Clock bells chime in the distance
Current Votes for this Round (12 needed for majority)
LaunchPadMcQ (0)
freakzilla149 (2)
HippieHobo (1)
Time Left Until Day 2 Ends

Clock bells chime in the distance
Like, where is this clock tower? Because I don't see any space on the map for a clock tower.
It's the distance, probably next village over
Surprised noone's said anything about my vote yet
Holy shit at You guys giving freakzilla shit for not posting that much and as he starts posting not leaving it be
Just let it go, or do You have valuable information we are lacking atm ? Why are You trying to get him evicted ?
Roles get revealed with evictions. We can see if ultron was really a Troublemaker or not (an ability that is quite neutral in the long run so it doesn't hurt to have it off the table), and your claimed role as well, if you really had one. Furthermore, a successful eviction will tell us if houses are indeed destroyed by evictions or if they can have some other fate. Your house is also the most unique out of all the houses so I wouldn't mind seeing what happens with that.
Because you're the biggest, most obvious target and it's strange that you aren't being targeted. You said as much yourself at the beginning of day 2. And I agree with the assessment that the reason your house wasn't targeted was because one of you is HHA. However, I don't want to evict you just yet because I'm interested in ultron's claimed ability (as well as yours, although you've been very vague on that front unlike ultron). Even if you're HHA, there's hardly anything you can do to save yourself in the long run, so why not keep one around? I'm not sure how ultron would feel about this, but it would be a good use of his ability to take you out and one other townie we're confident in in one move.
Which is to say, I'm almost certain one of you roomies is HHA and I'm only interested in keeping you two around for strategic reasons.
So, I noticed something kind of weird. Maybe I missed it, but Tucah didn't leave a message for us, did he? "Tucah the Commuter is gone for good." doesn't seem like a message an evicted person would leave. So, he didn't leave a message; or did the circumstances of his eviction make it so that he couldn't? I would figure most people would leave a message, even if it's something insignificant (which is all they can really do).
Alternative scenario, that's the message he left and Tucah's last move was to try to throw us for a loop.
Players are welcome to send me a farewell message when they're out of the game, but it will be clear it was from them ("Tucah says..."), and it cannot contain any relevant game information.
So with that said, Tucah has not sent me anything yet.
It's the distance, probably next village over
Surprised noone's said anything about my vote yet
Think like a Mafia member... so hmmm, it just occurred to me, based on Day 1 interaction, if I'm a Mafia member and I know who my team mates are, I would actively vote to evict during the day those who aren't. Actively seeking to convince others that voting to evict someone is the best course of action while regular townies would be hesitant of evicting someone, unsure that in the process they could evict one of their own.
This puts things into perspective now that I think about it. My suspicions are all over the place now.
Rereading them, Nin's posts are looking kind of strange to me now. I mean, he could just be defending Freak because he also has a relatively low post count, but this seemed like a bit of an overreaction. More than defending Freak, which can either be to draw more attention to Freak or draw it away from him (and to the roomies in later posts), it's really just drawing attention to him. Something to ponder....
Haly - 20%
Kalor - 20%
Kingkitty - 20%
salvapot - 30%
Darryl - 20%
RobotNinja - 50%
Mazre - 70%
Hobohodo - 20%
Razmos - 50%
Toma - 50%
Foshy - 20%
Ultron - 10%
fran - 20%
21GunShow - 30%
SmokinGunZ - 10%
Nin1000 - 20%
Coppanuva - 20%
HippieHobo - 40%
LaunchpadMcQ - 1%
I was sad I was at 20% then I realized most of your list is <=20% so...
Also since you think Ultron is a third party, anyone else you think is on that team? Presumably a "neutral" third party would have their own aim (similar to the mafia's, be the last one standing), and likely be more than 1 person strong. Any guesses?
Who else is a regular, powerless villager? It'll help us narrow things down a bit. Don't worry, you're less likely to be targeted by HHA if you admit to being average; we hold little value over the specials. It'll help form a picture.
Hippiehobo said:*Breaking character a bit here* I'm honestly confused about the game but reading through Haly's post and asking Karkador questions has been helpful.
I don't really have much to say, or don't know what to say.
Hippiehobo said:Wait so Tucah is out of the game?
HHA = Mafia?
Mafia players attack during the night?
Yikes. I:
Hippiehobo said:I have my suspicions on Haly, Mazre, Razmos and RobotNinja.
My gut feeling tells me that one of them is HHA. Just a gut feeling for now...
Hippiehobo said:And Salvapot, something is fishy here.
Karkador said:Coincidentally, I was just about to call it a little early.
Karkador said:Correct, HippieHobo.
...An envelope flutters in the wind before one of you catches it. It's a letter with no return address.
So I'm in two minds about this, but we seem to be mostly talking in circles at this point so ah what the hell.
VOTE: HippieHobo
Now, just going to put it out there that I'm not close to being convinced he is HHA, but I don't really have any other suspicions right now. It basically boils down to the fact that he's claiming extreme inexperience (i.e. hadn't heard of the game before signups), asking a load of questions and flip-flopping because of it, so he's maintaining a presence, but one which isn't actually doing too much.
This could be completely genuine, which is making me kind of not want to do this because it seems like a massive dick move, but it could also be a strategy to make it seem legitimate.
I don't know. I really don't want to evict the housemates yet for the reasons I've stated before, so...yeah. There we go.
If this ends up catching on and it was legitimate inexperience, I'm super sorry dood D:
I've been a tad suspicious of Hippie since all his initial posts were completely unrelated to the game. When he played the inexperience card initially he came across as rather genuine to me, but since then posts such as this...
...make me feel he is maybe going to far to state his inexperience? As this post just kind goes and states the obvious to me? Now as you say this could just be a brand new player trying to learn the ropes. Heck I've been taking it slow learning how this variation of forum mafia plays out, I'm used to having clues to solve during the day. I guess Hippie is just coming across as very erratic right now.
You can add me to that list.
I think a lot of people are tired out by the witchhunt over freak.
I wanted to step in at some point but I was content with watching it play out. Many other people seem to be taking the same approach, which led to this lull.
Frankly Day 2 hasn't been very informative, in fact I'm less confident in my guesses than I was on Day 1. I still believe we need an eviction, however, if just for more information so I'm going to vote:
VOTE: Hippiehobo
1) He greeted everyone for Day 2 before Karkador officially opened Day 2. He played it off as misreading the time, but this is very strange because he was hardly active at all during the first day, with only four posts, none of them actually discussing the evictions and accusations. It took him a full 30 hours to post in this thread when it was first opened. He never seemed as invested in this game as some other people were. Why so eager to get in the first post on Day 2?
2) When he noticed his gaffe, he was suddenly very enthusiastic about pointing fingers at other people, particularly the ones who were most active in Day 1, who were obvious targets for deflection. There wasn't a lot of rhyme or reason to his posts, he was just making a lot of noise. No one had even suspected him at that point.
3) He leaned on his novice status very heavily. A bit too heavily, in fact. This was his last serious post regarding the game before Night, and actually his only post that wasn't a joke or roleplaying.
And then after his "messup":
Did he just then notice that we were playing a variant of Mafia? It seemed he was content playing the fool on Day 1, but that flew out the window on Day 2. Why?
Furthermore, these were Karkador's posts following Hippie's premature Day 2 greeting:
I don't know about the rest of you, but if I was in Karkador's shoes I would be trying to cover for Hippiehobo because, as HHA, posting like it's Day when it's still Night is one of the biggest mistakes possible.
I believe he rushed the post out the door when he noticed Hippiehobo's mistake, and later cleaned it up. You'll notice an edit stamp on that post 3 hours after it originally went up. I looked at his history and outside of the posts where he keeps track of voting, he never edits himself. He's not a prolific editor like some other posters are. What did he edit in? I don't know. What's important is that Karkador, who usually thinks his game master posts through before posting them, threw up a post haphazardly immediately after a mistake by one of the players, and then felt like touching it up at a later date.
4) I do think Hippiehobo is a novice Mafia player, but I think he's also HHA as well. The role is likely more complex than he was prepared for when he signed up. He kept silent on Day 1 and observed and asked Karkador questions because he was unsure of what to do. He probably also interacted with the other HHA on their secret board, where they advised him to take a wait and see approach.
Day 2 came and everyone on the HHA board noticed his mistake. They told him he needs to defend himself or it'll get out of hand. This explains the uptick in activity. Ironically, his activity drew more unwanted attention. This is all in line with what I expect from a novice Mafia who hasn't really thought the game through.
The thing with mistakes is, an honest mistake is easily brushed off. There's no guilt, no pressure. But a mistake born of guilt creates tension and panic. I am a member of another community with Hippiehobo, and I have a mental profile of him. I don't tbelieve he's the kind of person to which guile comes naturally. So I'm categorizing his eccentricity on Day 2 as "panic", and attributing that "panic" to his mistake as an HHA member.
Really, I just want to get an eviction because if we end another day without an eviction we might as well give up now because this shit isn't going anywhere. We started Day 1 ready to evict the roomies before everyone got cold feet at the last second and backed out (I pulled my vote because if it wasn't going anywhere then I wanted Night 1 to come faster so I can get some information). On Day 2, we started with the freakzilla witchhunt that was progressing nicely until everyone backed out again.
I don't know if you guys figured it out yet, but it doesn't fucking matter if you don't have a role.
You're Town.
You have the power to Evict.
Fucking exercise it already.
I have felt shots in my willingness to participate because everything just gets shut down. I jump in on the evict the roomies movement. Nothing. I jump in on the evict Freakzilla movement. Nothing. I've been agreeing with the crowd the entire time and everything is getting turned back around on me LOL.
I'm in favor of this admittedly. Not knowing people got evicted in the middle of the night is almost too big a mistake to pass off, given that night time evictions were talked about plenty on day 1. Also, on the chance he is a Townie, we would weed out inexperience earlier on, which would hopefully be beneficial in the long run.
double vote?
Clock bells chime in the distance
Huh... so I'm the target now?
This is my first game, yes it took me a while to get the grasp of it.
I am not HHA...
You all are making a mistake evicting one of your own.
But I am noticing a pattern here.
Haly is very suspicious to me. She has gone back and forth between many players, but she's not accusing a particular group of players. She's with the HHA, I can feel it.
Double Vote: Haly.
That's my special ability.
Does that vote have double weight?! Oh shit, I'm gonna have to think over this more. I'm going to save my votes until the last minute if I can, just seems better to me.
Taking back what I just said about waiting to vote, in case this goes over night:
Vote: Haly
I'm sorry for doubting you hippiehobo.
you might have overlooked my question, so I'll ask again, what's the name of your role?
and, is there a limit to how much you can double vote?
Ill ask, why the sudden interest?
As an aside, I'm male.
why are you unable to answer?
you obviously have a power, Karkador just confirmed it with his vote count.
so why can't you answer? are you some type of mafia with the power to double vote?
my gut (which is 35 percent accurate) says mafia wouldn't have this type of power. But if you're unable to tell me your's weird to me.
Hmmm... why the sudden change?
It's one time though. How come no one is questioning Razmos who confirmed to have a ranged ability type? He seems suspicious to me given that after day 1 he's been inactive.
I also realize that my use of my one-time action and my taunt towards the HHA and my activity puts me in the eyes of them, as a potential target. But they would be going for a small fish.![]()