Stupid ones in San Antonio like this one were in the 70s . Legend says the man was an excellent dancer and wooed plenty of women that night. As the night wore on, one of the women looked down at the man’s feet and discovered his shoes had transformed into clawed chicken’s feet. Others says it was goat’s hooves. Either way, people said he was the devil. Attendees said he fled the scene to the bathroom, where he escaped through the window and left a cloud of smoke as well as a sulfuric smell.
The story goes something like this: In the 1950s, a young woman attempted to save her children from a house fire (that some say was lit by her sociopath husband) — but failed. The event left her horribly disfigured, with her fingers and toes melted together to create hoof-like nubs and her head warped into an elongated, donkey-like shape. She was promptly cast out of town and banished to live in the woods. Ever since, the Donkey Lady has roamed the woods of Bexar County, crying out for her children and generally pissed off. Want to meet her? It’s said if you stand on a stone bridge in the Medina River Greenway and call her name three times, she’ll appear.