After looking for a fresh start, EzekelRAGE eyes the town of Animal Crossing. He settled on a house he settled on a house in D5. But found out day before he was to move in, SmokingGunZ1981 moved into the house instead. Rage had given up hope of moving into the dream house, until the realtor Karkador called him back. He had good news that the house was available again, since Smoking bailed at the last minute. Without hesitation, Rage accepted the offer and moved into the house. In the days it took to move, Rage noticed something off about some of his new neighbors.
*Observations from reviewing the thread, could be reaching or w/e* Didnt cover everyone
I'll start off with the person that raises my suspicion the most, the ones after Razmos are in no particular order though and some are just stray observations(possibly over analyzing):
Razmos - Razmos hasnt used his ability again since night one, which timeasis backed up. He claims issues of being on holiday and limited wifi. This could be true, but this could also be the scenario:
Razmos and Timeasis are both mafia - Raz could've made up the role. Using Timeasis to cover for him. I don't know how his ability works, but if he has to send a pm to Kark about letting him know who to setup in the gossip chat, then he could've at least done that and had another person (Darryl/Hobohodo) confirm his abilities at the least. Even with confirming ability, still doesnt mean he is town.
21GunShow - Seems to be lurky? Rarely posted but posted right after Kalor threw suspicion on him. Hasn't really posted much after that as well. Last post in this thread is 3 days ago.
Foshy - Basically the same thing as Razmos tbh. Except he has no one to claim his role works or says what his role is exactly. He says he can do somehting in the day and the person will find out that night, and be able to confirm the next day. So Day 3 he should be able to get confirmation on this ability by someone, unless they get killed. If someone does confirm Foshy, then it's the exact same situation as Razmos and raises the same question. Could Foshy and his confirmer both be HHA? Could Foshy still be HHA even if he has a confirmer? I don't think a reason was ever given to why he didn't target someone Day 1 either.
Ultron - Hasn't really posted much other than to agree with Haly for voting for Hippie. States the reason for mafia not targeting apartments is because mafia probably assumed ppl protected it. Was first to vote no evict to get to first night on Day 1. Also seems be a bit lurky. After Kark posts 12 votes for No Evict (13 needed to end the day), he posts 6 minutes later to end the day. After Darryl posts about possibly evicting roomies, Ultron posts 7 mins later defending why mafia didn't attack roomies yet. Could be just a case of him not feeling his role, but who knows.
Franconp- Says he is town and can prove it. Day one he claimed to have a useful big role. But still is alive.
Kingkitty - KingKitty votes for Freakzilla just to do something different. Could be a situation where mafia votes for another mafia to throw suspension once majority already votes for townie. On the day Hippie was evicted, said he had no problem bandwagon voting Freak, but defended him on day one from getting evicted.
Salvapot - Only voted for hippie because he didnt want to risk a tie, which also removed his vote from nin. What made Hippie stick out more than nin? Hippie at the time admitted he was a power role. Could be a situation where Salva and Nin are both Mafia, and Nin didn't want to be the final vote for a townie, so had Salva switch his vote.
Nin100 - The whole situation with freakzilla, and he went to bat hard for him. He also seems to be very receptive to other ppl's ideas. Agreeing with Haly when he called someone out. Agreeing with Salty about someone needing to go, just not Freakzilla. Had no problem voting for hobo even though he seemed more likely to be town than Freak ever seemed to be. Could just be easily swayed by Haly. When it was between him and hippie he didn' want to hammer the last vote on Hippie for w/e reason.
Haly - Went in hard on Hippiehobo, was a sort of logical argument I guess. But even after Hippiehobo did the double vote thing, he still went in hard on him. There was also a part where he said something about applying pressure to town and not needing HH's double vote to do so, which struck me as an odd comment to make. Maybe I read it wrong. As far as an ability not helping town, Ultron's ability could be seen as a way of hurting town more than HH's double vote ability. The latter's may not even help evict, while the former's can force two evictions.
Why would you need Hippiehobo's double voting to put pressure on a townie? Look back to all the pressuring around Day 1 and 2. Until attention fell on him, we were fine pressuring town by ourselves. We have an overwhelming majority, Hippiehobo getting two votes isn't going to swing anything while we have that majority.
Post about applying pressure to town
And as I've said previously, there is no point in lynching an almost confirmed HHA. It's much better to keep them around and wait for them to trip up. The HHA don't have any increased strength in numbers, I think. That is, two HHA voting for a killing is no different than one HHA voting for an eviction. They might have roles, sure, but unless their roles involve multiple evictions per night, it hardly matters if we evict francorp now or later.
Going back to this earlier post, he feels HH is a confirmed HHA, so he shouldnt really mind him staying especially since he feels his ability is completely useless at this stage of the game.
Looking at his post
581 most the reasons he knocks HH's ability can be used to knock Ultron's as well, but worse. Since it seems Ultron's ability forces 2 ppl out.
RobotNinjaHornets - Not much, was first to vote for HippieHobo.
Timeaisis - Not much, getting town vibes, but you can never be sure. Was trying to sway heat off of HippieHobo.
Darryl - Admitted to bandwagoning with his votes?
LaunchpadMcQ - His play for ppl to out themselves as townie or w/e?
Voting Observatons
Nin/Kingkitty/Nin try to defend Freak to varying degrees - Starts around post 462. All of these guys could be innocent townies, but something to look at nonetheless.
Nin - Was making about big stink of not voting Freak
Votes for HippieHobo
RNH, Darryle, Freak, Ultron, Kalor, Hobo, Salva
Votes for HippieHoob that changed - OB/Nin
Nin/Hodo/OB voted within 10min of eachother for hippie
Freak/Darryl voted Hippie close to each other
LMQ tries to defend Darryl? 481
This is just LMQ's list I think:
Claimed Townies:
Claimed Power Roles
Razmos - Gossip
Ultron - Troublemaker
Fran - Claims he can prove he is town
HippieHobo - Mayor
Foshy - Ability Unknown - Similar limitations as Razmos
Of all the people who claimed power roles, only Hippie had concrete proof with the double vote. Razmos just had Timeasis as confirmation of his ability so far.
With all that said, I think we should evict Razmos, Roomies, Freak, or Nin to see what shakes. Leaning a little towards Roomies, thinking it's unlikely both are town, but who knows. Ultron's ability of doing a double eviction plus having the double vote ability from hippie seems too good to be true, idk. Plus if both are town, why haven't the mafia targeted them yet? Mafia assuming roomies are protected 2 nights in a row seems iffy. A couple of ppl, Haly being one, seems to like making a point saying "unlikely mafia would start a vote on someone because it may come back to bite them when they are town." Could be something to look at.