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any chance of CAPCOM releasing RE4 demo here?



I feel so left with the abundance of ps2 demos everywhere.
It makes wish I had my ps2 again. :(

You guys think capcom will ever release a re4 demo stateside?
I really don't feel like importing it from japan.


Maybe with Viewtiful Joe 2?

NotMSRP said:
They didn't bother to release a demo of RE0 here.

They did release a DVD with videos of the game that was available when you pre-ordered RE0. The problem with a demo is the discs. I think they can only be done in Japan, and IIRC only by Nintendo or Matsushita. Not worth it to third-parties.


Sucks at viral marketing
1UP had an interview from TGS.
1UP: Has there been any thought to releasing a demo disc in the U.S. like the one [that featured a playable Resident Evil 4 demo] in Famitsu this week?

Kobayashi: Basically, we are going to take the E3 version -- the U.S. localized E3 version -- and set that up in different retail shops around the country. So if you want to play, you're going to have to play it there. It's not going to be something that a user can get their hands on anywhere other than that.


VJ2 and RE4's demographics simply don't match. =/
What, hardcore gamers? I guess RE's usual audience skews a bit more casual, but on GameCube I think there's some overlap.
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