I always knew it was a smart move not to review the Ghostbusters 2016 movie because either way he was going to upset one or the other no matter his stance.
Going by his movie reviews chances are high he doesn't like it. He's not a fan of CGI (unless absolutely necessary, and hates bad CGI more so), He tends to like old school horrors and practical effects.
I have a very similar movie taste to AVGN going by his reviews and Monster Madness series.
I haven't seen the Ghostbuster 2016 film...no interest so I can't comment on it, but my younger brother has seen it and says "It's Aids"...his comment, not mine, lol.
People need to realise that we are individuals, and everyone has an opinion...doesn't mean your/their opinion is higher or lower...it's an opinion. Just like an objectively bad game can be loved by someone...doesn't mean he/she is wrong. The best way to show you don't like something...is not watch it or play the game or buy the product etc etc. Why try and seek to change someone's love for a game/movie...let them enjoy it.
Ranting and raving online about why
YOU/THEY don't like something, in particular, doesn't mean others won't like it. I don't like the Fast & Furious movies...but millions do....are they wrong? (yes they are

) but it all goes about taste too, even if friends/partners you swear are 100% in sync with and everything you like/love is a match...something will be different. People lack respect for each other now and want people to think and believe what they think is correct...
Being triggered by opinion's is draining, I used to get upset over nonsense online years ago (mostly defending Limp Bizkit lol), and realised it was such a waste of energy and puts you in a foul mood for most of the day. Best way to avoid this attitude, for me anyway, was to keep my opinion to myself or allow people to have their opinions and respect it. AVGN obviously choose to keep his opinions to himself.
(Sorry this was a little longer and preachier than I was anticipating...once I started writing...I couldn't stop...my bad....AVGN rocks btw!)