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Any comments on the E3 DVD that Gamestop is selling?


I bought it ($9.99), but in retrospect, I'm wondering if I should return it and put down money towards Echoes or maybe the RE4 import demo (or anything else for that matter).

It has 4 DVD's (still sealed), and looks like it comtains great stuff (I'm mostly interested in press conferences and interviews). It say IGN/Gamespy on the back, so I imagine it's different from anything Gamespot produced...

Does anybody have it and can give me a yes or no on this and whether it's worth it?

another issue is that they looked like they had sold 0, when I saw the box holder for the product today at Gamestop, I realized that it would have been filled fully to have all the DVD's fit if I hadn't bought it. If there is a price-cut possible on this soon, maybe I should return it and get it when cheaper...

-so basically, can anybody comments on it's merits, positives/negatives?


Just spend the money on the games. The press conferences weren't really that great, and the only one you'd probably be interested might still be found somewhere on the internet. I saw a good chunk of it, and it showed off previews of the biggest hits for all six systems (GC, Xbox, PS2, PSP, DS, GBA), but they're pretty much gonna be available soon anyway.


yeah, I'm thinking I'll return it and see if I could buy it later after I've purchased games if I have enough left...

the main reason I want it is to be able to show people Maturelda and RE4 and see if Iwata or other Nintendo people/devs have anything interesting to say about GCN or DS...

hard decision, good thing I still have time to return it (just bought it Thursday)...


A big no on the DS and GC stuff. You would have definitely heard about it by now anyway.

Maturelda can be found on the Nintendo website. If that's not good enough, get a video editing program and weave Riders of Doom into it. :p

Really, $10 is not worth it (then again, I'm really being conservative on my cash flow so I guess it's all in perspective).
Well, for all of us GAF users who were around for E3, it's not a huge deal - we've seen the press conferences in their entirety as well as other important things besides (for example, the DVD set does not have the MGS3 trailer or those HL2 vids). And as said, many of the great titles on the set will be available soon if not already.

Still though, it's a great monument to the E3 2004 show, the conferences are uncut (and properly cut into chapters for skipping around), and there is an awful lot of game footage, including at least a few games that I read or saw little to nothing of during the clamor of to-the-second news footage and video overload. I've found the set (and last years) to be great just to get a more thorough retrospective on the show and the games of note at it.

I think that's worth ten bucks. Hell, that's cheaper than almost any new DVD release, and roughly on par with DVD mags, so I don't even see why this is a major buying decision. Give it a try and see if anything changes your buying priorities for the coming months.

(If you need a complete content list, speak up.)


thanks for the info...

not sure if I'll keep it, yeah, in some ways it's a no-brainer, since I want easy access to press conferences to be able to show people interested in seeing the Zelda trailer...

on the other hand, with so many copies on hand (I wonder if there is anyone in my whole town that ever cares about these press conferences and news about the videogame industry ot this extent), I wonder if there will be a price cut on the thing soon...
If you're lucky, they may do a stock dump and drop the price to a couple bucks.

If you're not, they'll ship out all of the stock for redistribution or return.

Usually keeping items of that cost around doesn't pay, so I can't imagine you'll see the set just lie there past christmas or anything.


yeah, I'm fearing they'll be told to send them back or dump them or something like that...

I guess I'll decide next week, but I'll probably keep it if I can manage to squeeze out money/savings from what I had planned or sell back some stuff like textbooks....


GameFan Alumnus
I bought that DVD about a month ago and I love it. Purchased it for $15, and it's worth every penny. There's over 16 hours of footage on there, including many obscure games that you probably didn't get the chance to see or hear much of. You'd be surprised.

The main reason I bought it was for posterity, so I can revisit this year in gaming many years down the line, but I found it still had a lot of useful information, even now as to some obscure games to look out for that didn't garner as much press as the others at E3.

And yes, I did go to E3, but it's very difficult to see and play every single game at the show, so this DVD may turn you on to something you might have missed.
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