Big cats like tigers and lions are top tier predators due to their size and strength but not your typical tabby cat. If dogs hadn't been so domesticated and were still more like wolves then they would be more successful predators as they are pack animals. Cats tend to be more solitary which limits their hunting potential although when you get to something like tiger, it doesn't matter so much. The reason wolves were hunted to almost extinction in Europe is because they were so dangerous as a pack of wolves could kill anything. I remember watching a documentary on an African tribe what they they were asked what they fear the most and I thought they would say lions and they were like nope, wild dogs because you might come across 1 lion but you can be attacked by 30 of these thing.
A top tier predator is not measured by it's size and capability to kill everything else.
If that was the case, then a lion would be low tier, because it can't do any damage to elephants or rhinos.
We have to look at the context of what they hunt and their efficacy.
A pride of lions hunting water buffalos in Africa is a huge threat. But for an adult elephant they are nothing.
The same applies for small cats. For birds, rats and other small prey, they are killing machines. A huge threat.