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Anorexic cat?

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Is it possible?

My cat almost always pukes shortly after eating. It seems to be healthy, but it's been doing this for months.

I have to go clean up some puke now. Yuck.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
He's probably overeating. You're not supposed to feed a cat more than twice a day. My friend's cat did that a few times when it overrate. Once it figured out that secretly eating food = bad feeling it stopped doing it. Feed your cat no more than twice a day. Once in the morning. And again 9 or so hours later.

White Man

Some cats can't seem to control their appetite. Back in PA, one of mine would only eat until he was full, and the other would just eat everything you put down, so we had to watch him. He also weighs like 25 pounds.


Yeah sounds like overreating.

If it's not that, my next guess would be she's just drunk, and has a hairball problem too.
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