:lol Maher>>>>>>>>> Coulter
Gah, I can't stand this shit. By giving her the cover of Time, it's just going to further 'legitimize' her in the eyes of mainstream america (read: people who don't pay attention to who is actually doing the talking). And the worst part is that she means most of the shit she says. That clip of her talking to the Canadian politician, saying that all Canadians ride dog sleds to work, was obviously just her trying to poke fun. But most of the shit she says, as that link in the OP says, is just outright lies or opinions based on lies.
If they want to mark someone as an intelligent person on the right, look at Tucker Carlson or Dennis Miller. Tucker gets a HORRIBLE reputation because of the GOP-pandering he does on CNN, but if anyone has ever seen his weekly show on PBS, he's actually incredibly fair and very academic about giving his opinions on matters (thorough, independent research, etc.). It's just he's a whore for Crossfire, and Jon Stewart obviously perpetuated this illusion (that Crossfire host= TEH STUPID!) that he is undeserving of political respect.
I'm not even sure about Dennis Miller, either. Anyone who changes their entire belief structure and comedy routine just because of the president in power is really shady. Don't get me wrong... some of his funniest stuff was against Mike Moore. But c'mon... he used to be all about liberality, then 9/11 happens and it's just all over "OMG BUSH ROX PLS THX!!1"
POINT BEING, though, that this story is bullshit and when we get a ton of junior members on here talking about how bad liberals are and then citing Coulter sources, we'll only have Time to blame.