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Another computer thread!

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Well, I finally got around some money and thought I'd give my old 1600+ a face lift. I'm sorta low on cash wich is always a good thing, but what I need is: CPU, motherbeard and RAM.

Since I'm swedish I use swedish currency, and so does this comparison site. http://buggy.no-ip.com/ It's really easy to view and you don't need to know swedish.

I have exactly 3000 SEK to spend ($400) on these three parts. I've set my sight on a cheap AMD XP 2800+ Barton, but what motherboard should I use for that? I'm lost and confused. RAM shouldn't be to hard though, since I can only afford like 512MB 3200 that should be fine, right?

I'm sure there are better options for a CPU, maybe I should pick a better one and cut down on something else? As I said, I'm lost and confused.

Oh, and this is basically a HL2 computer, I'll get get a Radeon 9800 Pro after my next paycheck, but this is what needs to be done now.


Meant to be. =)

Some dude put this together, as always I'm lost and confused, so I need a second opinion...

Abit NF7 nForce2 3DDR-DIMM 5PCI Audio LAN SocketA ATX
AMD Athlon XP2800+ Barton 2083MHz/2.08GHz 128/512Kb 333MHz 0.13 bulk SocketA
Kingston KVR400X64C3A/256 2x256Mb (tot. 512Mb) DDR PC3200 400MHz 184pin


Damn, that was the non-S one, and that particular company didn't have the S one. But I take it this is the best setup I can get for my money. That particular one went for 2850. Although, I will be getting my hands on some money in the future, Should I perhaft get a better cpu/mobo and hold back on the ram? *Lost and confuuused, oooh~*

Edit: Can someone host my avatar? It's @ ftp://upload:upload@ , yoroshiku tamundazo! (Thanks in advance)


It was a little pricey, but I think I can squeeze that mobe in. *nibbles on Diablos ears*

Damn, I wish heatsinks were that cheap over here. Most of the things are equally priced over here as well, except heatsinks, that are double the price or just non-existant.

Edit: Found some mobo called Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe that's more in my price range, thoughts?



I am using an older version of the A7N8X Deluxe mobo and let me tell you, this thing is great.

I might get a 2800+ or 3000+ myself. Overclocking my 2400+ makes it too hot and unstable, plus it's a semi-crippled CPU; only 256k cache and 266MHz FSB. Bleh.


Checked up on that Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe mobo, it's quite teh fat. The reason it was displayed as cheaper was that it was represented by ~40 dealers instead of 6, more competitiion = better prices.

Some final questions about RAM. 1x512 or 2x256? I keep getting 2x256 suggestions, but no reasons. Also, is it worth it to go Kingston(e?)?


If I were you I'd choose Abit over Asus, and go for the AN7.

and I'd go for a 2500+ barton over a 2800+, you'd be able to overclock (if you're willing (with careful research there isn't any danger)) to the same speeds achievable by the 2800+.

and I wouldn't bother with 2x256mb of RAM, go for 2x512, but if you can't afford that then go for 2x256 over 1x512 as the 2x256 you'll be able to run in dual channel which will give you a performance boost over just the single stick of 512.


Um no, don't get 2x256, no matter what, that is a complete waste of money, dual channel or not. Get 1 512. Then later on get another 512. Don't fuck yourself over by getting 2 256s, dual channel isn't that great with AMD anyway.

Go with Abit, they are a good solid company. So is Asus, but I've owned 5 Abit boards in a row and I've never been disappointed.

NF7-S v2.0.

Are you planning to keep that ram for a while for future CPUs or overclocking? Otherwise get PC2700, that PC3200 ram is cas 3.


Stryder> Ok, but as someone said, NF7-S is superior to AN7, right? The 2800+ is only $15 more, and I'm not particularly fond of overclocking though I'll consider it when I get HL2. But if I get a 2800+ won't I be able to overclock even more? And yes, I think I'll go with 1x512 and upgrade when the time comes, doesn't seem like a whole big performance increase and with 2x256 i'd be sacrificing a slot.

SKluck> 1x512 it is. I can find the NF7-S but not the "v2.0", difference? This is the one: http://www.itparadiset.se/vara.asp?ID=1166 (All text in english).


Gah. Lost in the mobo jungle again. Can't decide between NF7-S/v2.0 and A7N8X-E Deluxe.

SKluck> What's cas 3 btw? It can't be bad to have PC3200 can it?
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