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Any news on Half-Life 2 (Xbox)

There's no way that it's coming our for Xbox at the same time. There were rumors, but those died out. Now, I'm even hearing rumors that it may have been moved to the Xenon.


Doug Lombardi stated Valve wouldn't start on the Xbox version until the PC version was done.

Then again, Lombardi is a lying scumbag.


Tag of Excellence
It's probably going to get canned since they haven't even started on the Xbox version. I'm expecting a next-gen console launch. They might still suprise us and reveal that a third party has been working on it all this time but judging from the track record I'd say it's best to not be so optimistic.

Deku Tree

IIRC, I thought some people at e3 said that they had Half-Life 2 "running" on xbox already.

EDIT: Unless that was bull**** that I heard.
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