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(Anime) Mysterious Cities of Gold!

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Anybody remember this anime from the 80s? I'm downloadng Future Boy Conan right now and suddently remembered cities of gold. If you still need to refresh your mind check out this link from ANN: Info

I WANT THIS ANIME NOW! Why can't some fansubbers do this one? there are no DVDs of it anywhere.. I want to watch it again. :(

So how many Mysterious Cities of Gold fans do we have here? I never even finshed the series. Or I don't remember. I watched in the late eighties I think when I was 5 or 6 (or 3 or 9.. That whole age block is just one blur to me now =\). does anybody know anywhere on earth I can get this series?


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simply put, one of my all time favourite animes. I have fond childhood memories of this show.

I did some research on the internet a while back to find out who I needed to contact to get a DVD release of this series, but I never got around to writing the letter. I believe it was a collaboration between a Japanese company and French company.

edit: Oh yeah, and I used to have links to almost the entire series of DIVX episodes, but of the ones I downloaded, they were corrupted in parts. Used DivFix on the files and large chunks of some episodes were missing. I'll see if I can find those links again, for people with broadband who can download them quicker than me.
I LOVE Mysterious Cities of Gold. I was so obsessed with it I used to demand my friends to call me Esteban

I also recorded the intro song on tape once, among all kinds of other silly things... The show really had a strong effect on me. I've seen in it Arabic, English, and French, and for some reason I didn't know it was a Japanese anime until now, I always thought it was western animation :\ But thinking about it now, and remembering all the plot twists in the second half of the series, that is so anime :)

I'd snag the DVD release for this show in a second if they'd only release it in English or with English subtitles.

Oh and big thumbs up for Chrono for downloading Future Boy Conan, my #1 favorite anime of all time.


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adelgary said:
I LOVE Mysterious Cities of Gold. I was so obsessed with it I used to demand my friends to call me Esteban
wow, that's pretty gay... ;P

adelgary said:
I also recorded the intro song on tape once, among all kinds of other silly things...
I've got that song in my playlist... nothing silly about that. :D


So that's what this show was called!
I remember as a kid watching it on ABC (the australian one) at the time when they showed their cartoons. I used to love this show. I just couldn't remember the name of it. All I could remember was that golden bird and them flying in it.


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LusDekkar said:
So that's what this show was called!
I remember as a kid watching it on ABC (the australian one) at the time when they showed their cartoons. I used to love this show. I just couldn't remember the name of it. All I could remember was that golden bird and them flying in it.
Hello fellow aussie. :)

I watched it on ABC too and was totally engrossed in the story as a kid. And if I could watch the series again, I would probably be absorbed into the story once again, but as an adult this time. I desperately need to get this series on DVD or downloaded to my computer.


What about Dogtanien and the 3 Muskahounds?

There were a few of these Japanese French collaborations back in the 80s, I think Inspector Gadget may have been one of them.


OMG!!! :D :D :D

I found it! I mean a torrent file with all the episodes!

::starts jumping around apartment::

it's going at 90 kb/s for me. though I have no hard drive space.. it's about 8 gigs-- I gotta burn some anime to Cd-r....

Ok ok.. so I finished downloading Future Boy Conan and in the last batch there was some text files by the dude who made the fansub.. one of those files was one which he asked the fansub community to fansub Mysterious Cities of Gold and he had some links. I checked the imdb link and in the comments section some dude said google "torrent mysterious cities of gold" and you'll find a torrent.. AND I DID! OMG!!! I searched before but only found 25 MB files that were for sale. This rocks. It's an 8 gig torrent.

Mods: Can I post the link? I doubt any company would even bother of a few dozen anime geeks download their 80s show?

I feel sooooooooo good today!

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
OK, while we're all nostalgic about old cartoons...

...does anyone remember a series of Bible cartoons that were linked together by a fox that sort of 'witnessed' (e.g. came along on Noah's ark) them all? They were very anime-like (I want to say that Osamu Tezuka was involved somehow) and very well animated/produced, and I saw them on EWTN once and never again.


I saw this show as a kid

This show was magical in every sense of the word.
I wish I had the cash so I would dedicate a TV network just to this series and run it over and over 365/24/7


Can I get a PM also please?

ah, nostalgia.
I didn't get to see too many episodes of this back then. I think I got to the parts where they found the golden bird. I moved to the states at that time and never got to see it played here, ever.


When you look around on the net, it reveals there is a pretty insane cult following.

It also appears as if the original English master of the series has disappeared, so there will probably never, ever be a DVD release… It has never been released on VHS either…


nubbe said:
When you look around on the net, it reveals there is a pretty insane cult following.

It also appears as if the original English master of the series has disappeared, so there will probably never, ever be a DVD release… It has never been released on VHS either…

It's been released in japan though in two DVD sets. or at least that's what the fansubber of Future Boy Conan said in his text file that came with the ep 23-26 batch. It's a shame no group decided to sub it. I think the version I'm downloading right now, 8 gigs and contains the whole series (39 episodes), is the US dub. 16 hours to go. :)



Jean Chalopin is creating a sequel to the mysterious cities of gold, it will be producted by M6 (a French TV channel) but this time without the financial help of the Japanese TV channel NHK
amrum said:
Jean Chalopin is creating a sequel to the mysterious cities of gold, it will be producted by M6 (a French TV channel) but this time without the financial help of the Japanese TV channel NHK



Still Tagged Accordingly
amrum said:
Jean Chalopin is creating a sequel to the mysterious cities of gold, it will be producted by M6 (a French TV channel) but this time without the financial help of the Japanese TV channel NHK


edit: that is, of course, if it does the original justice.


Apparently it was reported back in 1999 that there was a sequel under way, but it was abandoned sometime in 2001 due to lacking funds and the network wasn’t interested.

king zell

wow this was and still one of my all time favourites!

I'm not sure if the sequel can live up to the original :(

but hey someone PM ME the torrent link :D


You guys really need to check what's licensed. It isn't from what I recall so it's fine to post a link.


Authorized Fister
I actually have the DVD set (the Quebec one of course) and I love it (although the show is in mono). You can get it for $89.99C at imavision.com. They also have Rémi (most disturbing show EVER), Gundam W and others...
Chrono said:
Do they look like these?

I didn't download it yet, I was basing my comment on those very screens you posted, which I'm assuming are direct grabs from the videos we're downloading.

It's still relatively "decent", considering the source and age of the material, and watching it on TV instead of a PC monitor should help make it better.



Ok.. just finished my torrent. I watched about 10 minutes in total. Not much, but enough....

my impressions: >__< :( >__<

The quality sucks. It looks a bit worse and less clean then those pics. The show is, however, watchable. It's decent quality. The real problem here is the dub. Yes it's in english. Maybe I got used to subs too much, but the dub is horrible.

Esteban sounds like he's being voiced by a 4 year old. Maybe he is. And what's the acting quailty? It reminds me of kids acting in school plays, in elementary school. =\ So fake and cheesy it hurts. Though I could be just spoiled by the modern day dubs. I don't know. I have not deleted the folder, and I'm still seeding the file at 45 kB/s but I don't think i'll watch it anytime soon. It could just be that I've grown out of the show. :(
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