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Anime: 2x2=Shinobuden >>> Naruto

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OMG. Just saw the first ep of this anime and it's AWESOME!!! This is a must see anime people. LOL, I don't wanna spoil too much but if you watch Naruto, you must really watch this. Well, even if you don't, you still have to watch it. ^_^


This show sounds pretty lame from the description on animenfo. Sounds like another lame cliche driven comedy. Trying one episode couldn't hurt I suppose.
The show's awesome. There's very little that's cliche about it, aside from ninja cliches (which are played nicely for effect). It's pure nonsense, and it's great. Plus, it's got NORIO fuckin' WAKAMOTO.



aoi tsuki

Not a major role, but still memorable, he also did the voice of the owl in Wolf's Rain. i hear was seiyuu for Vicious in Cowboy Bebop as well.


Uhh isnt this some fanservice anime? I've seen the pics at Momotato Daioh and I just cant see any comparison between the two series'.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Ok, just saw the first episode. It's worthless. For a comedy I didn't even chuckle once. It's tired, longwinded, and relies on potty humor and fanservice. Total pass.


EviLore said:
Ok, just saw the first episode. It's worthless. For a comedy I didn't even chuckle once. It's tired, longwinded, and relies on potty humor and fanservice. Total pass.

Though I agree that the fanservice is evident in the anime, I just don't think it 'relies' on it. I would say that it's one of the things that makes it funny but it isn't there is all to it.


I saw it, think it's ok. The group of nameless ninjas is totally hilarious. Is it just me, or are there heavy lesbian overtones in a few episodes between Shinobu and Kaeda? I might just be imagining things...


Its a nice entertaining comdey show, wroth a look at. I thought the lesbian overtones coming from Shinubo were bluntly obvious, Kaeda, I don't think picked up on them.
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