criminal accusations of rape after the fact are nearly impossible to prove, outside of video evidence/confession they basically never happen due to the lack of bodily fluids that are no longer on/in the victim. rape cases being handled in civil are not uncommon, particularly when some time has passed and especially when they involve a high profile person like AB. it sounds like she's trying to ride a gravy train and have a payday but that's ultimately up to the court system to decide and regardless I would hope nothing would happen to the man until a court decision has been made.I hate to sound like this woman doesnt deserve her day in court if the sexual assault allegations are true but why is she suing him civilly instead of filing criminal charges and why speak up now only after he has been the spotlight lately. Both sides should just stop talking and let independent investors deal with proper investigation and hold whoever's is guilty accountable whether it be him for assault or her for false accusations
“We’re working on Miami” repeat...repeat...
went about exactly as expected
Shady sexual assault accusations are sadly nothing new these days, but a public figure speaking like that to anyone is startling and downright appalling.
Which makes me question the education. I don't think Antonio Brown is an idiot... Well, I do, but I thought so prior to reading these emails. If this was a random person that never got a chance of getting proper education then this would be a non-issue, but that's not it. Here in Brazil I went to college with A LOT of borderline illiterate people (and they graduated too!), so this isn't an indication of the american system. It feels like education is messed up worldwide, people are using it solely as a means of making money. Which is fine I guess, but it could be used for starting your career AND making sure you never muster up the phrase "make sure u all hoes pick the right man dum ass hoes" ever again.
During my first year of university I sat next to someone who is now a fairly famous basketball player. It was an English 101 type class and one of our papers had a fairly small portion of our grade allotted to a peer review of a fellow student's paper. I gave that man a 50 and even that was generous. Incomplete sentences, incoherent rambling, formatting was messed up, poor grammar and syntax, etc. Any 4th grader could have written a better paper. The professor gave him a weekend-long extension and let me have another go at it and the paper I graded that Monday was one of the most immaculate pieces of writing I had ever seen. 5 pages of an incredible critique over a recent book he had read that had me pulling out a thesaurus. The difference between the two papers was night and day. I brought it up with the professor and she just gave me an uncomfortable smile and said not to worry about it and then gave me an extra 5 points on my paper as well. Colleges will break every rule they can because these athletes are huge money makers for them.
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