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Anyone Canadians Order Something from Compusmart.ca?

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A question to Canadians (Cue Anti-Canada sentiment, likely)...

Looking to order something online at compusmart.ca, but in all honesty aren't too trusting. Anyone have any experience ordering from them? Any reason to avoid it? They have Wario Ware for $20, and Free Shipping if I pick up my 1019 at the same time, and I just came into enough money to purchase it guilt-free.

I'm looking for positive or negative comments...they also have many other high quality titles for low prices. You could grab a copy of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for just $40!


I don't see how they wouldn't be reliable considering it's a large chain of computer stores. It's not like it's some shady internet store in Taiwan.

EDIT: Prices on that site are whacked. I just took a quick look and they have BMX XXX for 79.99 for XBOX. They also have ESPN 2K4 ten dollars more expensive than 2K5 (29.95).
I ordered Wario Ware Inc. last Tueday and got it today (Monday).

I didn't get free shipping since I just ordered that, so it cost me $5 extra and they shipped it in a box that was way too large for it, but it made it though the mail okay so no problem there.

No complaints from me.


I think I bought a computer for my brother from them once. I can't think of any bad things to say, so they must be decent.


It's a legitamate store. They used to have brick and mortar stores too, but most of them closed.

The last one I can remember walking into was on Yonge street, north of Front. I don't know if that one is around anymore either.


yeah they're opening one on mavis Rd. this august.

But the bad thing is that they're opening it in the Heartland Center, where there's a Best Buy and Futureshop close by. (almost within walking distance)

Maybe I should apply for a job there though ;)


Thanks, folks. Ordered myself a 1019 and Wario Ware this morning.

Seems like a Canadian Compucentre to me, they basically sell the same things.
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