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Another 'recommend me some Japanese games' topics

Right, I arrived in Tokyo yesterday and I'm off to shop in Akihabara tomorrow. Can anyone recommend some new Japanese releases on GC/PS2/XBox/GBA? (hmm, guess I'm stretching it when I ask for xbox japanese releases)

I was last here in August, so I've only missed 3 months worth of games... but that's still a lot of catching up to do. Thanks in advance.
DCharlie said:
i'll be in Aki tomorrow - if you want to meet up , then reply!!!

Meet up? Tabun...

Tomorrow, I'll have my girlfriend tagging along, it'll take some convincing to get her to stay in Akihabara longer than she has to ;) Anyway, I'll PM you in the morning if I can meet up without her moaning too much :lol

Easiest place to meet would probably be the Sega Arcade on the main street. Now to try and sleep off this jetlag...
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