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any japanese speakers with katamari damacy?


if so can you PLEASE translate "the moon and the prince" or atleast explain what the song is about? i've probably listened to that song 50 times in the past 5 days. :lol


How'd you go with hunting down an Outrun 2 demo?

edit : Oops just realised that you'd posted your (lack of) finds in your thread.


Anyway, to try and get the thread back on topic, I speak very very little Japanese, I can't help you with that song but I noticed when I was picking up some plants or something at a shop, the tenin would say 'irrashaimasse' (like a 'thanks for shopping with us, thanks for coming' iirc), it was cool to know what she was saying, I like the that game still has kept a lot of the Japanese content. :D
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