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(anime) How is Prince of Tennis?

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I always here about this series from time to time and It's up to 120 episodes now. I'm not quite sure as to how much it's popular though. It doesn't have its own forum at animesuki and it doesn't show up a lot in anime recommendations threads, but I'm guessing at 120 episodes and looking at the amount of seeders/leechers it has a decent following. :)

Is anybody here a fan? Is it worth the time? How is it compared to Hajime no Ippo, Naruto and other shounen anime?


I watched about 10 episodes or so and it didn’t catch my interest.

It about some wonder child that kicks everyone’s asses… *yawn*

It’s not nearly as interesting and absorbing as Hikaru no Go, HnG was awesome since you got to follow Hikaru rise from suckyness to greatness. There is also a great feeling of tensions in the challenges which just wasn’t there in PoT.


I liked it a lot back when it first aired and watched the first 70 episodes or so but there was this stretch of sidestories for about 8 episodes around then or so and I just couldnt get myself to watch this one episode in particular and then fell behind and never felt compelled to pick up where I left off.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Prince of Tennis is a lot more aimed at girls looking for "pretty boy" type characters.... the art style is, what's the word, goushenji? I didn't like it.


I'm a fan of the series. I thought it was pretty good. It's mainly about the main character, Ryoma, who joins a school's tennis club and becomes one of the Regulars of the club that play in offical tennis matches against other schools. He's not the only character focused on, as each member of the team gets fair screen time and development. It is a long series, but the characters each have their own interesting personality and their own style of tennis. But in the end it's all about taste in anime and opinions. I suggest you try a few episodes and pass judgement.
I like Prince of Tennis quite a bit, but the anime is really a sort of dead end. Lately the show has pulled into a dead heat with the manga, and it looks like they're just going to head their own way until the show crashes and burns like Kenshin did.

Moral of the story: stick to the manga.


Thanks for the replies. I might d/l the first 10 episodes but I'm not very enthusiastic about it now. Maybe if the series is ending I would be but if it's not up there with Ippo 120 episodes is a bit too much... :)


I've watched about 100 eps now, and I like it. If you know what to expect, Prince of Tennis will deliver. If you want to judge the series in a fair way, watch more than 10 eps. I was about to quit watching it after a few episodes, but I continued. It's slow in the beginning, but it'll pick up. And when it does, you'll have a lot of Prince of Tennis goodness to look forward to. :)

Since the main character Ryoma Echizen already IS really good from the beginning, you won't find the same "success story" as in Ippo for example, at least not to that degree. But PoT is good in its own way IMO. Even though Ryoma is good, he'll face fierce enough challenges. Despite the name, the series isn't focused heavily on Ryoma either, it has almost equal focus on the other club members. Since they play tournaments as a group, it's about the team rather than just Ryoma. And yes, they're not perfect players, and they WILL lose some games.

Anyway, Prince of Tennis has those really tense moments, funny moments, and good characters. After a while the series has grown on you, and you'll continue to watch it.

There are some bad sides though...some of the filler episodes aren't that exciting (I completely skipped those silly chibi episodes, for example), and some things that are repeated throughout the series can get tiresome (at least when they appear frequently). But I still recommend it, very good series.


I'm also a big fan of the series and I only started watching it because my friend kept telling me to. I had no interest in tennis whatsoever but now I'm really into it. Pot is good but I don't know why, I watched around 60 episodes in the first two weeks and got sick of it but later on started watching again and had gain interest in it again. Its an odd series, but you should definetly give it a shot.


Mugen said:
The main character pisses me off. Nuff said.

true that.

It came across to me as DBZ with tennis.
"Oh, Echizen will never defeat [insert next "biggest" bad guy tennis player]!"
:Echizen wins, acts cocky:

Next episode: more of the same! -_-


I read the manga and have never caught the anime. However, I feel that the series has an amazing potential that will probably go unrealised. One major problem is that the opposition teams never get enough time in the limelight for their characters to be fully fleshed out. At the end of it all, you get this HUGE bunch of players from the opposition teams complete with their own crazy hairdo and you can probably classify all of them into like 3 basic personality types. Its boring and it can get repetitive.....


Read the preview chapter in Shonen Jump, immediately stopped caring. It's Dragon Ball Z with tennis and prettier men. I kinda see why Japanese girls were digging it when it was big.


I hate the show because Echizen is a god from the getgo, beating players several years older than him. Granted I didn't endure through 70+ episodes, but I saw enough to make me want to vomit.

Echizen comes off as having no flaws whatsoever, and when you make a story based around a character like that, it just sucks hard bigtime.


Pellham said:
I hate the show because Echizen is a god from the getgo, beating players several years older than him. Granted I didn't endure through 70+ episodes, but I saw enough to make me want to vomit.

Echizen comes off as having no flaws whatsoever, and when you make a story based around a character like that, it just sucks hard bigtime.
I'm not trying to change your opinion or anything, but Ryoma DOES have a few flaws. He does lose a few games too. Kiriku did a nice job of summing the show up in my opinion, better than what I could have done. The focus isn't just on Ryoma, but the whole team. But if you don't like it, there's nothing anyone can do to change that.
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