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Anti-Trump protests underway outside Detroit church

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If he gonna's pander to a group he knows he has no chance in hell to win, it should at least be hispanic voters. It'd earn him some good points with Ranch Prius.

I feel like that ship has sailed. He has no path with minorities, so the only hope is looking better for gullible as fuck moderates, or moderates that are desperate for him to at least look like a rational non-racist, regardless of knowing the damn truth.


The idea that every time he is questioned on the birther issue and he just says "I don't talk about it anymore" and it's accepted as some kind of valid response is insane.


If he gonna's pander to a group he knows he has no chance in hell to win, it should at least be hispanic voters. It'd earn him some good points with Ranch Prius.

He literally burned that bridge with that immigration speech earlier this week. His base would riot at the thought of him softening his position.


Wait, what is going on? (just waking up , late night last night, lol)

Trump just spoke at a black church and now commentators are reacting to his "outreach" attempt. It was very brief. He gave some remarks, shook hands, took pictures, etc.

It went without hitch, but it was incredibly fake and phoned in (as expected)
It's sad kinda. They have to make it a "race"

Trump's out there buying off Attorney Generals to drop inquires about his fraudulent university, and breaks his precious immigration laws hiring foreign models, treating them like shit, and yet it all comes back to emails.

The system is indeed rigged.


I have to admit if the if the Repubs wanted Trump brand of conservatism, they should have gone with Carson. That man makes insane logical leaps and claims while doing it with a soft spoken voice. It's quite incredible really, he probably really believes this shit.


"We're all brothers and sisters."

Her check better be HUGE because even she must know that she sounds like an idiot.

Sure. One son is beside the throne in line to be the next king and the other is the bastard son hidden away.
Is this interview we're talking live on CNN's YouTube channel or is this on the channel proper? Would like to see what's being referenced.


I hate this narrative that nobody pays attention until after Labor Day. Who are these people that wake up and say "Uh-doy, there's an election going on?"
I hate this narrative that nobody pays attention until after Labor Day. Who are these people that wake up and say "Uh-doy, there's an election going on?"

I think you're looking at it too extremely. I think the general idea is that Labor Day weekend is a long weekend off from politics for most, and generally speaking, that tends to be true from my experience.
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