilians.
Oh yeah, also all the Jews in the fucking world.
Meus Renaissance said:

Fucking British and proud.

'Ave it! :D

Chavs are a self-created underclass, its not really in the same class as the other names.

Raist said:
Well there isn't any, anyway :p

:lol :lol :lol

Don't, it's completely fucked up

I think pride in a country is retarded but self-hating is just as bad. The majority of the British public are ineffectual for this very reason.
This attitude towards us British from the Americans will only bring the end of their current reign as a superpower, we have a much more advanced state of living, better sports, better cars, women and of course food.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about the British military culture (I'm an expert), but pride and power are huge parts of it. It has been well documented that the SAS are untouchable in terms of military skills and tactics, I also predict a handful of SAS soldiers can take out the majority of the US Army/Navy/whatever. That would leave the skies open for our advanced, world renown and feared Royal Air Force, then of course the Royal Navy will crush and own your seas.

I hope this doesn't come about, but when a bitch needs to get slapped..a bitch will get slapped


Napoleonthechimp said:
Chavs are a self-created underclass, its not really in the same class as the other names.

The story seems to be about groups being labelled and marginalised.


Mecha_Infantry said:
This attitude towards us British from the Americans will only bring the end of their current reign as a superpower, we have a much more advanced state of living, better sports, better cars, women and of course food.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about the British military culture (I'm an expert), but pride and power are huge parts of it. It has been well documented that the SAS are untouchable in terms of military skills and tactics, I also predict a handful of SAS soldiers can take out the majority of the US Army/Navy/whatever. That would leave the skies open for our advanced, world renown and feared Royal Air Force, then of course the Royal Navy will crush and own your seas.

I hope this doesn't come about, but when a bitch needs to get slapped..a bitch will get slapped

If our guns don't stop firing first...because sand got in them. :|


Napoleonthechimp said:
So the conclusion is that we like to categorise people and things?

No the conclusion is that a bunch of kids from different backgrounds all have prejudice in common. They're united by division.
The frequency of Muslim terrorist acts against the U.S. and its allies will be linked to the increasing number of civilians killed by the American "drone program" in Pakistan and the level of Israeli aggression against Iran. It's worth noting that the Iran-Israel situation is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Israelis have been screaming for Iranian blood for several years now, and this latest assassination of the Iranian nuclear physicist is only a small taste of what's to come.
When States act in a manner that invites a violent response, we shouldnt be surprised when we receive it.


theignoramus said:
Israelis have been screaming for Iranian blood for several years now



"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Monday that the Zionist Regime of Israel faces a deadend and will under God's grace be wiped off the map."

"the Zionist Regime that is a usurper and illegitimate regime and a cancerous tumor should be wiped off the map."

"the Zionist regime faces a complete deadend and under God's grace your wish will soon be materialized and the corrupt element will be wiped off the map"

They also have military parades where they march in the shape of a sword stabbing a Star of David, chant "Death to Israel" everyday, and so on and so on.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Mecha_Infantry said:
I don't know how much the rest of you know about the British military culture (I'm an expert), but pride and power are huge parts of it. It has been well documented that the SAS are untouchable in terms of military skills and tactics, I also predict a handful of SAS soldiers can take out the majority of the US Army/Navy/whatever. That would leave the skies open for our advanced, world renown and feared Royal Air Force, then of course the Royal Navy will crush and own your seas.

I hope this doesn't come about, but when a bitch needs to get slapped..a bitch will get slapped



Mecha_Infantry said:
I don't know how much the rest of you know about the British military culture (I'm an expert), but pride and power are huge parts of it. It has been well documented that the SAS are untouchable in terms of military skills and tactics, I also predict a handful of SAS soldiers can take out the majority of the US Army/Navy/whatever. That would leave the skies open for our advanced, world renown and feared Royal Air Force, then of course the Royal Navy will crush and own your seas.

All that aside I was speaking to someone only yesterday and The Few, The Proud apparently number around 205000. The Brit equivalent? Around 5000. (These figures are probably slightly off as I don't really have time to look into it in depth.)

Anyway, realpolitik; and from a US pov it needed saying. DG made that ridiculous speech last year about Russia CE taking up significant portion of MI5's resources when they should be focused on CT efforts. Underlying message is that MI5 have invested huge effort into CT. UK legislation doesn't help, although it's not as bad as some Scandinavian countries, but the effort is being made.


SleazyC said:
The book "The Looming Towers" really blew me away as to how it portrayed the US intelligence services.

Now I suppose I should take what was in the book with a grain of salt since it tends to paint a particularly bad picture of the CIA while making the FBI look out as the good guy in the events the lead to 9/11 but I don't doubt that all the bureaucracy, red-tape and the inane in-fighting between the various intelligence services trying to protect the US exists. I would highly recommend reading the book if you are interested in what a sort of biased look at how Al Qaeda was established and the failures that led up to the 9/11 attacks.

great fucking book :D

Fox Mulder

Mecha_Infantry said:
This attitude towards us British from the Americans will only bring the end of their current reign as a superpower, we have a much more advanced state of living, better sports, better cars, women and of course food.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about the British military culture (I'm an expert), but pride and power are huge parts of it. It has been well documented that the SAS are untouchable in terms of military skills and tactics, I also predict a handful of SAS soldiers can take out the majority of the US Army/Navy/whatever. That would leave the skies open for our advanced, world renown and feared Royal Air Force, then of course the Royal Navy will crush and own your seas.

I hope this doesn't come about, but when a bitch needs to get slapped..a bitch will get slapped

we have more nukes...
jorma said:
Do you have a British passport? These anti British government rants sounds suspiciously treasonus.

Country's degenerating into a third world shithole, the politicians are twats and the houses of parlaiment need blowing up. (why can't these islamists try that?)

Deport me to australia please.


fizzelopeguss said:
Country's degenerating into a third world shithole, the politicians are twats and the houses of parlaiment need blowing up. (why can't these islamists try that?)

Deport me to australia please.
Oh the irony.


Gold Member
theignoramus said:
The frequency of Muslim terrorist acts against the U.S. and its allies will be linked to the increasing number of civilians killed by the American "drone program" in Pakistan and the level of Israeli aggression against Iran. It's worth noting that the Iran-Israel situation is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. Israelis have been screaming for Iranian blood for several years now, and this latest assassination of the Iranian nuclear physicist is only a small taste of what's to come.
When States act in a manner that invites a violent response, we shouldnt be surprised when we receive it.

Did this guy get his name before or after he made this post?

These people annoy me to no end. It's like Kevin Trudeau's infomercials where he preys on the ignorant with batshit insane points. It's like a mental illness.

"latest assassination of the Iranian nuclear physicist is only a small taste of what's to come. "

I've seen this on the CBC comments section. Apparently some people think that Mossad/CIA/MI5 agents like to assassinate Iranian professors who are critical of the current regime and have no ties to the current Iranian nuclear program.

Of course, what do we have as proof to their points? Batshit insane insinuations.


Finally an excuse to finish those wankers and tossers off. War of 2012: The Revenge. You thought we forgot about 1812? Think again. London. Will. BURRRRNNNN
Saren is Bad said:
I've always wondered that if in a Internet-age World War, would people be on Facebook and GAF, etc. talking to the "enemies" and acting like everything is cool?

I can't imagine that could be stopped...
Salty said:


"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Monday that the Zionist Regime of Israel faces a deadend and will under God's grace be wiped off the map."

"the Zionist Regime that is a usurper and illegitimate regime and a cancerous tumor should be wiped off the map."

"the Zionist regime faces a complete deadend and under God's grace your wish will soon be materialized and the corrupt element will be wiped off the map"

They also have military parades where they march in the shape of a sword stabbing a Star of David, chant "Death to Israel" everyday, and so on and so on.
Israel's threats to bomb Iran came before Ahmadinejad, as early as 2003 they were issuing threats of "preemptive" aggression.
Atrus said:
Did this guy get his name before or after he made this post?

These people annoy me to no end. It's like Kevin Trudeau's infomercials where he preys on the ignorant with batshit insane points. It's like a mental illness.

"latest assassination of the Iranian nuclear physicist is only a small taste of what's to come. "

I've seen this on the CBC comments section.
Apparently some people think that Mossad/CIA/MI5 agents like to assassinate Iranian professors who are critical of the current regime and have no ties to the current Iranian nuclear program.
I've seen it in Israel's most prestigious newspaper.

Haaretz said:
ANALYSIS / Iran scientist likely killed by opponents of nuclear program:
There is, however, no precedent in Iran, at least not in recent years, of such a violent assassination of an opponent of the regime or a suspected spy. The regime usually deals with such cases with arrest followed by a trial or by permanent disappearance.

It could be an underground organization opposing the regime such as the Mujahideen-e-Khalq, or groups representing ethnic or religious minorities such as Kurds, Arabs or Sunnis. These groups have carried out violent actions and terror attacks against symbols of the regime - either on their own behalf or for foreign intelligence agencies.

Therefore, it is more likely that the assassination was carried out by those seeking to damage and delay Iran's nuclear program. That, of course, means Western governments, especially the United States and Israel. These governments use their espionage agencies to gather information about the Iranian nuclear program. There are reports about efforts to damage equipment purchased abroad for the program, to recruit agents from within Iran's nuclear project with access to information, and to lure senior officials associated with the country's nuclear program to defect.

The possibility that Western, or even Israeli, spy agencies are behind the latest assassination is supported by precedent. According to foreign news reports, Israel acted in a similar fashion during the 1960s against German scientists working to develop missiles in Egypt, and during the 1970s against various scientists. These included Egyptians and the Canadian scientist Gerald Bull who worked on Iraq's nuclear and missile projects under Saddam Hussein.

His colleagues at Tehran University claim that Mohammadi was not connected whatsoever with Iran's nuclear program. However, precedent shows that Iranian universities, especially the chemistry and physics departments, have served as a front for Iran's nuclear program. They have purchased and hid equipment, and their professors and experts have served as consultants for the program.

Reports have increased in recent years about attempts by Western espionage agencies to harm Iranian scientists; there have even been a few reports about Iranian scientists who died under mysterious circumstances. In one case, a scientist died at home, ostensibly of suffocation from a gas space heater.


Lol at quoting an opinion article as fact.

Truly accurate username and pic though.

I have no doubt that Israel/US/Britain have been assassinating people involved in the Iranian nuclear program, but probably not this guy.

Anyway, back on topic, there's no question that there is a lot of radicalism in England at the moment, and more is brewing.
Salty said:
Lol at quoting an opinion article as fact.

Truly accurate username and pic though.

I have no doubt that Israel/US/Britain have been assassinating people involved in the Iranian nuclear program, but probably not this guy.

Anyway, back on topic, there's no question that there is a lot of radicalism in England at the moment, and more is brewing.
you're not qualified to level insults at my commentary on the matter, when just a few posts ago, you pretended Israeli threats against Iran hadnt predated Ahmadinejad.


theignoramus said:
you're not qualified to level insults at my commentary on the matter, when just a few posts ago, you pretended Israeli threats against Iran hadnt predated Ahmadinejad.

Lol your commentary is quoting someone elses opinions in full, Iran has been calling for "Death to Israel" for 30+ years constantly. Ahmadinejad is nothing new.

I know you're desperate to change the subject here, and I feel like I shouldn't be allowing you to do so, yet I am.
Salty said:
Lol your commentary is quoting someone elses opinions in full, Iran has been calling for "Death to Israel" for 30+ years constantly.
That didnt stop Israel from selling the state hundreds of millions of dollars in weaponry from the early to mid 80s. The Israelis knew then, as they know now, that the rhetoric coming from Iran is a lot of smoke and hot air, so they had no problem selling their "enemy" weapons to fight Iraq; militarily, Iran doesnt want an open war with Israel, because its knows it would be the end of Iran.
No, Israel is threatening Iran's nuclear power program because it doesnt want a strong, modern, self sufficient Muslim state within the Middle Eastern region acting outside of American interests.


fizzelopeguss said:
Country's degenerating into a third world shithole, the politicians are twats and the houses of parlaiment need blowing up. (why can't these islamists try that?)

Deport me to australia please.

So is Australia.
Wes said:
I'll take snow over heatwaves anyday!

Nah man, i was in wales last year during the heatwave...fucking glorious. As someone who's never been abroad to actually experience weather that would make a spaniard blush. Fucking brilliant.

Oh the irony.

I'll commit petty crime and travel via galleon if i have to.
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